


作者:谢丹焰 主编





  《高等学校商务英语系列教材:新编商务英语阅读教程(第1册)》共10个单元,每单元由3部分组成:主课文(Text A)、副课文(Text B)和案例分析(Case Study)。本教材选材新颖,内容丰富,专业面广,实用性强,可供高等院校经贸和商务英语专业的学生、具有相应英语水平的商务工作者及商务英语爱好者学习使用。
Unit 1 Business Negotiation
Text A Musashi—Style Negotiations in Business—Set the Game Board before the Battle Begins
Text B Negotiate Like a Car Salesman: Five Tactics to Help You Win Every Time
Case Study Five Negotiation Tips from Steve Jobs
Unit 2 Public Relations
Text A How to Ride a Storm
Text B Why PR Is the Prescription
Case Study How ADDle Broke the PR Rules—and Got Away with It
Unit 3 Green Business
Text A Desso—Eco—Effectiveness and the Triple Top Line
Text B The New Language of Sustainability: Risk and Resilience
Case Study BMW's Project i and the Future of Fun, Sustainable Mobility
Unit 4 Human Resources
Text A Turning the Tables on Success
Text B In Praise of HR: The Soft Stuff Can Actually Lead to Some Hard Competitive Advantage
Case Study Building an International Talent Pipeline
Unit 5 Business Communication
Text A Conversations Can Save Companies
Text B Digital Boosts Internal Communications
Case Study Lessons in Crisis Communication: An Analysis of BP's Response to the Gulf Oil Disaster
Unit 6 Corporate Social Responsibility
Text A What Businesses Owe the World: Then and Now
Text B First, Make Money.Also, Do Cood.
Case Study Cap Spearheads New Alliance for Bangladeshi Worker Safety
Unit 7 Consumer Behavior
Text A Three Ways to Predict What Consumers Want before They Know It
Text B How Consumers Fool Themselves into Thinking They've Made Good Purchases
Case Study How Ikea Seduces Us
Unit 8 Entrepreneurship
Text A Startup Advice from Seven Successful Entrepreneurs
Text B Entrepreneurship: A Working Definition
Case Study Can Chicago Be the Next Silicon Valley?
Unit 9 Branding Strategy
Text A If You Love Your Brand, Set It Free
Text B Business Branding: Why You Can't Ignore the Value of Being "Cool"
Case Study A Brick by Brick Brand Revival
Unit 10 Business Strategy
Text A Why Wal—Mart Is like a Forest
Text B Battle—Test Your Innovation Strategy
Case Study arget the Right Market
Appendix A Glossary
Appendix B Idioms & Expressions
