《新核心综合学术英语教 程1》的教师用书。本书依据教材总主编蔡基刚的学 术英语教学理念和思路设计,供教师教学和 学生自学使用。全书六个单元的内容涉及自然科学和 人文科学的各个方面。每个单元围绕主题分别由四篇 长短不一的阅读材 料和两篇学术讲座组成。本册教师用书的每个单元包括九个板块。在设计 上尽可能贯穿学术英语输入和输出的各种技能训练, 通过大量的信息输 入和输出,从而培养和发展学生的听、说、读、写、 译等综合学术英语能力。
Unit 1 Global Warming
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts
Unit 2 Urbanization
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts
Unit 3 E-Business
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts
Unit 4 Cultural Awareness
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts
Unit 5 Art
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts
Unit 6 Personality
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts