通过价值观的领导David S Cohen 著We are inclined, for whatever reason, to treat values like works of art. We view them as nice to hang on the wall, and beautiful to look at, but we don’t act as though they truly mean much to us in the real world. In fact, the opposite is true. The best organizations understand their values, articulate them clearly, and hold them higher than any short-term concerns or short-cut methods. This does not put these companies at a competitive disadvantage. It is the source of their competitive advantage. If there's no clarity at the top about what values really mean, then there's no consistency at the management level or further down the organization. This means that there's no way to measure, coach, assess, promote or fire people in line with those values. Any organization that does not articulate its values concretely functions like a modern Tower of Babel. No one can be quite sure that they are speaking the same language at different levels or different locations within the organization. Decisions don't always make sense or feel right. Confusion reigns. No matter how compelling and inspirational the organization's vision may be, its aspirations fall far short in reality. Values are about achieving results in a way that is consistent with what an organization stands for. They provide a direct connection between the CEO, the factory worker and everyone in between; and form the basis of the organization's "brand" as understood by employees, customers, suppliers and even shareholders. When the work is done right, values provide an organizing principle, a directional compass that helps organizations succeed; they become a source of energy for an organization's vision, strategy and day-to-day efforts. Vision, strategy, market share, reputation and profits are all very important – but having a clear and consistent set of values is far more critical in predicting whether an organization will continue to succeed and grow as its people, markets, competitive landscape and technology change. People must make their contributions to an organization willingly and independently to bring passion, commitment, creativity and energy to a job. But they will do so only so long as they believe that what they are doing is authentic and meaningful, and is part of a code of commitment shared by the organization as a whole. Inside the Box focuses on values in a clear and practical way to understand what they are, where they come from and how they are transmitted from employee generation to generation. Inside the Box provides a roadmap for any leader or manager on how to identify the values that make an organization, department, team, or individual unique. It also shows how to measure whether an organization or individual is operating according to those values, and how managers can use values as the basis for all of their people decisions and drive superior performance as a result.
伟大复兴胡鞍钢、周绍杰、谢宜泽《伟大复兴:中国式现代化的国情研究》是清华大学人文社科资深教授、清华大学国情研究院院长胡鞍钢教授及所带领的国情研究院团队,围绕“中国式现代化”这一主题取得的**研究成果。基于对中国基本国情与发展趋势的分析,全书以“中国式现代化”研究总论开题,而后通过对全面建成小康社会、百年未有之变局、新型举国体制、绿色现代化、科技现代化、人力资本跨越发展、社会主义新阶段、2035共同富裕等专题的深入研究,总结中国式经济、科技、教育等现代化的基本特点和伟大意义,既体现了“五位一体”的现代化总体布局,又形成对中国式现代化的全面阐述和评价。 《伟大复兴:中国式现代化的国情研究》通过历史的比较,显示中国式现代化的发展性、阶段性以及未来前景;着眼于国际比较,特别是与西方国家的量化对比,突出中国式现代化的快速追赶效应,彰显中国式现代化的独特性与创新性。中国式现代化破解了人类社会发展的诸多难题,摒弃了以资本为中心的现代化老路,为追求实现现代化的发展中国家提供了重要的借鉴和具体的路径,从而为人类对更好社会制度的探索提供了中国方案。
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技术创业型企业股权动态配置惠祥 著技术创业团队和原始出资人在合作初期以样品产出为目标设计的股权配置,多因后续双方对企业收益的贡献度逆转,诱发技术创业团队产生非合作和不为动机,导致出资人与技术创业团队利益共损。由此,设计能够实现双方动态均衡合作的股权配置模式尤为重要。首先,从技术资本和资金资本专用性与专有性的动态演化过程出发,分析技术创业型企业股权动态配置的理论,并量化指标、构建模型。其次,在厘清股权配置与融资结构关系的基础上,设计实现技术创业型企业股权动态配置的融资契约。再次,以夹层融资契约为例,确定技术创业型企业股权的分配比例。最后,将技术创业型企业股权动态配置模型和融资契约应用于创业平台中的在孵企业。本书形成的技术创业型企业股权动态配置理论,可为此类企业的股权治理提供理论借鉴和实践参考。
公司创业投资与技术创新刘婧 著公司创业投资已成为大企业创业活动和开放式创新的重要模式,是股权投资市场的重要组成部分。本书基于理论梳理、实务案例,通过对2005~2017年我国A股800多家市公司的5000余起创业投资事件的实证研究,发现公司创业投资正向影响企业自身技术创新能力,促进企业创新产出。公司创业投资作为外部创新活动,与企业研发投入并非替代效应,外部创新与内部研发形成互补、协同效应。公司创业投资通过提高生产效率、资源配置效率改善企业全要素生产率,通过降低成本、获取市场定价权来增加企业成本加成率。本书期望对从事风险投资、公司创业投资以及企业创新研究的学者和博士生有帮助,有利于研究者了解创业投资在中国资本市场的发展及对实体企业的影响。
新兴市场跨国公司在发达市场并购后的整合杨亚男 著本书以中国跨国企业在德国市场并购之后,整合德国标的企业的管理模式为例,主要关注以中国跨国企业为代表的新兴市场跨国企业对其从发达市场并购的标的企业所实施的整合模式、潜在演变机制以及影响因素。因此,本书面向的读者对象主要是学术界中研究新兴市场跨国企业在发达市场跨境并购后整合过程的学者,以及企业界中计划或正在向发达市场跨境投资的新兴市场企业投资人和管理人员,也包括计划或正在向新兴市场投资方出售公司的发达市场企业创始人和管理人员。本书致力于为上述读者对象提供有价值的并购后整合发达市场标的企业的管理模式,以为新兴市场跨国企业实现并购价值化做出理论贡献和实践指导。
长效机制、租购并举与不动产资源配置邵小快 著党的二十大报告指出,加快建立多主体供给、多渠道保障、租购并举的住房制度。近十年来,随着城市化进程的加剧,“住有所居”“租购并举”并建立“长效机制”备受关注。本书通过构建微观理论模型,考察了异质性交易者如何在买卖与租赁、数量和配套功能等方面进行选择,并分析了市场均衡性质及其对资源配置效率的影响,进而提出政策建议,以期为相关政策实践提供一定的微观理论基础。
董事会成员的风险指南戴维· R.柯尼格企业的存在就必须承担风险, 这毋庸置疑。事实上, 所有企业或者是机构组织的存在都必须承担风险。 在任何时刻, 当我们为了达到某一种目的或者是为了完成某一个目标而聚集在一起的时候, 我们就承担了风险。 如果我们不承担任何风险, 就无法超越现状。 实际上, 当创新、 竞争和缺乏热情的客户正在缓慢地蚕食掉我们今天所享有的优势的时候, 不承担风险是注定要走向失败的。