


作者:张璐 著





  《批评文体学 理论构建与方法论探讨(英文版)》为北京市“青年英才计划”资助的项目“认知文体学视角下的英语阅读课教学设计模式研究”的阶段性研究成果,是在作者博士毕业论文的基础上进一步研究而完成。《批评文体学 理论构建与方法论探讨(英文版)》提出了批评文体学具有普遍性意义的理论框架及方法论。通过对功能语言学、批评语言学、文体学等的回顾研究,《批评文体学 理论构建与方法论探讨(英文版)》尝试以语言分析、社会分析和人类学分析为主要切入角度,构建了一个新的理论框架并探讨了相应的方法论。全书以英文书写,字数约为9万。
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Motivation ofthe study
1.2 Basic tenets ofthe study
1.3 Necessity and significance ofthe study
1.4 Objectives.methods and data ofthe study
1.5 Organization ofthe study
Chapter Two Style and Stylistics:A Literature Review
2.1 Style revisited
2.2 Style oflanguage
2.3 Objects ofstyle analysis
2.3.1 Style as attention to speech
2.3.2 Style as choice of audience
2.3.3 Style as speaker’S choice
2.3.4 Research of critical stylistics
2.4 The concept of style
2.4.1 Style in traditional stylistics
2.4.2 Style in functional linguistics Jakobson:formal or functional? Halliday’S model offunctional stylistics
2.4.3 Style in critical linguistics The concept of critical linguistics Language.ideology and power
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three From Stylistics to Critical Stylistics
3.1 The development of stylistics
3.1.1 Stylistics in western countries
3.1.2 Stylistics in China
3.2 Stylistic5 and critical linguistics
3.2.1 Stylistics:literary study?
3.2.2 Stylistics:language analysis
3.2.3 Critical linguistics:ideology analysis
3.3 Critical stylistics
3.3.1 A definition
3.3.2 Some basic concepts Critical Discourse Context
3.4 Sum
Chapter Four Theoretical Framework and Methodology of Critical styIistics
4.1 Th已Dretical position and methodological objective
4.2 0p已ration and analysis
4.3 Methodology ofcritical stylistics
4.3.1 Social analysis
4.3.2 Anthropological analysis
4.3.3 Linguistic analysis
4.3.4 A framework of critical stylistics
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five A Linguistic Approach of Critical S圳stics
5.1 Transitivity
5.1.1 Transitivity in traditional grammar
5.1.2 Transitivity in functional grammar‘
5.1.3 Simpson’s simplified model
5.1.4 Transitivity in critical stylistics
5.1.5 Patterns of transitivity in critical stylistics
5.1.6 Case study of transitivity patterns Actor shifter Actor eraser Process connector Actor selection
5.2 Presentation of speech
5.2.1 Presentation form
5.2.2 Patterns of presentation forms in critical stylistics
5.2.3 A case study of the patterns
5.2.4 Presentation source and presentation verb
5.3 Modality
5.3.1 The concept of modality
5.3.2 Types of modality
5.3.3 A simple but practical initiative on modality analysis
5.3.4 A case study of mining pattern
Chapter Six A Social Approach of Critical Stylistics
6.1 Socialfactors that influence critical stylistics
6.1.1 Ethnic and National Origin(ENO)
6.1.2 Geographical identity
6.1.3 Social stratification identity
6.2 Qualitative method to study the socialfactors
6.2.1 Qualitative VS.quantitative
6.2.2 A model for social factors study
6.3 A case study on砌已influence ofethnic and national identity
Chapter Seven An Anthropological Approach of Critical Stylistics
7.1 Anthropologicalfactors that influence news styles
7.1.1 Physical identity
7.1.2 Psychological identity
7.2 Anthropologicalfactors study in critical stylistics
7.3 Case study with social and anthropological analysis together
7.3.1 Data collection
7.3.2 Qualitative analysis on important information
7.3.3 Validation of the analysis results
Chapter Eight Conclusion
8.1 Summary
8.2 Limitation of present study and suggestions for future linguistic research
Bibliography。 Appendix I:Sample texts of transitivity analysis(section 51)
1.Iraqi party demands death penaltyfo,’Saddam
2.Blair opposes death penaltyfor Saddam
3.Chinese People See Their Second Manned Space Flight off
4.China Sends 2ndManned Spacecraft Into Orbit
Appendix II:Sample texts of speech analysis(section 52)
1.Korea keeps on dreaming
2.Korean fans angry at European claims of referee bias
Appendix III:Modality definition by SIL(Summer Institute of Linguistics)
(section 5.3)
Appendix IV:Sample texts of modality analysis(section 53)
1.China Undecided on Rate Increase in 3rd Quarter
2.China Raises Interest Rate by 027%
Appendix V:Comment and analysis from 16 newspapers(section 6-3)
Appendix Vl:Predatory and dishonest war(section 7-3-3)
