中国资本市场概论徐明 著该套系列丛书计划为8本,分别为《中国资本市场概论》《中国资本市场法治监管》《中国资本市场发行上市》《中国资本市场交易结算》《中国资本市场公司治理信息披露》《中国资本市场并购重组退市摘牌》《中国资本市场基金期货衍生品》《中国资本市场投资者保护》。《中国资本市场概论》是《中国资本市场》系列丛书第一卷,共分两篇十一章。上篇:资本市场发展概论,共五章,分别为资本市场萌芽期、资本市场探索成长期、资本市场规范发展期、资本市场改革发展新阶段、资本市场现状与展望;下篇:资本市场业务概论,共六章,分别为发行上市制度、交易结算制度、公司治理与信息披露制度、并购重组与退市摘牌制度、证券投资基金和期货衍生品制度、资本市场法治化和投资者保护制度。上下篇分别对我国资本市场的发展历程以及各市场、各业务板块进行概括式的介绍。
绩效约束下的机构投资者合作持股及其网络效应研究刘笑彤 著本书基于机构投资者抱团网络的构建,以2008—2020年中国资本市场上的国内外机构投资者持股数据和上市公司的数据为基础,借助面板模型、空间计量模型、组间均值回归模型及交互项方法,实证研究出机构投资者抱团、资金流量敏感性与市场价格风险特征指标之间的定量关系,研究了绩效约束下机构投资者抱团的资金流量驱动因素,以及抱团投资对所持标的资产价格风险特征的网络影响效应,并借助机构间差异化的持股风格测度出不同抱团团体的组间竞争性,验证了QFII持股参与下的抱团网络及其网络效应的变化。
对冲基金 及CTA的表现评估Greg N. Gregoriou, Joe Zhu 著Introducing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) : a quantitative approach to assess the performance of hedge funds, funds of hedge funds, and commmodity trading advisors.Steep yourself in this approach with this important new book by Greg Gregoriou and Joe Zhu.
养老目标基金研究罗忠洲在人口老龄化问题日趋严重,未富先老、未备先老的严峻局面下,我国养老保障体系安全及居民退休后的经济保障受到严重挑战。完善养老保障模式,大力发展养老金融,是满足我国居民养老需求的必经之路。养老目标基金主要包括目标风险基金和目标日期基金,是重要的养老金融产品。 本书首先分析了我国养老产品的发展现状,实证研究了海外养老型基金产品的影响因素。基于此,本书设计了调查问卷,通过问卷调查研究我国养老产品需求及其影响因素。然后,通过策略模型构建与实证数据回测,研究养老目标风险基金的风险控制策略、目标风险策略和风险平价策略,以及目标日期基金的最优下滑轨道策略在中国市场的有效性。最后,通过分析海外养老产品法规政策演变,探究我国养老产品发展路径及制度建设方向。
晨星交易型开放式指数基金100Morningstar Inc 著Exclusive Price/Fair Value Ratio Determine whether an ETF is overpriced or undervalued using this new measure—available only from Morningstar. Management Know the qualifications and strategies of the managers running the portfolio. Risk ProfileQuickly see how volatile an ETF has been. Morningstar Rating Quickly see how well an ETF has balanced risk and return Tax Analysis Tax information reveals just how tax-efficient an ETF really is. Morningstar's Take Get independent insight into how and why an ETF is a good choice—or a poor one. Expenses, Fees, Addresses,Phone Numbers Find everything you need to obtain more information before you invest in an ETF. Over 30 CategoriesCompare the strategies, risks, and returns of an ETF with its peers' using our investment categories. Historical Market Price and NAV Performance Use up to 10 years' worth of data to easily evaluate an ETF's performance relative to its peers' and index's. Investment Style Box Determine with a glance what general part of the market an ETF favors.52-Week High/Low See how wide-ranging an ETF's price has been during the past year. Sector Weightings Discover which parts of the economy an ETF targets—and which parts it shuns. Let our new ETF research help you refine your portfolio Explosive growth in the ETF market has led investors to question how to profit from these relatively new investment vehicles. Morningstar, the global leader in investment research, helps investors answer that question. This annual guide includes full-page reports on the 150 largest and most popular ETFs. In addition, investors will find dozens of pages of editorial guidance dedicated to revealing the advantages and disadvantages of ETFs, explaining how to use ETFs in a portfolio, gauging which ETFs track the slice of the market they want to track, and much more.
对冲基金大师Ari Kiev 著Discover the psychological strategies that hedge fund traders use to maximize their success in Hedge Fund Masters. Author Ari Kiev interviewed over 80 hedge fund traders, including some of the most successful hedge fund operators in the world, to illustrate the principles of success. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, the book explores the pressures felt by professional hedge fund traders as they manage enormous sums of their clients' money and shows you how to maintain emotional balance, focus on targets and goals, overcome deep-seated psychological obstacles, and trade with consistency and discipline.
利率债投资策略城成,吴凯斌本书是基于笔者从事固定收益投资与研究工作多年的自身实际体会,对自己过往的债券投资交易生涯所做的一个系统性思考。 银行自营部门对信用债的投资限制有很多,尤其是资本充足率与授信额度的约束,导致很多投资标的无法入库。而一旦信用债发生实质性违约,会对表内债券的估值产生很大冲击,进而可能造成资产减值损失,直接影响银行利润。因此,作为银行间市场主流的利率品种一直是自营部门的核心资产,本书将详细论述利率品种的研究方法。 身处市场中的我们每天都在不断学习、反思和成长。而每一次认知或投资能力上的阶梯式突破实际上都是由量变到质变的积累过程。截至目前,笔者总结自身有三次比较大的认知能力提升,每一次均是从内心深处对投资认知所产生的蜕变,在此与读者分享自己的心路历程。