







001·Swing Song/秋千歌 002·The Four Seasons/四季 003·Risk/冒险 004·Life(Ⅰ)/生活(1) 005·Words to Live by/人生箴言 006·The Leopard and the Fox/豹子和狐狸 007·Spring/春天 008·Kill the Goose That Lay the Golden Eggs/杀鸡取蛋 009·Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star/小星星,亮晶晶 010·The Ant and the Cricket/蚂蚁和蟋蟀 011·The Most Valuable and the Most Worthless Thing/最有价值的东西和最无价值的东西 012·The Donkey in the Lions Skin/披着狮皮的驴 013·Work While You Work/干的时候好好干 014·A Story of Isaac Newton/艾萨克·牛顿的故事 015·A Forgetful Professor/健忘的教授 016·The Troublemaker/惹是生非者 017·Baby Song/婴儿歌 018·Three Wishes/三个愿望 019·Teach Yourself/自学 020·The Boy and the Nettle/男孩和荨麻 021·Try, Try Again/努力,再努力 022·I Dont Like the School/我不喜欢这所学校 023·I Learned to Drive a Car/我在学开车 024·The Oak and the Reed/橡树和芦苇 025·The Usefulness of Trees/树木的益处 026·Little Things/微不足道的东西 027·The Kind but Careless Farmer/粗心而善良的农夫 028·The Fox and the Goat/狐狸和山羊 029·Wrong Socks/穿错的袜子 030·The Lion and the Bull/狮子和公牛 031·Misunderstanding/误解 032·Mirror/镜子 033·A Strict Mother/严母 034·The Hare and the Tortoise/兔子和乌龟 035·Its a Small World/小小世界 036·A Beggar and a Farmer/乞丐和农夫 037·The Lion and the Fox/狮子和狐狸 038·High Flyer/翱翔者 039·A Clever Hare/聪明的兔子 040·The Foolish Mouse/愚蠢的老鼠 041·The Frog and the Ox/青蛙与公牛 042·Faithful Curly/忠诚的科利 043·Good Night,Sleep Tight/道声晚安好好睡 044·Do It Now/现在就做 045·Mothers Day/母亲节 046·The Day That Changed My Life/改变我生活的一天 047·Ill Try/我决心尝试 048·An Artist and a Farmer/艺术家和农夫 049·A Young Mans Dream/一个青年的梦想 050·Doctor Wolf/狼医生 051·No More/不在了 052·A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed/患难朋友才是真正的朋友 053·My Grandfather/我的爷爷 054·The Man and His Hats/卖帽人 055·Bed in Summer/夏日上床 056·A Terrible Storm/可怕的暴风雨 057·A Clever Rat/一只聪明的老鼠 058·An Arguing/一场争论 059·The Fox and the Hen/狐狸和母鸡 060·Mr. Fat/胖子先生 061·Clock/钟 062·It Really Served Him Right/罪有应得 063·The Travelers and the Plane Tree/过路人与梧桐树 064·Marie Curie and Her Husband/玛丽·居里和她的丈夫 065·Start with Yourself/从自己做起 066·The White Leather Shoes/一双白皮鞋 067·Honesty Is the Best Life Policy/诚实为上策 068·Autumn Fires/秋天的火 069·Good or Not Good/有益还是无益 070·Modern Zoos/现代动物园 071·The Ant and the Dove/蚂蚁与鸽子 072·Tree and Children/育树与育子 073·The Parrot and the Cat/鹦鹉和猫 074·It Is as You Will,My Child/孩子,这由你来定 075·Easier Said Than Done/说来容易做起来难 076·A Lucky One/幸运儿 077·Depend on Yourself/依靠自己 078·The Night Has a Thousand Eyes/夜晚有千只眼睛 079·The Milk/牛奶 080·Sounds/声音 081·Cats/猫 082·The Stray Dogs/流浪狗 083·The Monkey and the Crocodile/猴子与鳄鱼 084·Books—My Friends/书——我的朋友 085·Einstein Peeled Onions/爱因斯坦剥洋葱 086·Rely on Yourself/自立 087·The Wind/风 088·Ben Franklin/本·富兰克林 089·Who Is Foolish/蠢者为谁 090·The Truth/真相 091·God Grinds Slowly but Surely/天网恢恢,疏而不漏 092·Six Donkeys/六头驴 093·A Big Orange and a Gold Cup/一个大橘子和一个金杯 094·A Good Habit/好习惯 095·Wind on the Hill/山上的风 096·Mickey Mouse/米老鼠 097·A Crow and a Fox/乌鸦和狐狸 098·A Naughty Child/一个调皮的孩子 099·What Is It for/它做什么用 100·The Longest Word/最长的词 101·The Fox and Grapes/狐狸和葡萄 102·The Foolish/蠢人 103·A Fox and a Cock/狐狸和公鸡 104·Beautiful/美丽的 105·Infant Joy/快乐婴儿 106·Let Go of Love/将爱放飞 107·The Swing/秋千 108·The Shepherd Boy/牧童 109·The Best Recommendations/最好的推荐信 110·Evening Comes/夜来了 111·A Clean Home/清洁的家园 112·A Wintry Lullaby/冬日摇篮曲 113·Fathers Day/父亲节 114·A Wise Old Owl/一只聪明的老猫头鹰 115·Wind/风 116·Life(Ⅱ)/生活(2) 117·Golden Key/金钥匙 118·A Frightening Experience/一次可怕的经历 119·The Benefits of Early Rising/早起的益处 120·Hens Children/母鸡的孩子 121·Its Your Turn to Whistle/该你吹口哨了 122·A Story About Einstein/爱因斯坦的故事 123·No Risk, No Progress/没有冒险,就没有进步 124·Advice/忠告 125·Parents Owe Their Children a Great Deal/父母欠孩子很多 126·How to Make Your Children More Intelligent/怎样使孩子更聪明
