







  ○ 精选700组最常见的易混词汇和短语,词条涵盖范围广;○ 针对性强,英语学习事半功倍;○ 详细解析词语异同,兼顾常用句型结构、搭配关系和使用场合;○ 例句丰富,内容新颖;○ 从词语的具体应用语境中感知、体察其异同;○ 条目清晰,书末附有索引,方便检索。
1. about, on() 2. about to do, not about to do() 3. above, over() 4. absolute, complete, thorough() 5. accompany by, accompany with() 6. according to, in accordance with() 7. accustom to, acquaint with, familiarize/ise with, be/get/become acquainted with, be/get/become familiar with, be familiar to() 8. ache, pain, pang, throe() 9. achieve, accomplish, fulfill, complete() 10. acknowledge, admit, confess, concede() 11. across, over() 12. across, through() 13. actual, actually, real, really, in (actual) fact,  in point of fact, as a matter of fact, in effect, for (all) practical purposes, in actuality, in reality, in (all) truth, virtual, virtually() 14. adhere to, cleave to, cling onto, cling to, hold by, hold on to, hold to, insist, keep on, keep to, persevere, persist, stand by, stand on, stay with, stick by, stick to() 15. admission, admittance() 16. admit of, allow of, permit of() 17. adorn with, bedeck with, deck with, decorate with, festoon with, ornament with () 18. adventure, venture() 19. affect, effect, influence() 20. afraid, fear() 21. after, afterwards, later() 22. age, years, old, etc.() 23. ago, before() 24. agree, consent, assent, concur, go all the way with() 25. aim to do, aim at doing() 26. aint (going), aint gonna() 27. all, all of() 28. all, every() 29. all, whole() 30. all one to, all the same to() 31. allow, permit, let() 32. almost, nearly() 33. along, beside, by() 34. aloud, loudly, loud() 35. already, all ready() 36. also, as well, too, either() 37. alternately, alternatively() 38. although, though() 39. altogether, all together() 40. always, all ways() 41. among, amidst, between() 42. amount to, add up to, come to, bring to, reach, run into/to, run up to() 43. and, or() 44. another, the other() 45. anyone, any one, anybody() 46. anyway, any way() 47. appliance, instrument, equipment, implement, device() 48. arent I, aint I () 49. argue about/over, bicker about/over, quarrel about/over, squabble about/over, wrangle about/over() 50. arise, rise, raise() 51. around, round, about() 52. arouse, rouse() 53. as, because, since, for() 54. as, for() 55. as, though, although() 56. as, when, while() 57. as...as, not as...as, not so...as() 58. as from, as of() 59. as if, as though() 60. as/so long as, on condition that, provided that, providing that() 61. as well as, not only...but also() 62. ask, ask for, inquire/enquire() 63. ask of, demand from, demand of, expect from/of, request from/of, require of() 64. at all, in the least () 65. at the cost of, at the expense of, at the price of, at the sacrifice of() 66. attribute to, ascribe to, assign to, impute to, owe to, put down to, refer to, set down to() 67. awake, awaken, wake (up), waken() 68. awfully, terribly, frightfully, dreadfully, terrible, terrific() 69. back of, at the back of, in back of, in the back of, on the back of() 70. bare, bald, naked, nude() 71. bath, bathe() 72. be, be + being() 73. be, do be() 74. be gone, have gone() 75. be + to do sth., be + to have done sth.() 76. be/get/become/grow used/accustomed/habituated to, be used/accustomed  to do, get the feel of() 77. beach, shore, coast, bank, seashore, seaside() 78. bear, have, deliver (of), to be delivered of, give birth to, produce, lay, spawn, hatch() 79. bear away, bear off, carry away, carry off() 80. bear on/upon, have a bearing on/upon, touch on() 81. beat, lose, win, get() 82. be at pains to do sth., go to great pains to do sth., take pains/trouble over (doing) sth., take pains/trouble/doing/to do sth., go to... trouble doing/to do sth., go to...trouble for, go to the trouble of doing sth., take trouble over sth.() 83. be beyond/past caring, get beyond/past caring, go beyond/past caring() 84. be beyond/past endurance, get beyond/past endurance, go beyond/past endurance() 85. become of, come of, disappear to, get to, go to() 86. be cut out for, be cut out to be() 87. been, gone() 88. before, in front of() 89. begin, start, commence() 90. begin with, commence with, start with() 91. be in hot water/the soup, be in a jam, be in deep/rough water, be in the mire, get into deep water, get into hot water/a jam() 92. be in sight/view, be within sight/view, bring sth. into sight/view, come into sight/view, come within sight/view (of), disappear from sight/view, get out of sight/view, go out of sight/view, get within sight (of), keep sth. in sight, keep sight of, lose sight of() 93. believe, convince() 94. belong in, belong to, belong with() 95. beneficent, beneficial, benevolent, benign, benignant() 96. bend before/to, bow before/to, bow down (to) () 97. bend over backwards, lean over backwards, fall over backwards() 98. benefit by/from, profit by/from() 99. be out of favor with (sb.), fall from grace, fall out of favor with, lapse from grace, lose favor with() 100. beside, besides() 101. besides, except, but() 102. bet on, gamble on, stake on, wager on () 103. big, large, great, huge() 104. blossom forth, blossom out, blossom into() 105. boast about/of, brag about/of() 106. bode ill/well for sb./sth., augur ill/well for sb./sth.() 107. border, frontier, boundary() 108. both, both of, both...and() 109. break in on/upon, break into, burst in on, burst on/upon, cut in on, cut into() 110. bring, take, fetch() 111. bring home to (sb.), come home to (sb.), drive home to (sb.), get home to (sb.)() 112. bring in the new year, play in the new year, play out the old year, ring in the new year, ring out the old year, see the new year in, see the old year out() 113. bring out/forth, call out/forth, draw out/forth, fetch out, show up() 114. bring sth./sb. to mind, call sth./sb. to mind, recall sth./sb. to mind, (sth./sb.) come to mind, go out of sb.s mind() 115. bring up, raise, rear, grow, grow up, educate, foster, breed, nurture, drag up() 116. (Great) Britain, the British Isles, the United Kingdom() 117. Britisher, Briton, British, English, Englishman() 118. broad, wide() 119. burst out, break into, break out in, burst into, bust out, crack out() 120. but for, but that, except for, apart from, aside from() 121. by, before() 122. by, near, close to/by() 123. by, with() 124. by means of, by doing sth., by sth., by way of() 125. can, could () 126. can, could, be able to(表示“能力”)() 127. can, could, may, might(表示“可能”)() 128. can, could, may, might(表示“许可”)() 129. cannot bring oneself to do sth., cannot (very) well do sth.() 130. cant help doing, cant help/choose but do, cannot but do, cannot help sb./sth. doing() 131. care (about), care for, look after, take care of, mind, attend to, attend upon/on, have/get/take charge of() 132. ceremonious, ceremonial() 133. close, shut() 134. clothes, cloth(s), clothing, costume, dress, garment() 135. compare to, compare with, equate to, equate with, liken to, contrast with()
