


作者:崔敏,刘龙根,殷明玉 编





Introduction to Important Reading Strategies and Skills
Unit 1 Man and Nature
Text A The NuclearAge
Text B Tomadoes
Unit 2 Recreational Activities
Text A Cards
Text B Activities for Senior Citizens
Unit 3 Management
Text A Dealing with Difficult Employees
Text B Managing Diversity at the Noah West Company
Unit 4 Health and A ttractiveness
Texl A Eating with the Seasons
Text B Study Investigates What Women Reatly Want
Unit 5 Job Hunting
Text A How to "Market" Yourself?
Text B Four Easy Tips to Find a New Job Faster
Unit 6 Life and Culture
Text A Chinese Chopsticks
Text B The Evolution of the Wedding Dress
Unit 7 Parenting and Nren ursting
Text A Doctor''''s Orders
Text B The Crying Game
Unit 8 Health and Living Habits
Text A Another Reason to Lose Weight
Text B Too Much Iron frOm Meat May Raise Heart Risks
Unit 9 Growth
Text A Raising Children
Text B Growing Old
Unit 10 Comm unica tion
Text A CommuInication
Text B Are You a Good Team Player?
Unit 11 Technology
Text A Robots
Text B HOwTechnologylogy Civilization PossibIe
Unit 12 Man''''s Ma turity and Social Responsibilities
Text A The Concept of Adolescence
Text B Five Things a Man Needs to Do in a Successful Relationship
Unit 13 Working Overtime and Holiday Stress
Text A 0vertime Demands
Text B How to Beat Holiday Stress?
Unit 14 Tracing History
Text A A Dialogue Between Past and Present
Text B History of Ska Music
Unit 15 The Pride 0f a City
Text A Manhattan.the City of All Cities
Text B The Eiffel Tower:The Best-known Face of Paris
Unit 16 Natural Disasters
Text A LandslideS
Text B What Causes Earthquakes?
Unit 17 TechnologicalApplications and Innovations
Text A What Recreational Divers Can Learn from TechnicaI Divers?
Text B DNA and Ancest~
Unit 18 Education
Text A Advantages Of Online Education
Text B Smaller Share of U.S.High School Grads Entering College
