企业融资实战手册田果随着资本的流动性越来越强,有融资需求的公司不断增多,融资已经进入一个从量变到质变的阶段。在这种情况下,公司需要学习融资方法和技巧,积极创新自己的资本体系和发展路径,尽快跟上新时代的潮流。然而,很多公司对融资没有正确、系统的理解,也没有足够的能力将其付诸于实践。本书可以帮助大家很好地解决这个问题。 本书为基础篇和进阶篇。基础篇介绍了融资全流程,循序渐进地揭示了与融资相关的知识、方法、技巧;进阶篇帮助大家提升融资能力,学会从投资者角度看问题,更好地维护创投关系,在规避风险的同时进行融资模式升级与融资战略创新。
股票市场操纵的影响评估和治理机制探索刘杰 著《股票市场操纵的影响评估和治理机制探索》将中国证监会披露的案例和操纵识别模型检测的疑似操纵行为相结合,从操纵治理和中小投资者保护角度,系统地评估市场操纵的影响,检验现有市场机制对市场操纵抑制和中小投资者利益保护的作用,并借鉴国内外机制设计,总结出打击市场违法行为,以提升市场质量的有益经验,检验了培养机构投资者、分析师跟踪、市场信息披露等机制对抑制市场操纵行为、提高市场质量的效果,对市场操纵领域实证研究的重要补充,对深入理解市场操纵行为的影响结果和影响机制有所贡献,对监管制度的制定、投资者保护具有指导意义。
晨星股票500Pat Dorsey 著Star Rating Indicates if the stock is overvalued, undervalued, or fairly priced Business RiskEach stock's risk is rated as below average, average, above average, or speculative Management In-depth information about the backgrounds and strategies of top management teams Morningstar Fair Value Our analysts' estimate of the stock's fair value price Moat Size A measure of the company's competitive advantages Stewardship Grade An easy way to tell if management is working for you or itself Morningstar Grades A snapshot of the company's growth, profitability, and financial health Buy/Sell Prices Incorporating a margin of safety, we give our estimate of when you should buy and sell Morningstar Style Box A snapshot of the company's size and value or growth characteristics Five-Year Financial History Key measures for the past five years and trailing 12 months Major Fund Holders Which funds have big percentages of their assets in this stock Major Competitors How the company stacks up against its main rivals Price History Five years of price history and the stock's strength relative to the S&P 500 Valuation Ratios How the stock measures up to its industry and the S&P 500 Thesis Our independent opinion of the company, including detailed analysis of its strengths and weaknesses Let our stock research help you find tomorrow's winners today Morningstar's independent analysis and exclusive tools can help you easily find the best companies at the best prices. The Morningstar Rating for stocks helps you spot companies that are undervalued. Our Consider Buying/Consider Selling prices provide the benchmarks you need in order to make informed buying and selling decisions. And now you'll get this exclusive and valuable guidance updated all year long. Access 50 free stock reports any time in 2007. Choose from 1,800 stocks. This book can help you: Start a new portfolio;Position your portfolio for a big 2007;Find this year's best values You'll also benefit from: Tips for picking great companies;Guidance on the best and worst management;Trends to watch in 2007;For 20 years, Morningstar has helped individuals and financial planners make better investment decisions. Our trusted data and independent analysis provide a level of insight unavailable from other sources. For more information about other Morningstar products and services, visit us online at www.morningstar.com.
投资心学江涛 迅迅它不一定是一本能让你短期暴利的书,但却是能让你长期“活”在投资市场并能持续稳定盈利的一本书!自从投资市场诞生以来,人们就在苦苦探寻长期、稳定盈利的方法,然而绝大多数人都没有成功,就算偶尔发现了一两个所谓的“技术秘籍”,但只要投资的时间拉长或者承载的资金加大,这些技术就会失效。本书作者通过三十多年艰辛的探索以及梳理成百上千的真实投资案例,总结出ZHEN正能够长期稳定盈利的方法:量化技术、内功心法、天道三位一体、同步发展的理论体系。这就像ZHEN正的武林高手那样,都是招式、内功、武德三者兼备,浑然一体。而普通投资者之前的认知却是:投资绩效只和宏观、消息、技术策略等等外因有关。究其原因是人性中的“成功找内因、失败找外因”的本我在作祟,使大家产生了归因错觉。自然界ZUI稳定的结构是三角形,如果投资者只偏重技术策略一方,那么其投资之路一定走不远,因为你的投资没有“基”,你的交易没有“魂”,其ZUI终结果必然是“眼见他起高楼,眼见他宴宾客,眼见他楼塌了”。投资心学的宗旨就是:为投资筑基、为交易铸魂!在投资交易领域,只有ZHEN正地领悟到长期稳定盈利的本质与真谛,系统地掌握量化技术与方法,并加持天道循环与内功心法的修炼,那么你就可以做到轻松、快乐、悠闲地做投资,在赚钱的同时,还能做到诗与远方一个都不少。这才是做投资ZHEN正的意义。打造并经营好自己的“迅迅投资能力三角形”,此乃投资长久成功之道!
股票大作手回忆录(美)爱德温·李费佛 著,芝麻 译本书是美国投资领域的经典著作,作者是一位华尔街传奇人物,本书详细讲解了他所身体力行的交易技巧和方法。本书具有完全不同于理论书籍的独特价值。本书中列举了大量的亲身经历和他一生中股票大作的成长过程,以及一个股票大作手应具备的各种成熟的条件。如书中介绍:心态决定了一切;相信自己的判断;不是看涨,不是看跌,而是看对;不要轻信消息等等。全书共24个章节,文理通顺,内容精彩,是股票操手的一面镜子。
固定收益证券Bruce Tuckman 著Praise for Fixed Income Securities, Second Edition "What distinguishes this book from many others on the subject is that Tuckman has skillfully combined intuitive rationale with mathematical analysis to give readers a clear and deep understanding of the market. Tuckman has written a comprehensive reference book that should be found on the desks of both seasoned practitioners and novices alike." Gerald Lucas, Senior Government Strategist, Director, Global Securities Research, Merrill Lynch "This outstanding book offers a well-written and clear tutorial for many of the cutting-edge analytical techniques and models used in practice. Combines a wealth of institutional knowledge, practical tools, and realistic examples, while giving a clear understanding of the underlying theory." Francis Longstaff, Professor of Finance, The Anderson School at UCLA "An excellent reference for anyone intending to bridge the gap between financial mathematics theory and the practice of financial markets." Marek Musiela, BNP Paribas "This is an extremely readable book with a balance between technical detail and practical application. Unlike other books in the area, thorough and tightly knit chapters reflect Tuckman s unique background as a well-respected academic and market participant." Tony D. Kao, Managing Director, Global Fixed Income GM Asset Management
共生飘红程东升本书记录了与改革开放同步发展的广东省广告公司,作为一家省属国有企业下属小公司,如何从 8000 元、8 个人开始创业,后成长为中国的广告公司并成为“中国广告营销股”。其业务从地区到全国,从本土到国际,从传统业务到数字化转型,一直与时代同步,与潮流同行。四十年来,客户的信赖与市场的锤炼,都为省广积蓄了澎湃的创新动力,创造了中国广告史上的发展奇迹,引领和推动着中国营销产业的发展。2016年省广成为首家入选《财富》中国500强的营销集团。2018年获全国企业单位荣誉,被授予“全国五一劳动奖状”,是迄今为止获此权威肯定的营销集团。在省广发展过程中,2002年的改制、2010年的上市等企业发展的关键阶段,不仅激发了员工干事创业的活力,也证明企业的改制符合当下国家的国有企业混改的政策方针,是对国有企业混改模式的有益探索。