股票魔法师II(美)Mark Minervini(马克·米勒维尼)像冠军一样思考和交易,使你终生受益的交易知识!你将学习到如何:? 像专业人士一样阅读图表? 像手术刀一般精准买入? 最优的头寸管理? 有效地降低风险? 最大化收益? 保护并及时锁定收益? 避免代价巨大的错误? 控制自己的情绪? 制订成功的计划在书中,作者将向你一步步展示如何运用那些经过时间考验的规则改善你的投资回报,同时培养获得超额回报的自信。
E 学习解决方案Jane Bozarth 著No matter how limited your training budget may be, e-Learning Solutions on a Shoestring is filled with the nuts-and-bolts information needed to incorporate e-learning solutions into your organization at minimal cost. The book offers myriad strategies for recycling, reusing, and repurposing resources; negotiating reasonable expenses for "store bought" e-learning products; and incorporating real-world ideas for assembling tools, techniques, and strategies into workplace solutions. "Effective training is key to preparing our workforce for the demands and challenges of the global economy. This book highlights the fact that, even on a limited budget, there are many tools available online that will increase efficiency and improve productivity in businesses, government agencies, and other organizations."—Michael F. Easley, governor, State of North Carolina "I adore bargains and this book points the way to online learning bargains that help folks learn! Others would have you think you need expensive vendors and infrastructure from the get-go, but Jane Bozarth shows you how to get started on a shoestring."—Patti Shank, managing partner, Learning Peaks, and coauthor, Making Sense of Online Learning "Jane Bozarth finally provides us with a guide to understanding what e-learning technologies can do for us—without breaking the bank. The realization that you can do e-learning for pennies per participant shows us what we should have always known: the focus isn't the technology, it's the learning."—Jennifer Hofmann, founder, InSync Training, and author, Live and Online! 作者简介:Jane Bozarth is the e-learning coordinator for the North Carolina Office of State Personnel's Human Resource Development Group and has been a training practitioner since 1989. She is a columnist for Training Magazine and has written for numerous publications including Creative Training Techniques Newsletter and the Journal of Educational Technology and Society.
定量投资分析,练习册Richard A. DeFusco 等著In the Second Edition of Quantitative Investment Analysis, financial experts Richard DeFusco, Dennis McLeavey, Jerald Pinto, and David Runkle outline the tools and techniques needed to understand and apply quantitative methods to today's investment process. Now, in Quantitative Investment Analysis Workbook, Second Edition, they offer you a wealth of practical information and exercises that will further enhance your understanding of this discipline. This essential study guide:which parallels the main book chapter by chapter:contains challenging problems and a complete set of solutions as well as concise learning outcome statements and summary overviews. If you're looking to successfully navigate today's dynamic investment environment, the lessons found within these pages can show you how. Topics reviewed include: The time value of money Discounted cash flow Probability distributions Sampling and estimation Hypothesis testing Multiple regression Time-series analysis And much more
仿生投资学[美] 凯瑟琳·柯林斯(Katherine Collins) 著本书作者以大自然为师,以符合进化论的方法,用逻辑提炼出能够帮助生物生存、扩散种群(增长发展)的法则,这些法则都是在自然世界中经过亿万年的自然选择、优胜劣汰筛选出来的智慧。进一步地,作者把这些原则推广应用到金融投资领域,创建了一个不同于常见机械化投资准则的分析框架,可以指导投资者做出更好、更准确、更可持续的决策,让投资系统具有更好的灵活性、适应性和抗逆性。
幻数Peter Temple 著There is no magic formula for making money. But hidden inside the financial statements of all companies is a wealth of information.To preserve and grow your precious capitaL, you need to be able to dissect a company beforeyou invest. You need to find those companies that have hidden value and-just as important- Learnto avoid those flashing 'danger' signs.Peter TempLe is a highly experienced investment analyst, a down-to-earth financial journalist, and a successful private investor. In this book he:explains the investment jargon you read in the financial pages teLLs you in plain Language how to caLcuLate financial ratios - those alL-important'magic numbers'gives clear worked examples of them from the accounts of real companies including Yahoo!, McDonaLd's, NTT DoCoMo, and BPshares with you his 30 years' experience of how to interpret the numbers.Magic Numbers is the essential guide to making objective judgements about companies and their shares. If you don't want to see your money cut in half or vanish altogether, we strongly recommend you read this book.
年度投资人Jeffrey A. Hirsch 著The key to successful financial research is the ability to access and manipulate accurate data. This book, and its cutting edge, completely Internet-based trading system:that can organise and evaluate any market data, with all parameters set by the researcher:introduces a new way of doing just that. The Hirsch name is known for time tested and successful research and analysis, and The Almanac Investor will share valuable Hirsch theories and strategies with investors. Trusted advice and techniques that can improve any reader's overall trading efficiency. Contains data, indicators, and patterns needed to understand how and why the stock market fluctuates. A companion Web site will host a revolutionary Web-based system to evaluate and improve trading practices. Includes a step-by-step tutorial, which supplements every study in the book.
科技创业投融资生态圈建设研究刘亮 等 著《科技创业投融资生态圈建设研究》围绕投融资生态圈,结合共演机制和投融资环境对科技企业的影响,通过构建科技创业投融资闭环生态圈共生演化的生态系统,着重介绍系统内债权融资、股权融资和政府服务管理部分的作用机制,分章节实证探究了债权融资环境、股权融资环境对科技创业的影响,并采用案例分析与问卷调研的研究方法评价政府管理服务对科技金融体系的促进作用,后采用计算机仿真模拟验证科技创业投融资生态系统的共生演化过程。《科技创业投融资生态圈建设研究》得出以下结论:首先,从债权融资环境来看,银行信贷强度提高对企业创新投入强度具有明显的抑制作用,且银行业的竞争度提高可以缓解银行信贷强度对企业创新投入的抑制作用。第二,从股权融资环境来看,风险投资背景对被投资企业的创新水平具有一定的正面影响,并且这种正面影响随着风投机构向被投资企业派驻董事变得更加显著。第三,从政府管理服务来看,政府在塑造良好的科技创业投融资生态系统中发挥了重要作用,如利用财政资金建立风险分担机制、搭建信息共享平台等,引导市场化金融机构有效运用资金,加速科技成果产业化。第四,从科技创业投融资生态圈共生演化的仿真模拟得出,科技创业投融资生态系统是由共生单元、共生模式和共生环境组成的从事价值创造与价值获取共生活动的复杂系统。科技创业投融资生态系统的共生模式取决于共生系数的数值,互惠共生模式是投融资生态系统演化的好模式。《科技创业投融资生态圈建设研究》有助于进一步理清科技创业企业投融资生态圈内的构成要素与运作机制,为改善科技创业投融资生态系统提供理论支撑和政策启示。
日本蜡烛图技术盈利策略史蒂夫·尼森 著“K线之父”史蒂夫·尼森《日本蜡烛图技术》精进版,从基础概念到复杂应用,更加浓缩,更加精华,针对当今竞争激烈和变化无常的市场进行了全面更新和修订,讲解如何利用价格变动、市场变化借助蜡烛图技术进行交易预测。 史蒂夫·尼森被誉为“K线之父”,他对“蜡烛图技术”的研究和推广得到世界范围内金融从业者的赞扬。面对当今竞争更加激烈和变化无常的市场,作者在本书中,对经典之作《日本蜡烛图技术》进行了全面的更新和修订,也进行了大幅度的提炼,以便初学者也可以更好地阅读。 作者将蜡烛图技术与传统的西方技术工具结合起来,相互补充,相互配合,并且用大量的优秀图例把这个概念清晰地做了说明。详细地讲解了蜡烛图技术的起源、演变,诸种形态的变化,如何利用价格变动、市场变化使用蜡烛图进行判断和预测等。