作者:(美)Susan Stempleski,杨惠中 著; 秦秀白 编
1 All About Me
Topic Introductions and relationships
Vocabulary Relationships and life events
Functions Informal and formal introductions
Lesson A Listening & Speaking The people in my life
Vocabulary Link: Talking about relationships
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Reduction of present continuous -ing ending
Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Course Special people and memories
Global Viewpoints: Special people
City Living: A favorite keepsake
2 Express Yourself!
Topic Expressing feelings through words and gestures
Vocabulary Feelings; gestures
Functions Asking how someone is
king ee
Lesson A Listening& Spea F lings
Vocabulary Link: How do they feel?
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Linking sounds with"s
Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Course Feelings and emotions
Global Viewpoints: Feelings and emotions
Greetings around the world
City Living: An important rule for traveling
Let''''s Eat!
Topic Food
Vocabulary Adjectives describing foods; eating in a restaurant
Functions Offering and suggesting
Lesson A Listening & Speaking Foods we like
Vocabulary Link: Talking about foods
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Sentence stress and rhythm
Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Course Eating out
Global Viewpoints: Favorite foods
International foods
City Living: The spicier the better
4 Today''''s Trends
Topic Modern trends and fashions
Vocabulary Family statistics —— multiples and percentages; style and fashion
Functions Agreeing and disagreeing; giving advice
Lesson A Listening & Speaking Modern family trends
Vocabulary Link: Family statistics
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Unstressed of in rapid speech
Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Course Today trends
Global Viewpoints: Family trends
Personal style
City Living: You ought to get more exercise[
5 Unsolved Mysteries
Topic Unsolved mysteries
Vocabulary Crime; mysteries
Functions Talking about possibility and impossibility
Lesson A Listening & Speaking A detective is on the case.
Vocabulary Link: Cops and robbers
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Third person singular in the present tense
Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Course Mysteries and strange events
Global Viewpoints: Mysteries and strange events
City Living: Elementary, my dear Tara!
6 The Mind
Topic Memory and dreams
Vocabulary Memory and memories; sleep and dreams
Functions Expressing degrees of certainty
Lesson A Listening & Speaking How''''s your memory?
Vocabulary Link: College reunion
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: The past tense -ed ending
Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-3
Lesson B Video Course Memory and dreams
Global Viewpoints: How''''s your memory?
Strange dreams
City Living: Roberto''''s strange dreams
7 Let''''s Celebrate!
Topic Parties, festivals and holidays
Vocabulary Types of parties; describing festivals
Functions Accepting and declining invitations
Lesson A Listening & Speaking Party time!
Vocabulary Link: Different kinds of parties
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Reduced want to and would you
5peaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
LessOn B Video Course Festivals and holidays
Global Viewpoints: What a party!
Festivals and holidays
City Living: Aloha everyone!
8 In the Neighborhood
Topic Neighborhood life
Vocabulary Errands; describing neighborhoods
Functions Polite requests with modal verbs and mind; imperatives
Lesson A Listening & Speaking Running errands
Vocabulary Link: A busy day
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Reduced forms of could you and would you
Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Course Running errands in my neighborhood
Global Viewpoints: Running errands
My neighborhood
City Living: Claudia''''s errand service!
Review: Units 1-4 Testing Your Listening Comprehension
Review: Units 5-8 Testing Your Listening Comprehension