


作者:耿小辉 主编,(美)李,吴玟霆,盛梅 编著





  这本《VOA慢速视频新闻英语听力王:每天看一点》内容包含了101篇VOA Special English英语新闻,每篇新闻内容均辅以昂秀精心独创的“原版视频DVD + 3速音频MP3”,是图书市场上唯一可以让读者“视听”VOA的听力宝典!视听结合,3速音频,学习起来不再枯燥,效率倍增!此外,本书所有音频都可以进行点读,随点随听,点到哪里读哪里,这一点对于需要反复听的听力学习书尤其重要,省去了反复查找某句录音耗时费力的烦恼! 本书题材涉及教育、科技、职场、金融、健康、医疗等方方面面,紧贴现实生活,且每篇新闻包含“背景介绍”、“新闻正文”、“听力破解”、“拓展练习”、“参考译文”和“生词短语”六部分,这样的内容设置是昂秀编辑最大程度为读者考虑的成果,非常有利于读者学习!背景介绍:主要介绍跟新闻相关的背景知识。阅读这部分,读者能大大拓展知识面,从古老的佩恩车站到网上热炒的《虎妈战歌》;从夫妻吵架的规律到年老的幸福秘诀;从《杀死一只知更鸟》的源起到美国儿童节目《芝麻街》的历史!新闻正文:同时配有音频和视频的Special English 新闻正文。我们挑选新闻时,本着方便读者学习的原则,所挑选的都是跟人们生活息息相关的新闻。题材偏狭、内容太偏门的我们都不会选择!听力破解:针对音频中的听力难点,我们专门设置了这一版块。对于英语朗读中的爆破、连读、吞音等现象,我们针对具体例子逐一讲解,而且还适当总结了很多发音规律,这样能全方位提升读者的英语水平,而不单单是听力一项技能!拓展练习:我们从易到难设置了非常适合读者的听力练习,检验巩固所学内容!参考译文:每篇报道都配有地道流畅的中文译文,帮助读者加深理解原文!生词短语:对于报道中的关键生词和短语,都给出音标和注释,减少读者查阅字典的麻烦!
  耿小辉:昂秀主编,昂秀外语创始人,图书策划人、出版人。外籍专家: Sean Li(美)昂秀外语教学研究组:多年来一直秉承“质量为先、服务读者”的创作理念,以“做中国最体贴读者的专业品牌”为宗旨,切实践行“外语学习指导专家”的角色,向读者传达“昂起头来,就优秀”的精神,现已成为行业的典范,并赢得了数百万读者的高度认同。
UNIT1 美国视角 Vision of American
 News 1
 People Put Mark on the American West 名人西部印记
 News 2
 New Yorkers Miss the Old Station故地犹可追
 News 3
 School Newspaper Linked to Their Community校报携手社区
 News 4
 An Escaped Slave Became a Leader奴隶变身领袖
 News 5
 A Dream Delayed Again移民梦想搁浅
UNIT 2多彩生活Colorful Life
 News 1
 Growing Your Own Lettuce自己种生菜 UNIT1 美国视角 Vision of American  News 1  People Put Mark on the American West 名人西部印记  News 2  New Yorkers Miss the Old Station故地犹可追  News 3  School Newspaper Linked to Their Community校报携手社区  News 4  An Escaped Slave Became a Leader奴隶变身领袖  News 5  A Dream Delayed Again移民梦想搁浅   UNIT 2多彩生活Colorful Life  News 1  Growing Your Own Lettuce自己种生菜  News 2  Couples’ Arguing ‘Style’ 夫妻吵架“风格”  News 3  Finding New Uses for Feathers鸡毛新用途  News 4  Genetic Secrets of a Chocolate Bar巧克力基因密码  News 5  Electronic Devices Top Christmas Wish Lists圣诞礼物排行  News 6  Getting Older Means Getting Happier越老越幸福   UNIT3 文化漫谈Culture Ramble  News 1  Pinball Lover Collects‘Historic Art' 弹球艺术人生  News 2  50th Anniversary of‘To Kill a Mockingbird'《杀死一只知更鸟》50周年  News 3  Broken Instruments Are Music to Repairmen乐器虽残犹悦耳  News 4  Fancy Cowboy Boots美轮美奂牛仔靴  News 5  Make Peace by Seeking Common Ground寻求共同立场  News 6  World of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir唱诗班的多彩世界   UNIT4三言两语Words & Meanings  News 1  A Quiz About Farm Terms动物植物皆有名  News 2  Finding Capital in ‘Dark Pools' 暗池交易  News 3  Failure Leads to Long-Lasting Knowledge失败学经验  News 4  Teaching the Dangers of Distracted Driving分心有风险  News 5  Terms of Academic Titles at US Colleges高校头衔面面观  News 6  Austerity Tops 2010 Words紧缩排行首位  News 7  Is Trainer's Sex an Issue?教练性别有影响?   UNIT5娱乐盛典Entertainment  News1  Songs Help Learn English听歌学英文  News 2  Music Project Creates‘Inspiring Connections'音乐改变世界  News 3  Bellydance Superstars肚皮舞巨星  News 4  For Cabaret Stars of Tomorrow卡巴莱明日之星  News 5  Offering Life Lessons to Young People少年人生课堂  News 6  Thanks for a Winning Soccer Team向斗牛犬队致敬  News 7  Drum Circle Unites Many People千乐聚异曲   UNIT 6人物Figures  News1  Top Students Intel Science Talent Search未来科学家  News 2  A Memorial in Washington 民权精神永恒  News 3  How the Great Coach Defined Success最伟大的教练  News 4  Remembering Math Teacher Jaime Escalante一代数学名师  News 5  The Rise and Fall of H-P Chief惠普总裁沉浮录   UNIT 7 成长足迹Teenagers  News 1  Sleepy Teens, Early Classes青少年昏昏欲睡  News 2  Anxious Students Write About Fears考试紧张写出来  News 3  Shakespeare's Sentences狱中莎士比亚  News 4  Children Support Victims in Japan爱心叠,纸鹤舞  News 5  Get Teens to Avoid Crime预防犯罪   UNIT 8 教育万象Education  News 1  Single-Sex Classes to Top Students男女生分开学  News 2  English and Spanish Speakers Learn Together双语浸透教学  News 3  Comparing American and Chinese Parents中美家长比较  News 4  Women Edge Past Men in Doctorates女博士在崛起  News 5  Teaching Children How to Think Internationally国际化思维  News 6  Can America Win the Education Race? 教育先行?    UINIT9职场百态Jobs & Companies  News 1  Business English Speakers 商学重英语  News 2  Classes Start at Internet Training Center互联网培训课  News 3  Bullying in the Workplace工作场所欺凌  News 4  Video Game Industry视频游戏行业  News 5  Facebook's New Friends and Private Finance 脸谱网私募融资  News 6  Microsoft Accuses Google 微软指控谷歌   UNIT 10金融动态Economics  News1  ‘Put-Backs,'&‘Robo-Signers' “止赎门”与“签字机器”  News 2  Gold Keeps Shining黄金依然闪耀  News 3  Where Will Oil Price Go? 油价涨向何处?  News 4  Commodity Prices Reach a Two-Year High物价创新高   UNIT 11科技博览Technology  News 1  New System Let You Appear Someplace跨越时空系统  News 2  All Eyes on Tablets at CES聚焦消费电子展  News 3  Use Radar to Study Bats and Birds雷达研究鸟类  News 4  Discount a Country From the Internet? 切断一国互联网?  News 5  ‘Electronic Sniffer Dogs' for Airport Security电子嗅探犬   UNIT12七彩炫技Technical Magic Cube  News 1  Robots and Other Technology科技引领时尚  News 2  Developers Find New Jobs for Robots机器人新工作  News 3  Technology Saves Drivers From Distractions科技助力驾驶  News 4  The Future of Video Conferencing视频会议前景  News 5  How We Interact With Gadgets电子改变生活   UNIT13 健康新知Health  News 1  People With More Than One Language Smarter? 双语更聪明?  News 2  Kids, Germs and Day Care日托生病=长期健康?  News 3  Girls Enter Puberty Earlier女孩提前发育  News 4  Differences in Suicide Around the World自杀者差异  News 5  A Haircut Means a Longer Life理发店=保健站?   UINT14医疗卫生Medical Treatment  News 1  Training Medical Teams to be Better培训手术团队  News 2  Health Debts Push People Into Poverty医疗导致贫困  News 3  Warm and Safe in Freezing Weather严寒安全保暖  News 4  Autism Test Could Use Images of Brain核磁诊自闭症  News 5  Women With Genes Linked to Cancer女性癌症预防   UNIT15农业新视角Agriculture  News 1  The Joys of Farming in Cities城市农场之乐  News 2  Goat Becomes Mother of Invention?山羊乃发明之母?  News 3  Growing Trees in Desert With‘Waterboxx’ 沙漠中种树  News 4  Phone Call About Fertilizer Helps Farmers电话助力农民  News 5  Housing Plan Threatens Seed Bank房产威胁种子银行  News 6  How Women Farmers Could Feed More女性农民   UNIT16食品安全Food Safety  News 1  First Genetically Modified Animal for Food转基因来袭  News 2  Crunch Time for Food Makers食品商的噩梦  News 3  New Law Aims at Food Safety食品安全新规  News 4  An‘Image Problem' for a Food橙色甘薯解危   UINT17太空探索Space Exploration  News 1  Hero Pilot Help Attract New Pilots飞行英雄造梦  News 2  Flying Cars in the Sky and Road飞行汽车登场  News 3  Amateur Astronomers Aim at the Universe借慧眼看宇宙   UNIT 18海洋渔业Ocean Fishery  News 1  Fish Farms Supply the World's Catch水产养殖崛起  News 2  Fish Die-Off in Southern California海湾死鱼成因  News 3  Fishing Limit to Save Bluefin Tuna拯救金枪鱼  News 4  Recycle Oyster Shells,Aid Chesapeake Bay拯救海湾行动   UINT19环境保护Environmental Protection  News 1  Radiation Fears Mean Economic Pain惧辐射,痛经济  News 2  Knowing Your Nitrogen Footprint关注氮足迹  News 3  Plastic Pollution Enters Ocean Food Supply塑料进食物链  News 4  Protect Harvests From Air and Insects安全储粮袋   UNIT 20时事经纬Current Affairs  News 1  A Girls 20 Summit in Toronto G20女性峰会  News 2  Spending Bill to Protect Teachers' Jobs捍卫教师工作  News 3  600 Billion More Into US Economy美再注资6000亿
