时代楼盘研究乐居房地产市场策划有限公司 主编开发商综合项目优劣势,扬长避短,获得*价值;设计师把握设计界*动向,迎合市场热需求;营销者参考精准的策划定位,牢固的俘获消费者。
中国农户信用评级张宁 著暂缺简介...
景观服务与区域可持续性评价于德永 等在土地利用-景观格局-生态过程/功能-生态系统服务-人类福祉研究框架下,本书系统开展了自然景观、半自然景观、农业景观、城市景观格局与生态系统服务的定量关系,基于景观连接度的城市生态网络构建,区域可持续性评价,景观可持续科学的学科体系、研究主题等方面的研究,提倡将生态学、地理学和设计方法联系起来作为实现景观可持续性的重要发展方向。
数字营销前沿探析李纯青 刘伟 主编本书收录了14篇西北大学经济管理学院2021届工商管理专业本科生优秀毕业论文,并根据其研究范畴、研究内容将其分为直播营销、在线移动营销、数字营销案例、数字营销应用四个专题,对数字营销中的理论前沿和现实问题进行了探讨。入选论文均具有一定的理论价值和现实意义,研究方法也较为规范。这些论文体现了西北大学经济管理学院工商管理专业本科生对数字营销问题的探索精神和优良学风,对其他院校的本科毕业论文撰写具有较好的参考价值,也是西北大学首批国家级一流专业——工商管理专业建设的阶段性成果。
现代管理理论与方法创新论坛李纯青 刘伟 主编本书是西北大学经济管理学院工商管理学科在“新兴技术驱动的管理变革与创新”这一特色方向上的研究成果,主要反映了新兴技术(包括大数据、人工智能、移动互联网、云计算、物联网和区块链等)对当代管理变革与创新产生的影响。本书包括数智化营销创新、不确定环境下组织与领导有效性研究、开放式创新及创新生态系统、内部控制与会计信息质量、文旅融合与西部创新实践、技术经济和大数据决策六个专题,收录的论文均具有较高的理论价值和现实意义,对未来的相关研究也具有一定参考价值和启示。
中国至2050年油气资源科技发展路线图本社 编As one of the eighteen field-specific reports comprising thecomprehensive scope of the strategic general report of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences, this sub-report addresses long-range planningfor developing science and technology in the field of oil and gasresources. They each craft a roadmap for their sphere ofdevelopment to 2050. In their entirety, the general and sub-groupreports analyze the evolution and laws governing the development ofscience and technology, describe the decisive impact of science andtechnology on the modernization process, predict that the world ison the eve of an impending S&T revolution, and call for Chinato be fullyprepared for this new round of S&T advancement.Based on the detailed study of the demands on S&T innovation inChina's modernization, the reports draw a framework for eight basicand strategic systems of socio-economic development with thesupport of science and technology, work out Chinas S&T roadmapsfor the relevant eight basic and strategic systems in line withChina's reality, further detail S&T initiatives of strategicimportance to Chinas modernization, and provide S&Tdecision-makers with comprehensive consultations for thedevelopment of S&T innovation consistent with China's reality.Supported by illustrations and tables of data, the reports provideresearchers, government officials and entrepreneurs with guidanceconcerning research directions, the planning process, andinvestment. Founded in 1949, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is thenation's highest academic institution in natural sciences. Itsmajor responsibilities are to conduct research in basic andtechnological sciences, to undertake nationwide integrated surveyson natural resources and ecological environment, to provide thecountry with scientific data and consultations for government'sdecision-making, to undertake government- assigned projects withregard to key S&T problems in the process of socio-economicdevelopment, to initiate personnel training, and to promote China'shigh-tech enterprises through its active engagement in theseareas.