


作者:王秀凤,周洪 编





  Based on the author's rich teaching experience, this textbook is an accumulated effort to systematically and comprehensively introduce the fundamentals of hydrodynamics and hydraulic transmission. This textbook is roughly divided into hydrodynamics (20%) and hydraulic transmission (80%).This is an English-language textbook for international students and undergraduates in Mechanical Engi- neering, with the 38 recommended teaching hours. The accompanying CD-ROM is a multimedia CAI courseware carefully made to assist teaching.
Chapter 1 Hydraulic Oil and Fundamental Hydraulic Fluid Mecbanics
1.1 Hydraulic Oil
1.1.1 Basic physicalcharacteristics
1.1.2 Requirements and selection of hydraulic oil
1.2 Hydrostatics
1.2.1 Characteristics of static pressure
1.2.2 Generation and transmission of static pressure
1.3 Hydrodynamics
1.3.1 Basic concept
1.3.2 Equation of continuity-conservation of mass
1.3.3 Bernoulli equation-conservation of energy
1.3.4 Equation of momentum-conservation of momentum
1.4 Characteristics of Fluid Flow in Pipeline
1.4.1 States of fluid flow and Reynolds number
1.4.2 Hydraulic pressure drop in pipe calculation
1.5 Flow Rate Calculation through Orifice and Clearance
1.5.1 Flow rate calculation through orifice
1.5.2 Flow rate calculation through clearance
Chapter 2 Introduction of Hydraulic Transmission
2.1 Basic Concept of Hydraulic Transmission
2.2 0perating Principle and Characteristics of Hydraulic Transmission
2.2.1 0perating principle of hydraulic transmission
2.2.2 0perating characteristics of hydraulic transmission
2.3 Examples of Hydraulic Transmission System
2.4 Construction of Hydraulic Transmission System
2.5 Simplified Graphics Symbols of Hydraulic Transmission System
2.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydraulic Transmission System
2.6.1 Advantages
2.6.2 Disadvantages
2.7 History and Application of Hydraulic Transmission System
Chapter 3 Hydraulic Pumps and Hydraulic Motors
3.1 0verview of Hydraulic Pumps and Hydraulic Motors
3.1.1 0perating principle
3.1.2 Main performance parameters
3.2 Typical Hydraulic Pumps and Hydraulic Motors
3.2.2 Vane pumps and vane motors
3.2.3 Piston pumps and piston motors
3.3 Selection of Hydraulic Pumps and Hydraulic Motors
Chapter4 Hydraulic Cyiinders
4.1 Classification and Speed-thrust Performance
4.1.1 Pistoncylinders
4.1.2 Plunger cylinders
4.1.3 Swingcylinders
4.1.4 Combined cylinders
4.2 Typical Construction and Makeups
4.2.1 Typicalconstruction
Chapter 5 Hydraulic Control Valves
5.2 DirectionalControlValves
5.2.1 Non-returnvalves
5.3 Pressure ControlValves
5.3.3 Sequence valves
5.4 Flow Rate ControlValves
Chapter 6 Auxiliary Components
Chapter 7 Basic Hydraulic Circuits
Cbapter 8 Typical Hydraulic Transmission Systems
Chapter 9 Design and Calculation of Hydraulic Transmission System
