
Soil Pollution and Ecological Control

Soil Pollution and Ecological Control

作者:党永富 著





Soil is a strategic resource of human survival and nation prosperity. Theissue of soil has become an increasingly prominent global environmental issue with the.rapid development of world's economy, and theecological control of soil .pollution has become very urgent.
暂缺《Soil Pollution and Ecological Control》作者简介
Preface Ⅰ
Preface Ⅱ
Chapter Ⅰ General

Chapter Ⅱ Agriculture and Ecological Safety
Section Ⅰ Agriculture and Soil Safety
Ⅰ. Soil Concept
Ⅱ. Importance of Soil in Human Agriculture and Ecosystem
Ⅲ. Soil Heavy Metal Pollution
Ⅳ. Residual Pollution of Pesticides and Fertilizers in Soil
Ⅴ. Residual Contamination of Agricultural Mulch Film
Section Ⅱ Agricultural and Water Resource Safety
Ⅰ. Water Pollution Problems
Ⅱ. Surface Water Shortage
Ⅲ. Groundwater Shortage
Ⅳ. Private Well and Sewage Drainage
Section Ⅲ Agriculture and Atmospheric Environment Safety
Ⅰ. Atmospheric Environment Safety Overview
Ⅱ. Direct Impact of Agricultural Development on Environmental Pollution
Ⅲ. Hazy Weather Restricting Agricultural and Food Safety
Section Ⅳ Pesticide Safety and Food Safety
Ⅰ. Pesticide and Food Security Overview
Ⅱ. Problems in Pesticide Application Safety
Section Ⅴ Fertilizer and Food Safety
Ⅰ. Fertilizer Safety Issues
Ⅱ. Bio-fertilizer Safety Issues
Ⅲ. Mineral Fertilizer Safety Issues
Section Ⅵ Agriculture and Species Safety
Ⅰ. Impact of Land Agricultural Use on Biodiversity
Ⅱ. Impact of Agricultural Cultivation Mode on Biodiversity
Ⅲ. Impact of Weed Control Measures on Biodiversity
Ⅳ. Impact of Pesticides and Their Application on Biodiversity
Ⅴ. Impact of Grazing on Grassland Biodiversity
Ⅵ. Impact of Relay Intercropping and Rotation Cropping on Biodiversity
Ⅶ. Impact of Breed Improvement of Agricultural Plants and Animals on Genetic Diversity in Agricultural Ecosystem

Chapter Ⅲ Status of Soil Pollution in China
Section Ⅰ China Agricultural Soil Survey
Ⅰ. Status of Agricultural Land in China
Ⅱ. Problems in Land Resources Utilization of China
Section Ⅱ Basic Composition of the Soil Ecosystem
Ⅰ. Minerals in Soil
Ⅱ. Soil Organic Matter
Ⅲ. Soil Biota
Ⅳ. Soil Water
Ⅴ. Soil Air
Section Ⅲ Soil Pollution Representation
Ⅰ. Land for Heavy Pollution Enterprises
Ⅱ. Industrial Wasteland
Ⅲ. Industrial Park
Ⅳ. Centralized Disposal Site for Solid Waste
Ⅴ. Oil Producing Region
Ⅵ. Mining Area
Ⅶ. Wastewater Irrigation Area
Ⅷ. Both Sides of Arterial Highway
Section Ⅳ Category and Characteristic of Soil Pollution
Ⅰ. Soil Pollution Index
Ⅱ. Soil Pollution Source
Ⅲ. Soil Pollution Characteristic
Ⅳ. Types of Soil Pollution
Section Ⅴ Interaction of Pollutants in Soil
Ⅰ. Effect of Pb-Cd Interaction in Soil and Plant System on Absorption of Cd
Ⅱ. Importance of Interaction on Pattem Parameters
Ⅲ. Interaction between Heavy Metal and Organic Pollutants in Soil
Section Ⅵ Typical Cases Concerning Soil Contamination in China
Ⅰ. Soil contamination fi'om sewage irrigation (sewageirrigation contamination)
Ⅱ. Soil contamination caused by heavy metal (heavymetal contamination)
Section Ⅶ Cruxes of Soil Contamination

Chapter Ⅳ Exploration on Soil Control
Section Ⅰ Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution
Ⅰ. Scientific Sewage Irrigation
Ⅱ. Rational Use of Pesticides
Ⅲ. Rational Use of Chemical Fertilizers
Ⅳ. Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution
Section Ⅱ Bottleneck of the Current Technologies on Prevention of Soil Pollution
Ⅰ. Soil-testing Formula Fertilization
Ⅱ. Problems on Pollution and Shortage for the Application of Biological Fertilizers to Restore Soil
Section Ⅲ Remediation and Control of Soil Pollution
Ⅰ. Concept and Category of Soil Remediation
Ⅱ. Remediation of Polluted Soil
Section Ⅳ Soil Pollution and Application of Ecological Control Technologies
Ⅰ. Results of the Joint Experiment and Demonstration Made by 120 Experts
Ⅱ. Cases for the Management ofCancer Field Incurred by Pollution of Hedoicide Residues
Ⅲ. International Identification on Ecological Safety
Ⅳ. NaiAn Hercules Fertilizer Accelerant's Technology of Reducing its Amount of Use
Ⅴ. Technology on Immobilization of Heavy Metals
Ⅵ. Technology on Degradation Agent for Pesticide Residues
Section Ⅴ Important Issues for Conlrol of Soil Pollution
Ⅰ. Responsibilities of Government in Soil Control
Ⅱ. Define the Area of Soil Pollution
Ⅲ. Strengthen the Intemational Multi-lateral Cooperation
Ⅳ. Improve the Quality Standard on Soil Environment

Chapter Ⅴ Eco-agriculture Legislation
Chapter Ⅵ Soil Pollution, Ecological Control and Public Welfare Relief
Chapter Ⅶ Process Control Case of Quality Safety for Agricultural Products
