


作者:园慈 编





The Pronunciation of Pali
Unit One
The Buddha
The Dhamma
The Sangha
The Threefold Refuge
The Five Precepts

Unit Two
The Four Noble Truths
The Noble Truth of Suffering
The Five Khandhas, or Groups of Existence
The Group of Corporeality (rūpa-khandha)

Unit Three
The Group of Feeling (vedanā-khandha)
The Group of Perception (sa ā-khandha)
The Group of Mental Formations (sa khāra-khandha)
The Group of Consciousness (vi ā a-khandha)
The Three Characteristics of Existence (ti-lakkha a)

Unit Four
The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering
The Threefold Craving
Origin of Craving
Dependent Origination of All Phenomena
Present Karma-Results
Future Karma-Results
Karma as Volition
Inheritance of Deeds (Karma)

Unit Five
The Noble Truth of the Extinction of Suffering
Dependent Extinction of All Phenomena
The Arahat, or Holy One
The Immutable
The Noble Truth of the Path That Leads to the Extinction of Suffering
The Two Extremes, and the Middle Path
The Eightfold Path
The Noble Eightfold Path (Ariya-a ha gikamagga)

Unit Six
Right Understanding (Sammā-dihi)
Understanding the Four Truths
Understanding Merit and Demerit
Understanding the Three Characteristics (Ti-lakkha a)
Unprofitable Questions
Five Fetters (Sa yojana)
Unwise Considerations
The Six Views about the Self
Wise Considerations

Unit Seven
The Sotāpanna or ‘Stream-Enterer
The Ten Fetters (Sa yojana)
The Noble Ones (Ariya-puggala)
Mundane and Supermundane Right Understanding
Conjoined with Other Steps
Free from All Theories
The Three Characteristics
Views and Discussions about the Ego
Unit Eight
Past, Present and Future
The Two Extremes (Annihilation and Eternity Belief) and the Middle Doctrine
Dependent Origination (pa icca-samuppāda)
Rebirth-Producing Karma
Cessation of Karma

Unit Nine
Right Thought (Sammā-sa kappa)
Mundane and Supermundane Right Thought
Conjoined with other Factors
Right Speech (Sammā-vācā)
Abstaining from Lying
Abstaining from Tale-bearing
Abstaining from Harsh Language
Abstaining from Vain Talk
Mundane and Supermundane Right Speech
Conjoined with Other Factors

Unit Ten
Right Action (Sammā-kammanta)
Abstaining from Killing
Abstaining from Stealing
Abstaining from Unlawful Sexual Intercourse
Mundane and Supermundane Right Action
Conjoined with Other Factors
Right Livelihood (Sammā-ājīva)
Mundane and Supermundane Right Livelihood
Conjoined with Other Factors
Right Effort (Sammā-vāyāma)
The Effort to Avoid (Sa vara-ppadhāna)
The Effort to Overcome (Pahāna-ppadhāna)
The Effort to Develop (Bhāvanā-ppadhāna)
The Effort to Maintain (Anurakkha a-ppadhāna)

Unit Eleven
Right Mindfulness (Sammā-sati)
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipa hāna)
Contemplation of the Body (kāyanupassanā)

Unit Twelve
Contemplation of the Feelings (vedanānupassanā)
Contemplation of the Mind (Cittānupassanā)
Contemplation of the Mind-Objects (dhammānupassanā)

Unit Thirteen
Nibbāna through nāpāna-Sati

Unit Fourteen
Right Concentration (Sammā-samādhi)
Its Definition
Its Objects
Its Requisites
Its Development
The Four Absorptions (jhāna)

Unit Fifteen
Gradual Development of the Eightfold Path in the Progress of the Disciple
Confidence and Right Thought (Second Factor)
Morality (Third, Fourth, Fifth Factor)
Control of the Senses (Sixth Factor)
Mindfulness and Clear Comprehension (Seventh Factor)
Absence of the Five Hindrances (nīvara a)
The Absorptions (Eighth Factor)
Insight (vipassanā) (First Factor)
The Silent Thinker
The True Goal
Buddhist Literature
Index of Pali Terms
Chinese Text of the Word of the Buddha
Chinese Translation
