
作者:中华人民共和国水利部 编
1 General Provisions2 Terms and Notations2.1 Terms2.2 Notations
3 Layout of Dam4 Configuration of Dam4.1 General4.2 Non-overflow Dam Sections4.3 Overflow Dam Sections4.4 Outlet Works
5 Hydraulic Design of Water Releasing Works5.1 General5.2 Calculation of Discharge Capacity and Energy Dissipation5.3 Design of Cavitation Prevention in High Velocity Flow Area5.4 Design of Energy Dissipating and Scouring Resistant Devices
6 Design of Dam Cross Section6.1 Loads and Loading Combinations6.2 Design Principles6.3 Stress Computation6.4 Calculation of Dam Stability against Sliding6.5 Structural Design of Gate Piers on Overflow Dam Section
7 Foundation Treatment7.1 General7.2 Foundation Excavation7.3 Consolidation Grouting of Dam Foundation7.4 Seepage Control and Drainage of Foundation7.5 Treatment of Fault Fracture Zones and Weak Structural Planes7.6 Seepage Control in Karst Areas
8 Structural Arrangement of Dam Body8.1 Dam Crest8.2 Galleries and Access Passages in Dam8.3 Joints in Dam8.4 Waterstop and Drainage8.5 Concrete Materials and Dam Zoning
9 Temperature Control and Crack Prevention9.1 General9.2 Temperature Control Criteria9.3 Temperature Control and Cracking Prevention Measures
10 Safety Monitoring Design10.1 General10.2 Monitoring Items and Highlights for Instrument Layout
Annex A Formulas for Hydraulic DesignA. 1 Weir Crest Shape, Pressure on Crest Surface and Bucket RadiusA. 2 Outline of Outlet Works through Dam BodyA. 3 Calculation of Discharge Capacity and Aerated Water DepthA.4 Hydraulic Characteristics of Flip Bucket Energy DissipationA. 5 Hydraulic Characteristics of Energy Dissipation of Hydraulic-jump Type Stilling BasinA. 6 Prevention of CavitationAnnex B Formulas for Load CalculationsB. 1 Hydrostatic Pressure at a Point on Dam SurfaceB. 2 Silt PressureB. 3 Uplift PressureB. 4 Ice PressureB. 5 Pressure on the Bucket by Centrifugal FlowB. 6 Wave PressureAnnex C Formulas for Stress Calculations of Solid Gravity DamsC. 1 Vertical Normal Stresses at Upstream and Downstream FacesC. 2 Shear Stresses at Upstream and Downstream FacesC. 3 Horizontal Normal Stresses at Upstream and Downstream FacesC.4 Principal Stresses at Upstream and Downstream FacesAnnex D Engineering Geological Classification and MechanicalParameters of Rock Mass of Dam FoundationAnnex E Calculations of Stability against Sliding along PotentialFailure Planes within FoundationAnnex F Calculation of Temperature and Thermal Stresses ofDam during ConstructionF. 1 Calculation of Concrete TemperatureF. 2 Calculation of Temperature Reducing of Concrete byPipe CoolingF. 3 Thermal Insulation of Concrete SurfaceF. 4 Thermal StressesExpression of Provisions
3 Layout of Dam4 Configuration of Dam4.1 General4.2 Non-overflow Dam Sections4.3 Overflow Dam Sections4.4 Outlet Works
5 Hydraulic Design of Water Releasing Works5.1 General5.2 Calculation of Discharge Capacity and Energy Dissipation5.3 Design of Cavitation Prevention in High Velocity Flow Area5.4 Design of Energy Dissipating and Scouring Resistant Devices
6 Design of Dam Cross Section6.1 Loads and Loading Combinations6.2 Design Principles6.3 Stress Computation6.4 Calculation of Dam Stability against Sliding6.5 Structural Design of Gate Piers on Overflow Dam Section
7 Foundation Treatment7.1 General7.2 Foundation Excavation7.3 Consolidation Grouting of Dam Foundation7.4 Seepage Control and Drainage of Foundation7.5 Treatment of Fault Fracture Zones and Weak Structural Planes7.6 Seepage Control in Karst Areas
8 Structural Arrangement of Dam Body8.1 Dam Crest8.2 Galleries and Access Passages in Dam8.3 Joints in Dam8.4 Waterstop and Drainage8.5 Concrete Materials and Dam Zoning
9 Temperature Control and Crack Prevention9.1 General9.2 Temperature Control Criteria9.3 Temperature Control and Cracking Prevention Measures
10 Safety Monitoring Design10.1 General10.2 Monitoring Items and Highlights for Instrument Layout
Annex A Formulas for Hydraulic DesignA. 1 Weir Crest Shape, Pressure on Crest Surface and Bucket RadiusA. 2 Outline of Outlet Works through Dam BodyA. 3 Calculation of Discharge Capacity and Aerated Water DepthA.4 Hydraulic Characteristics of Flip Bucket Energy DissipationA. 5 Hydraulic Characteristics of Energy Dissipation of Hydraulic-jump Type Stilling BasinA. 6 Prevention of CavitationAnnex B Formulas for Load CalculationsB. 1 Hydrostatic Pressure at a Point on Dam SurfaceB. 2 Silt PressureB. 3 Uplift PressureB. 4 Ice PressureB. 5 Pressure on the Bucket by Centrifugal FlowB. 6 Wave PressureAnnex C Formulas for Stress Calculations of Solid Gravity DamsC. 1 Vertical Normal Stresses at Upstream and Downstream FacesC. 2 Shear Stresses at Upstream and Downstream FacesC. 3 Horizontal Normal Stresses at Upstream and Downstream FacesC.4 Principal Stresses at Upstream and Downstream FacesAnnex D Engineering Geological Classification and MechanicalParameters of Rock Mass of Dam FoundationAnnex E Calculations of Stability against Sliding along PotentialFailure Planes within FoundationAnnex F Calculation of Temperature and Thermal Stresses ofDam during ConstructionF. 1 Calculation of Concrete TemperatureF. 2 Calculation of Temperature Reducing of Concrete byPipe CoolingF. 3 Thermal Insulation of Concrete SurfaceF. 4 Thermal StressesExpression of Provisions