


作者:Lee Kitchen,王金诚 著





  Lee Kitchen教授有30年的商界工作经验,曾就职于世界上最大的广告公司,并先 后在三家跨国公司任营销总监,对职业发展规划有丰富的经验和独到的见解。12年前,他开始任教于美国佛罗里达州塔里哈西社区学院,教授职业规划和市场营销课程,并积极开展中美高校的学生交流项目。他是佛罗里达州立大学的客座教授曾任教于西 班牙、英国和中国的大学。此外,他还曾出版过多部诗集、戏剧和儿童故事。王锦程副教授任教于天津外国语大学国际商学院,主要讲授国际营销、战略管理 等课程。研究领域包括知识管理和创新管理。曾在英国、加拿大和葡萄牙等国留学、工作,对国际化人才的职业发展与规划有较深的研究。
Branch 1: Marketing Basics Marketing Defined Target Audience The Four P's (Product, Place, Price and Promotion) Example of Some Promotion Tools New Marketing Basics (3 W's and C) A Brand, Aura and Selling (Persuasion) Product Life Cycle (Traditional and New) Positioning and Repositioning Social Marketing of the Self AssignmentsBranch 2: Where Are You and Where Do You Want to Go Where Are You Passion and Personality Strengths and Weaknesses Financially Where Do You Think You Want to Go What Do You Want Setting Goals Marketing Plan Outline Career Goals and the Planning Process Your Positioning DYV Statement (Describe Your Value) Financial Strategy AssignmentsBranch 3: How to Get There "Product" Improvement Product Improvement and Education Culture Foreign Language Package (Dress for Men and Women) The Two Snake Eyes Bad Debt and Good Debt Plan for Getting out of Debt Student Loans Social Media and Your Branding Strategy AssignmentsBranch 4: Developing Effective Communication Skills Communication Model One-on-one Communication How to Prepare for a One-on-one Presentation Email and Memorandums Telephone Communication Skills Good News Messages Bad News Messages Thank You Notes Listening Skills One-on-group Presentation Talk to Persuade Visual Aids: The Destroyer of Presentations or the Helper of Presentations ~ Note-taking Skills Other Presentation Tools Technical Know-how Handling Questions and ObjectionsBranch 5 : Business Etiquette Cell Phones Laptops Tablets Cubicles Meetings Business Social Gatherings How to Keep a Conversation Going Business Meals Formal Review or Appraisal International Etiquette AssignmentsBranch 6: Creativity or Something Special Creative AssignmentsAppendix 1: Personal Balance SheetAppendix 2 : Budget Format
