一带一路国别概览滕成达,潘艳勤 著,李向阳 编《“一带一路”国别概览:越南/“一带一路”系列丛书》是“一带一路”国别概览系列丛书之一,上篇从地理、简史、政治、文化、军事、外交、社会、经济、对外经贸关系等方面,下篇主要从社会主义定向的市场经济、中越主要陆路口岸与中越边境贸易等方面介绍了越南的国情。对研究该国与丝绸之路或海上丝绸之路的渊源和历史具有重要意义。
一带一路国别概览唐志超 著,李向阳,李绍先 编《“一带一路”国别概览:约旦/“一带一路”系列丛书》一书是“一带一路”国别概览丛书中的一本,从地理、简史、政治、军事、文化、社会、外交、经济、对外经济关系、中国与约旦共建“一带一路”等方面介绍了约旦的国情。《“一带一路”国别概览:约旦/“一带一路”系列丛书》对象明确,条理清晰,具有较高的科学性、实用性、可读性和一定的社会价值及文化价值。
一带一路国别概览杨保筠,李轩志 著,李向阳 编《柬埔寨》是“一带一路”国别概览系列丛书之一,《“一带一路”国别概览:柬埔寨/“一带一路”系列丛书》共分为九章,力图以有限的篇幅对柬埔寨做较为全面的概况介绍,内容涉及该国的地理、简史、政治、军事、文化、社会、外交、经济等诸多方面,并探讨了在“一带一路”倡议框架下的中柬两国进一步加强合作的前景。
一带一路国别概览李向阳 著本书为《“一带一路”国别概览?塞浦路斯》,分为上下两篇共十章,其中上篇包括:*章,地理;第二章,简史;第三章,政治;第四章,军事;第五章,文化;第六章,社会;第七章,外交;第八章,经济;第九章,对外经济关系。下篇包括:第十章,同中国关系。作者简介:何志龙,陕西师范大学历史文化学院教授、硕士生导师、副院长
一带一路视野下的东盟十国赖铮,霍健明 著本教材为“‘一带一路’沿线国家的人文特点与商业机遇系列丛书”的第一册,由校企合作编写,合作方是英语专业毕业、资深的国际商务师。本书旨在普及东南亚国家的基本常识,从教育学的角度,采用“简化、白话和双语”的原则,有利于普通人士的阅读和理解。教材每个单元都采取中英文对照方式编写,可供中外学生学习用。
欧洲文化渊源教程刘浩,黄奕 编《欧洲文化渊源教程(第2版 英文)》面向非英语专业本科生英语学习和大学英语教学的需要,以英语为主编写,语言难度适中。《欧洲文化渊源教程(第2版 英文)》内容选材融合了欧洲文明的两大基石,以其中的精彩故事为引导。以提高学生的语言能力和思辨能力为培养目标,辅以文化讨论和艺术欣赏,内容生动全面。相比其他文化类大学英语课程教材,《欧洲文化渊源教程(第2版 英文)》突出了对学生语言技能(即听、说、读、写)的训练与培养,使语言技能学习与内容学习相辅相成。《欧洲文化渊源教程(第2版 英文)》语言输人的形式多样,既有阅读又有视听,能够切实提高学生用英语读和听的能力。同时,各单元也围绕学习目标,设计了说和写的输出训练。《欧洲文化渊源教程(第2版 英文)》以大学英语六级词汇为选词范围,设计了适量的核心词汇训练。《欧洲文化渊源教程(第2版 英文)》附录中列出了重要人名和地名的读音及解释,便于教师课堂讲授,以及学生在学习时检索。
罗马尼亚概况赵菁 编Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. It borders with Bulgaria, Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia and Moldova. The official language of Romania is Romanian, with English, French and German spoken as foreign languages. Romania is the 6th most populous member state of the European Union, having approximately 21 million inhabitants with a total area of 238,397 square kilometers. Its capital and largest city is Bucharest. Romania enjoys great natural beauty and diversity and a rich cultural heritage. Despite their shyness, Romanians are exceedingly friendly people. The economy of Romania has been fast developing in recent years, driven by strong industrial exports and excellent agricultural harvests. Romania has been actively involved in regional & international organizations, such as the United Nations, the European Union, the World Trade Center and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone.Romania has also cultivated formally cordial relations with China both at a bilateral level and within multilateral formats.
乌克兰区域概况[英] 柯律格(Craig Clunas) 著《乌克兰区域概况》是一部以俄文编写,配以中文导读,用区域学概念介绍乌克兰自然人文概况的语言国情教材。全书将乌克兰北部、西部、中央、东部、南部五大区域分章介绍,对各区域经济(矿产、能源、工业、交通)、科教文化、旅游资源的特色来进行串讲,并将各区域环境问题和可持续发展情况、各区域的历史文化风俗差异作为重点进行综述。
保加利亚概况陈发家,李丹,刘倩 编Bulgaria is a country in southeastern Europe. It is bordered by Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, and the Black Sea to the east. With a territory of 110,994 square kilometers and a population of 7 million in 2019, Bulgaria is Europe's 16th-largest country. Organized prehistoric cultures began developing on current Bulgarian lands during the Neolithic period. Its ancient history saw the presence of the Thracians, Greeks and Romans. The emergence of a unified Bulgarian state dates back to the establishment of the First Bulgarian Empire in 681, which dominated most of the Balkans and functioned as a cultural hub for Slavs during the Middle Ages. With the downfall of the Second Bulgarian Empire in 1396, its territories came under Ottoman rule for nearly five centuries. The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 led to the formation of the Third Bulgarian State. The following years saw several conflicts with its neighbors, which prompted Bulgaria to align with Germany in both world wars. It now is a member of the European Union, NATO and the Council of Europe; a founding state of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE); and has taken a seat at the UN Security Council three times. Bulgaria and China are traditional friendly countries. There is profound friendship with solid social basis between the two countries and peoples. Bulgaria has actively participated in China's Belt and Road Initiative.
武士道新渡户稻造 著《武士道》一书是作者于1899年在美国宾夕法尼亚州养病时,有感于外国人对日本的传统武士道知之甚少,为了向国外介绍而用英文写成的。由于作者本人是一个在幼年时亲自接受过武士道传统教育的日本人,因此,正如作者所说,他在介绍时,与别的外国的日本研究者至多只不过是个“辩护律师”不同,“可以采取被告人的态度”。的确,我们在读到他所系统介绍的武士道的种种方面时,颇有入木三分之感。同时,由于作者是为了向国外作介绍而写的,行文中大量引用了西方的历史和文学典故进行比较,所以就更便于外国读者阅读和理解。正因为如此,《武士道》一出版就引起了外国读者的极大兴趣。据作者自序说,当时的美国总统西奥多?罗斯福不仅自己亲自读了此书,还以此书分赠其友人。