


作者:李明 编





1.How to Overcome“Monday Blues”
2.How to Use Off—hours Rationally
3.Take Breaks Throughout the Workday
4.Working People Taking Stairs Can Expect to Live Longer
5.Sitting for Long Time Will Impact Your Health
6.Be Alert to Carpal Tunnel
7.Workers Have to Prevent the“Information Obsessive—compulsive Disorder” 前言 劳逸结合 1.How to Overcome“Monday Blues” 上班族如何克服“周一综合症” 2.How to Use Off—hours Rationally 上班族如何合理利用下班时问 3.Take Breaks Throughout the Workday 上班时间要适当休息l 4.Working People Taking Stairs Can Expect to Live Longer 上班族爬楼梯能长寿 5.Sitting for Long Time Will Impact Your Health 上班族久坐影响健康 6.Be Alert to Carpal Tunnel 上班族要警惕腕管综合症 7.Workers Have to Prevent the“Information Obsessive—compulsive Disorder” 上班族不得不防的“信息强迫症” 8.Bad Eating Habits of Working People 上班族的不良饮食习惯 9.Computer Keyboard Is Dirtier Than Closestool 比马桶更脏的电脑键盘 10.Vigorous Working People in the Whole Aftemoon 上班族如何下午不犯困 11.Get Rid of the Entrepreneur Insomnia 摆脱职业性的失眠 扩展社交 1.How to Make Friends 上班族如何交朋友 2.How tO Remember the Name of a New Encounter 上班族如何记住初识朋友的名字 3.How to Use Your Body Language for Better Communication 使用肢体语言更好地沟通交流 4.How tO Avoid Talking in an Awkward Situation 避免谈话陷入尴尬 5.Secrets tO Successful Schmoozing 如何在职场轻松闲谈 6.How to Unwind after Work 上班族下班后如何放松 7.Tips for Evening Workouts 上班族晚上锻炼小贴士 8.Workout in the Office 专家支招办公室健身 9.Avoid Fitness Mistakes in the Gym 上班族在健身房应该避免的错误 10.Using the Force of Yoga 借助瑜珈的力量 11.Workers Regularly Attends After—work Drinks 上班族下班常聚会 12.How tO Avoid Awkwardness in Office Birthday Party 如何避免公司生日派对的尴尬气氛 职场充电 1.Income Statement 损益表 2.The Balance Sheet 资产负债表 3.SWOT Analysis SWOT分析 4.Advertising Sales 广告销售 5.Seven P Formula 7P准则 6.The 8020 Rule 二八原则 7.The Long Tail Effect 长尾效应 8.Blue Ocean Strategy 蓝海战略 9.Three Portfolios for Wise Investment 三种明智的投资组合 10.Investments Need to Be Familiar with 需要熟知的投资项目 11.The List of the 10 Top Recession Winners 金融危机中商业界黑马排行榜 12.The Seven Enemies of Financial Success 通往财富之路的7大障碍 自我反省 1.How to Succeed in Life 如何在生活中成功 2.Out of the Question Is Possible “不可能”就是可能 3.Mind Your Own Business 关注自己的事业 4.Don’t Work for Money 不要为金钱而工作 5.I Will Persist Until I Succeed 我将坚持不懈直到成功 6.How to Overcome Self—doubt 如何克服自我怀疑 7.Putting Something Off Might Be the Smart Thing to Do 拖延也许是明智之举 8.Success Can only Be Born in Action 成功在行动中产生 9.The Opportunity Lies with the Details of Real Life 机遇在于生活的细节 10 Stick to Your Soecial Talents 固守自己的优势 文化提升 1.Youth—Samuel WlhTlan 青春——塞缪尔厄尔曼l 2.I Have a Dream—Martin Luther King 我有一个梦想——马丁路德金 3.Three Days to See——Helen Keller 假如给我三天光明——海伦凯勒l 4.Who Moved My Cheese—Spencer Johnson 谁动了我的奶酪——斯宾塞约翰逊 5.A Random Walk Down Wall Street—Gordon Malkiel 漫步华尔街——伯顿马尔基尔 6.Rich Dad Poor Dad—Robert Kiyosaki 富爸爸,穷爸爸——罗伯特清崎l 7.The Black Swan—Nassim Nicholas Taleb 黑天鹅一纳西姆尼古拉斯塔勒布 8.The Secret—Rhonda Byme 秘密——朗达拜恩 9.Think and Grow Rich—Napoleon Hill 思考致富——拿破仑希尔 10.Erin Brockovick 永不妥协 11.The Devil Wears Prada 穿Prada的恶魔l 分享成功 1.The Growth Process of Apple CEO Tim Cook 苹果现任CE0蒂姆库克的成长之路 2.Success Story of the Software Tycoon—Bill Gates 软件大亨比尔盖茨的成功故事 3.The Master of Investment Warren Buffett’s Extraordinary Life 世界投资大师沃伦巴菲特的非凡一生 4.The Father of Apple Steve Jobs’Three Stories “苹果之父”史蒂夫乔布斯的三个故事 5.The Founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg's Startup Experience 脸书创史人马克扎克伯格的创业故事 6.IBM President Thomas Watson’S Career as a Salesman IBM董事长托马斯沃森的推销员生涯 7.The Story of Genius at Work Henry Ford 天生的机械师亨利福特的故事 8.The Self—employment Story of Google’s Co—founder Sergey Brin 谷歌联合创始人谢尔盖布林的自由创业故事 9.The Founder of Oracle Corporation Lawrence Ellison’S Pioneering Work 甲骨文公司创始人劳伦斯埃里森的创业人生 10.The Founder of Amazon Company Ieffrey Bezos’s Genius as a Child 亚马孙公司创始人杰弗里贝索斯的少年天赋 11.The Founder of Dell Michael Dell’S Dream of 2 Billions 戴尔电脑公司的创始人迈克尔戴尔20亿美元的梦想 12.The Legendary Story of Financial Crocodile George Soros 金融大鳄乔治索罗斯的传奇故事 13.US Disabled Educator Helen Keller’s Struggling Life 美国残障教育家海伦凯勒的奋斗人生 4.Ashley’S Dream of A Singing Career 阿什利梦圆歌坛 汲取正能量 1.Ambition 抱负之说 2.Honesty 诚信 3.Sow Happiness 播种幸福 4.“There”Is No Better Than“Here” 知足者常乐 5.Be Grateful tO Life 感恩生活 6.Money Is Not Everything 金钱不是万能的 7.Flying Dreams 放飞梦想 8.The Days That Make Us Happy Make Us Wise 快乐的日子使人睿智 9.Smiling Makes Yourself Stand Out 微笑让你脱颖而出 10.Success and Happiness 成功与幸福
