作者:韩红梅 编
Part One Geological Disasters
Unit One Earthquakes
Text A Squeezing Water from Rock
Text B Can We Save California?
Text C Earthquakes Shake Northern Italy
Unit Two Mudslides and Landslides
Text A Hundreds Killed in Rio de Janeiro Mudslides
Text B When Land Slides
Text C Papua New Guinea: Dozens Dead and Missing in Landslide
Unit Three Tsunamis
Text A Going Vertical: Fleeing Tsunamis by Moving up, Not out
Text B Tsunami Wreaks Mental Health Havoc
Text C Indonesia: Inadequate Relief Endangers Disaster Victims
Unit Four Volcano Eruptions
Text A Deepest Explosive Eruption on Sea Floor: Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle Jason Images Discovery
Text B Volcanic Ash Cloud Leaves Hundreds of Thousands Stranded in Europe
Text C Could a Changing Climate Set off Volcanoes and Quakes?
Part Two Meteorological Disasters
Unit One Floods
Text A Queensland Crisis Points to Lack of Flood Mitigation and Basic Infrastructure
Text B More Deaths As a "Wall of Water" Engulfs Queensland Towns
Text C Pakistan's Despair: Through Hell and High Water
Unit Two Hurricanes
Text A Hurricane Isaac Pounds Gulf Coast
Text B New Orleans Braces for Gustav
Text C Special Report on the Galveston Hurricane
Unit Three Tornadoes
Text A Nighttime Tornadoes are Worst Nightmare: Twisters
That Occur from Midnight to Dawn are 2.5 Times More Likely to Kill
Text B Is Climate Change Causing an Upsurge in US Tornadoes?
Text C Tri-State Tornado: Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, March 1925
Unit Four Snow and Ice
Text A Mounting Anger over Sydney Hailstorm Disaster
Text B China on Ice
Text C East Coast Blizzard Lays Bare Social Crisis of US Cities
Part Three Biological Disasters
Unit One Pest Disaster
Text A The Perfect Swarm: Locusts Threaten Eastern Australia
Text B The Beaver: Destructive Pest or Climate Saviour?
Text C Cricket Swarm Brings Plague to State-s North-Insects
Keep Finding Ways to Thwart Efforts to Eradicate Them
Unit Two Viruses
Text A HIV/AIDS Danger Increasing in the West
Text B EU States Downplay Risk as Bird Flu Spreads Toward Western Europe.
Text C US West Nile Virus Cases Double in One Week
Part Four Events of Public Security
Unit One Industrial Disasters
Text A Deathin the Darkness
Text B China- s Toxic Shock
Text C After Fukushima: Massive Global Expansion of Nuclear Industry Under Way
Unit Two Traffic Accidents
Text A What Brought Down Air France Flight 447?
Text B Australia: Fatal Train Accident Highlights Infrastructure Decay
Text C Mean Streets
Unit Three Environmental Disasters
Text A Severe Dust Storm Hits Australian Coastal Cities
Text B Pollution Lingers at Old Missile Sites
Text C Gulf Oil Spill Threatens Public Health
Key to Exercises