


作者:夏纪梅 编著





UNIT 1 Belonging to a Group Chapter 1 Marriage, Family and the Home Text 1 The Family Today Text 2 Alternative Lifestyles Text 3 How We Learn to Behave Text 4 The Importance of the Social Environment Chapter 2 The Power of the Group Text 1 The Influence of Culture Text 2 Peer Group Pressure Text 3 Crowds Text 4 Panic! Unit Summary (1)   UNIT 2 Gender and Sexuality Chapter 3 Growing Up Male or Female Text 1 Bringing Up Boys and Girls Text 2 Fairy-Tale Lessons for Girls Text 3 Learning Gender Lessons at School Text 4 Gender Roles in the Media Chapter 4 Gender Issues Today Text 1 Balancing Home and Work Text 2 It's Not So Easy Being Male Text 3 Inequality at Work  Text 4 Sexual Harassment Unit Summary (2)   UNIT 3 Media and Society Chapter 5 Mass Media Today Text 1 The Role of Mass Media Text 2 What Is Newsworthy? Text 3 Reporting the Facts Text 4 Advertising in the Media Chapter 6 The Influence of the Media Text 1 Privacy and the Media Text 2 Internet Issues Text 3 Propaganda and the Media Text 4Television and Children Unit Summary (3)   UNIT 4 Breaking the Rules Chapter 7 Crime and Criminals Text 1 Deviance and Crime Text 2 Who Commits Crime? Text 3 Computers and Crimes Text 4 Techniques for Solving Crimes Chapter 8 Controlling Crime Text 1 What Stops Us from Committing Crimes? Text 2 Prisons Text 3 The Death Penalty Text 4 The War on Drugs Unit Summary (4)   UNIT 5 Changing Societies Chapter 9 Cultural Change Text 1 Cultural Variation and Change Text 2 Subcultures and Cults Text 3 Changing Communication Text 4 The Changing Workplace Chapter 10 Global Issues Text 1 Population Change Text 2 Flight to the Cities Text 3 The Environment Text 4 Into the Future Unit Summary (5)
