作者:(英)曼赛 韦伯斯特 ,斯威特兰登 著
译者的话 Translators’ words
序 Foreword
前言 Preface
致谢 Acknowledgements
献辞 Dedication
Chapter 1
第一章 乳腺良性紊乱的概念和命名问题
Problems of concept and nomenclature of benign disorders of the breast
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
问题的来源 The source of the problem
历史 History
现状和展望 The present and the future
参考文献 References
Chapter 2
第二章 良性乳腺疾病的历史 History of benign breast disease
前言 Introduction
Sir Astley Paston Cooper, Bt. FRS DCL GCH. 1768-1841
Alfred Velpeau. 1785-1867
John Birkett FRCS Fellow of the Linnean Society. 1815-1904
George Lenthal Cheatle. 1865-1951
Joseph Colt Bloodgood. 1867-1935
Charles F. Geschickter. 1901-?
对六位伟人贡献的分析 An analysis of the contributions of these six men
参考文献 References
Chapter 3
第三章 乳房的解剖和生理Breast anatomy and physiology
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
发育 Development
青春期改变 Changes at puberty
成人解剖 Adult anatomy
微观解剖 Microscopic anatomy
乳腺上皮的生化调控 Biochemical control of breast epithelium
乳腺上皮的周期性变化 Cyclical changes in breast epithelium
妊娠期与哺乳期乳房的变化 Changes during pregnancy and lactation
绝经后退化 Postmenopausal involution
参考文献 References
Chapter 4
第四章 正常发育和退化过程中的失常(ANDI):乳腺良性病变的病因学概念
Aberrations of normal development and involution (ANDI): a concept of benign breast disorders based on pathogenesis
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
Recognition of the normality of much benign breast 'disease'
Problems with the conventional view of benign breast disease
The physiological processes underlying the ANDI concept
基于发病机制的框架 A framework based on pathogenesis
Reasons for including various benign breast disorders as part of ANDI
An extension of the concept of ANDI to include most benign breast disorders?
Implications for the management of benign breast disorders
从失常到疾病? Aberration to disease?
Recent developments having a bearing on the ANDI concept
参考文献 References
Chapter 5
第五章 诊断和评估乳房肿块的方法
The approach to diagnosis and assessment of breast lumps
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
Part 1: The differential diagnosis and clinical assessment of breast lumps
乳房肿块的临床评估 Clinical assessment of a breast lump
个体病变的特征 Features of individual lesions
Follow-up after assessment and/or benign breast biopsy
活检后复发肿块的处理 Management of recurrent lumps following biopsy
不同生理时期的乳房肿块 Breast masses related to different life periods
第二部分 三重评估法和乳腺门诊的管理
Part 2: Triple assessment and organization of the breast clinic
细针抽吸细胞学 Fine needle aspiration cytology
三重评估中的超声检查 Ultrasound in triple assessment
粗空芯针活检 Wide-bore needle biopsy
麦默通或真空辅助活检 Mammotome or vacuum-assisted biopsy
门诊管理 Organization of clinics
医疗法律问题 Medico-legal issues
参考文献 References
Chapter 6
第六章 乳腺影像学Imaging of the breast
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
乳腺密度 Breast density
乳腺X线照相 Mammography
乳腺超声检查 Breast ultrasound
乳腺磁共振成像 Breast magnetic resonance imaging
活检技术 Biopsy techniques
乳腺定位技术 Breast localization techniques
参考文献 References
Chapter 7
第七章 纤维腺瘤与相关肿瘤Fibroadenoma and related tumours
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
术语 Terminology
单纯型纤维腺瘤 Fibroadenoma simplex
癌症与纤维腺瘤 Cancer and fibroadenoma
多发纤维腺瘤 Multiple fibroadenomas
巨大纤维腺瘤 Giant fibroadenoma
Phyllodes tumour and phyllodes sarcoma (cystosarcoma phyllodes)
假性血管瘤样增生 Pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia
参考文献 References
Chapter 8
第八章 乳房疼痛和结节Breast pain and nodularity
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
历史记载 Historical note
乳房疼痛的频率 Frequency of breast pain
乳腺癌中的乳房疼痛 Mastalgia in breast cancer
分类 Classification
乳房疼痛和结节的病因学 Aetiology of mastalgia and nodularity
乳房疼痛患者的治疗 Management of patients with mastalgia
乳房疼痛的自然病程 Natural history of mastalgia
乳房疼痛患者的治疗计划 Plan of management for patients with mastalgia
绝经后患者的乳房疼痛 Mastalgia in the postmenopausal patient
顽固性乳房疼痛的患者 Patients with refractory mastalgia
The relationship of cyclical mastalgia to premenstrual stress
结论 Conclusion
参考文献 References
Chapter 9
第九章 硬化性乳腺病,放射状瘢痕及复杂性硬化性病变
Sclerosing adenosis, radial scar and complex sclerosing lesions
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
硬化性乳腺病 Sclerosing adenosis
放射状瘢痕和复杂硬化性病变 Radial scar and complex sclerosing lesions
参考文献 References
Chapter 10
第十章 乳腺囊肿Cysts of the breast
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
病理学 Pathology
发病率 Incidence
发病机制与囊肿类型 Pathogenesis and cyst types
病因学 Aetiology
临床特征 Clinical features
年龄 Age
自然病程 Natural history
辅助检查 Investigation
鉴别诊断 Differential diagnosis
治疗 Management
积乳囊肿 Galactocele
大囊肿相关性乳头状瘤 Papillary tumours associated with macrocysts
参考文献 References
Chapter 11
第十一章 导管扩张症/导管周围乳腺炎综合征
The duct ectasia/periductal mastitis complex
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
历史回顾 Historical survey
Pathology and pathogenesis of duct ectasia/periductal mastitis
The development of the duct ectasia/periductal mastitis complex
The clinical spectrum of duct ectasia/periductal mastitis
Breast masses associated with periductal mastitis
Frequency of duct ectasia/periductal mastitis
放射学 Radiology
治疗 Management
The consequences and results of operations for duct ectasia
Recurrent infection after surgery for periductal mastitis
参考文献 References
Chapter 12
第十二章 乳头及乳晕区病变Disorders of the nipple and areola
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
乳头内陷与回缩 Nipple inversion and retraction
乳头皲裂 Cracked nipples
乳头结痂 Nipple crusting
侵蚀性腺瘤病 Erosive adenomatosis
乳腺汗管瘤样腺瘤 Syringomatous adenoma
结节性粘蛋白沉积症 Nodular mucinosis
单纯纤维上皮息肉 Simple fibroepithelial polyp
湿疹 Eczema
平滑肌瘤 Leiomyoma
外伤性损害 Traumatic lesions
乳头疼痛 Nipple pain
乳头疾病与HIV感染 Nipple disease and HIV infection
蒙哥马利腺 Montgomery’s glands
乳头皮脂腺囊肿 Sebaceous cyst of the nipple
病毒感染 Viral infections
乳晕区化脓性汗腺炎 Hidradenitis suppurativa of the areola
参考文献 References
Chapter 13
第十三章 乳头溢液Nipple discharge
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
定义 Definition
发病率 Incidence
溢液的特征和意义 Character and significance of discharge
乳头溢液的潜在病理学改变Pathology underlying nipple discharge
评估 Assessment
治疗 Management
参考文献 References
Chapter 14
第十四章 乳房感染Infections of the breast
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
哺乳期乳房感染 Lactational breast infection
亚临床性乳腺炎 Subclinical mastitis
非哺乳期乳房脓肿 Nonlactational breast abscess
免疫功能低下患者的感染 Infections in immunocompromised patients
医源性感染 latrogenic abscess
特殊类型的乳房感染 Specific infections of the breast
相关组织的感染 Infections of associated structures
参考文献 References
Chapter 15
第十五章 先天和发育紊乱Congenital and growth disorders
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
发育异常 Developmental anomalies
乳房提早发育 Premature breast development
乳房异常肥大 Hypertrophic abnormalities of the breast
哺乳后乳房过度退化 Excessive postlactational involution
遗传性乳房异常 Genetic abnormalities involving the breast
外科治疗 Surgical treatment
参考文献 References
Chapter 16
第十六章 男性乳房疾病The male breast
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
男性乳房的发育 Development of the male breast
男性乳房发育症 Gynaecomastia
其他男性乳腺疾病 Other male breast disease
参考文献 References
Chapter 17
第十七章 其他病变Miscellaneous conditions
前言 Introduction
外伤 Trauma
脂肪坏死 Fat necrosis
石蜡瘤和硅胶反应 Paraffinoma and silicone reactions
脂肪瘤 Lipoma
错构瘤(腺脂瘤) Hamartoma (adenolipoma)
乳房水肿 Oedema of the breast
放疗后的乳房 The post-irradiated breast
乳房纤维性疾病 Fibrous disease of the breast
纤维瘤病(硬纤维瘤) Fibromatosis (desmoid tumour)
结节性筋膜炎 Nodular fasciitis
糖尿病性乳腺病 Diabetic mastopathy
Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (non-specific granulomatous disease)
类肉瘤 Sarcoid
淀粉样变 Amyloid
血管性疾病 Blood vessels
动脉粥样硬化和动脉瘤 Atherosclerosis and aneurysm
蒙道尔氏病 Mondor’s disease
梗塞 Infarction
皮肤相关病变 Skin-related conditions
乳房化脓性汗腺炎 Hidradenitis suppurativa of the breast
神经源性肿瘤 Tumours of nerve origin
颗粒细胞瘤(成肌细胞瘤) Granular cell tumour (myoblastoma)
人为性乳腺疾病 Artefactual disease of the breast
异物 Foreign bodies
乳腺结石 Mammalithiasis
幻乳综合征 Phantom breast syndrome
乳腺粘液囊肿样病变 Mammary mucocele-like lesion
妊娠期乳腺肿瘤(泌乳腺瘤) Breast tumour of pregnancy (lactating adenoma)
乳腺胶原小体病 Collagenous spherulosis of the breast
女性中的男性乳房发育样病变 Gynaecomastia-like lesions in women
参考文献 References
Chapter 18
第十八章 手术Operations
前言 Introduction
门诊的组织学诊断 Tissue diagnosis in the clinic
Removal of giant fibroadenoma and phyllodes tumour
乳腺导管区域切除术 Microdochectomy
乳腺导管瘘切除术 Excision of mammary duct fistula
主导管切除术 Major duct excision (Adair/Urban/Hadfield)
哺乳期乳腺脓肿的引流 Drainage of a lactational breast abscess
男性皮下乳腺切除术 Subcutaneous mastectomy in male patients
Subcutaneous mastectomy or skin sparing mastectomy in women
乳头内陷的手术治疗 Operations for inverted nipples
参考文献 References
Chapter 19
第十九章 乳腺良性疾病的心理问题
Psychological aspects of benign breast disease
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
Psychological problems resulting from presenting with breast problems
Psychological abnormality as a cause of benign breast disease
参考文献 References
Chapter 20
第二十章 风险评估和干预措施Risk assessment and management
概要 Summary
乳腺癌 Breast cancer: the disease
乳腺癌基因 The breast cancer genes
结论 Conclusion
参考文献 References
序 Foreword
前言 Preface
致谢 Acknowledgements
献辞 Dedication
Chapter 1
第一章 乳腺良性紊乱的概念和命名问题
Problems of concept and nomenclature of benign disorders of the breast
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
问题的来源 The source of the problem
历史 History
现状和展望 The present and the future
参考文献 References
Chapter 2
第二章 良性乳腺疾病的历史 History of benign breast disease
前言 Introduction
Sir Astley Paston Cooper, Bt. FRS DCL GCH. 1768-1841
Alfred Velpeau. 1785-1867
John Birkett FRCS Fellow of the Linnean Society. 1815-1904
George Lenthal Cheatle. 1865-1951
Joseph Colt Bloodgood. 1867-1935
Charles F. Geschickter. 1901-?
对六位伟人贡献的分析 An analysis of the contributions of these six men
参考文献 References
Chapter 3
第三章 乳房的解剖和生理Breast anatomy and physiology
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
发育 Development
青春期改变 Changes at puberty
成人解剖 Adult anatomy
微观解剖 Microscopic anatomy
乳腺上皮的生化调控 Biochemical control of breast epithelium
乳腺上皮的周期性变化 Cyclical changes in breast epithelium
妊娠期与哺乳期乳房的变化 Changes during pregnancy and lactation
绝经后退化 Postmenopausal involution
参考文献 References
Chapter 4
第四章 正常发育和退化过程中的失常(ANDI):乳腺良性病变的病因学概念
Aberrations of normal development and involution (ANDI): a concept of benign breast disorders based on pathogenesis
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
Recognition of the normality of much benign breast 'disease'
Problems with the conventional view of benign breast disease
The physiological processes underlying the ANDI concept
基于发病机制的框架 A framework based on pathogenesis
Reasons for including various benign breast disorders as part of ANDI
An extension of the concept of ANDI to include most benign breast disorders?
Implications for the management of benign breast disorders
从失常到疾病? Aberration to disease?
Recent developments having a bearing on the ANDI concept
参考文献 References
Chapter 5
第五章 诊断和评估乳房肿块的方法
The approach to diagnosis and assessment of breast lumps
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
Part 1: The differential diagnosis and clinical assessment of breast lumps
乳房肿块的临床评估 Clinical assessment of a breast lump
个体病变的特征 Features of individual lesions
Follow-up after assessment and/or benign breast biopsy
活检后复发肿块的处理 Management of recurrent lumps following biopsy
不同生理时期的乳房肿块 Breast masses related to different life periods
第二部分 三重评估法和乳腺门诊的管理
Part 2: Triple assessment and organization of the breast clinic
细针抽吸细胞学 Fine needle aspiration cytology
三重评估中的超声检查 Ultrasound in triple assessment
粗空芯针活检 Wide-bore needle biopsy
麦默通或真空辅助活检 Mammotome or vacuum-assisted biopsy
门诊管理 Organization of clinics
医疗法律问题 Medico-legal issues
参考文献 References
Chapter 6
第六章 乳腺影像学Imaging of the breast
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
乳腺密度 Breast density
乳腺X线照相 Mammography
乳腺超声检查 Breast ultrasound
乳腺磁共振成像 Breast magnetic resonance imaging
活检技术 Biopsy techniques
乳腺定位技术 Breast localization techniques
参考文献 References
Chapter 7
第七章 纤维腺瘤与相关肿瘤Fibroadenoma and related tumours
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
术语 Terminology
单纯型纤维腺瘤 Fibroadenoma simplex
癌症与纤维腺瘤 Cancer and fibroadenoma
多发纤维腺瘤 Multiple fibroadenomas
巨大纤维腺瘤 Giant fibroadenoma
Phyllodes tumour and phyllodes sarcoma (cystosarcoma phyllodes)
假性血管瘤样增生 Pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia
参考文献 References
Chapter 8
第八章 乳房疼痛和结节Breast pain and nodularity
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
历史记载 Historical note
乳房疼痛的频率 Frequency of breast pain
乳腺癌中的乳房疼痛 Mastalgia in breast cancer
分类 Classification
乳房疼痛和结节的病因学 Aetiology of mastalgia and nodularity
乳房疼痛患者的治疗 Management of patients with mastalgia
乳房疼痛的自然病程 Natural history of mastalgia
乳房疼痛患者的治疗计划 Plan of management for patients with mastalgia
绝经后患者的乳房疼痛 Mastalgia in the postmenopausal patient
顽固性乳房疼痛的患者 Patients with refractory mastalgia
The relationship of cyclical mastalgia to premenstrual stress
结论 Conclusion
参考文献 References
Chapter 9
第九章 硬化性乳腺病,放射状瘢痕及复杂性硬化性病变
Sclerosing adenosis, radial scar and complex sclerosing lesions
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
硬化性乳腺病 Sclerosing adenosis
放射状瘢痕和复杂硬化性病变 Radial scar and complex sclerosing lesions
参考文献 References
Chapter 10
第十章 乳腺囊肿Cysts of the breast
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
病理学 Pathology
发病率 Incidence
发病机制与囊肿类型 Pathogenesis and cyst types
病因学 Aetiology
临床特征 Clinical features
年龄 Age
自然病程 Natural history
辅助检查 Investigation
鉴别诊断 Differential diagnosis
治疗 Management
积乳囊肿 Galactocele
大囊肿相关性乳头状瘤 Papillary tumours associated with macrocysts
参考文献 References
Chapter 11
第十一章 导管扩张症/导管周围乳腺炎综合征
The duct ectasia/periductal mastitis complex
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
历史回顾 Historical survey
Pathology and pathogenesis of duct ectasia/periductal mastitis
The development of the duct ectasia/periductal mastitis complex
The clinical spectrum of duct ectasia/periductal mastitis
Breast masses associated with periductal mastitis
Frequency of duct ectasia/periductal mastitis
放射学 Radiology
治疗 Management
The consequences and results of operations for duct ectasia
Recurrent infection after surgery for periductal mastitis
参考文献 References
Chapter 12
第十二章 乳头及乳晕区病变Disorders of the nipple and areola
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
乳头内陷与回缩 Nipple inversion and retraction
乳头皲裂 Cracked nipples
乳头结痂 Nipple crusting
侵蚀性腺瘤病 Erosive adenomatosis
乳腺汗管瘤样腺瘤 Syringomatous adenoma
结节性粘蛋白沉积症 Nodular mucinosis
单纯纤维上皮息肉 Simple fibroepithelial polyp
湿疹 Eczema
平滑肌瘤 Leiomyoma
外伤性损害 Traumatic lesions
乳头疼痛 Nipple pain
乳头疾病与HIV感染 Nipple disease and HIV infection
蒙哥马利腺 Montgomery’s glands
乳头皮脂腺囊肿 Sebaceous cyst of the nipple
病毒感染 Viral infections
乳晕区化脓性汗腺炎 Hidradenitis suppurativa of the areola
参考文献 References
Chapter 13
第十三章 乳头溢液Nipple discharge
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
定义 Definition
发病率 Incidence
溢液的特征和意义 Character and significance of discharge
乳头溢液的潜在病理学改变Pathology underlying nipple discharge
评估 Assessment
治疗 Management
参考文献 References
Chapter 14
第十四章 乳房感染Infections of the breast
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
哺乳期乳房感染 Lactational breast infection
亚临床性乳腺炎 Subclinical mastitis
非哺乳期乳房脓肿 Nonlactational breast abscess
免疫功能低下患者的感染 Infections in immunocompromised patients
医源性感染 latrogenic abscess
特殊类型的乳房感染 Specific infections of the breast
相关组织的感染 Infections of associated structures
参考文献 References
Chapter 15
第十五章 先天和发育紊乱Congenital and growth disorders
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
发育异常 Developmental anomalies
乳房提早发育 Premature breast development
乳房异常肥大 Hypertrophic abnormalities of the breast
哺乳后乳房过度退化 Excessive postlactational involution
遗传性乳房异常 Genetic abnormalities involving the breast
外科治疗 Surgical treatment
参考文献 References
Chapter 16
第十六章 男性乳房疾病The male breast
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
男性乳房的发育 Development of the male breast
男性乳房发育症 Gynaecomastia
其他男性乳腺疾病 Other male breast disease
参考文献 References
Chapter 17
第十七章 其他病变Miscellaneous conditions
前言 Introduction
外伤 Trauma
脂肪坏死 Fat necrosis
石蜡瘤和硅胶反应 Paraffinoma and silicone reactions
脂肪瘤 Lipoma
错构瘤(腺脂瘤) Hamartoma (adenolipoma)
乳房水肿 Oedema of the breast
放疗后的乳房 The post-irradiated breast
乳房纤维性疾病 Fibrous disease of the breast
纤维瘤病(硬纤维瘤) Fibromatosis (desmoid tumour)
结节性筋膜炎 Nodular fasciitis
糖尿病性乳腺病 Diabetic mastopathy
Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (non-specific granulomatous disease)
类肉瘤 Sarcoid
淀粉样变 Amyloid
血管性疾病 Blood vessels
动脉粥样硬化和动脉瘤 Atherosclerosis and aneurysm
蒙道尔氏病 Mondor’s disease
梗塞 Infarction
皮肤相关病变 Skin-related conditions
乳房化脓性汗腺炎 Hidradenitis suppurativa of the breast
神经源性肿瘤 Tumours of nerve origin
颗粒细胞瘤(成肌细胞瘤) Granular cell tumour (myoblastoma)
人为性乳腺疾病 Artefactual disease of the breast
异物 Foreign bodies
乳腺结石 Mammalithiasis
幻乳综合征 Phantom breast syndrome
乳腺粘液囊肿样病变 Mammary mucocele-like lesion
妊娠期乳腺肿瘤(泌乳腺瘤) Breast tumour of pregnancy (lactating adenoma)
乳腺胶原小体病 Collagenous spherulosis of the breast
女性中的男性乳房发育样病变 Gynaecomastia-like lesions in women
参考文献 References
Chapter 18
第十八章 手术Operations
前言 Introduction
门诊的组织学诊断 Tissue diagnosis in the clinic
Removal of giant fibroadenoma and phyllodes tumour
乳腺导管区域切除术 Microdochectomy
乳腺导管瘘切除术 Excision of mammary duct fistula
主导管切除术 Major duct excision (Adair/Urban/Hadfield)
哺乳期乳腺脓肿的引流 Drainage of a lactational breast abscess
男性皮下乳腺切除术 Subcutaneous mastectomy in male patients
Subcutaneous mastectomy or skin sparing mastectomy in women
乳头内陷的手术治疗 Operations for inverted nipples
参考文献 References
Chapter 19
第十九章 乳腺良性疾病的心理问题
Psychological aspects of benign breast disease
要点及新进展 Key points and new developments
前言 Introduction
Psychological problems resulting from presenting with breast problems
Psychological abnormality as a cause of benign breast disease
参考文献 References
Chapter 20
第二十章 风险评估和干预措施Risk assessment and management
概要 Summary
乳腺癌 Breast cancer: the disease
乳腺癌基因 The breast cancer genes
结论 Conclusion
参考文献 References