


作者:王炳炎 编





Unit 1Tell Me a Tale
Text A The King on the Balcony
Text B The Pot of Gold
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading The Lady or the Tiger?
Unit 2Life Wisdom
Text A Carrot, Egg, and Coffee
Text B Wasting Precious Time
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Sticks and Stones
Unit 3Humor
Text A Clever Dog
Text B Best Friends
Leaming Activities
Supplementary Reading The Origin of Pets
Unit 4Inventors
Text A Goldman
Text B The Story of Louis Braille
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Cellular Phones
Unit 5Kidult
Text A Game Dad
Text B Am I an Adult Yet?
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Getting Older
Unit 6Computer and Internel
Text A Computers and Girls
Text B Stories About the Computer and the Intemet
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Worknet Web Site Spotlights Wisconsin Jobs
Unit 7Tragedy Today
Text A September 11th 2001: Reactions from Around the World
Text B Madam Fortun's Misfortune
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Two Terrors
Unit 8Famous Entrepreneurs
Text A William Wrigley: Entrepreneur in Chewing Gum
Text B Raymond Albert Kroc: Founder of McDonald's Corporation
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Buick, David Dunbar
Unit 9Friendship and Love
Text A True Friends
Text B Time Transfixed
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading Learn to Say Thanks
Unit 10Around the World
A Welcome to the Bottom of the World
Text B Finland: Land of the Midnight Sun
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading A Visitors' Guide to Beijing
Unit 11Love
Text A The Golden Box
Text B Drawer of Memories
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading
Domestic Violence: Protecting Yourself and Your Children
Animal Rights
Unit 12Children Stories
Text A When Bill Gates Was a Young Boy
Text B The Story of My Birthfather
Learning Activities
Supplementary Reading The Story of My Stepfather
Key to Some of the Exercise
