


作者:王庆奖,黄瑛 编





Chapter 1 Concept of Intercultural Communication
1.1 The nature of culture
1.1.1 Defining culture
1.1.2 Culture and its elements
1.1.3 Functions of culture
1.1.4 Characteristics of culture
1.2 Culture and communication
1.2.1 Defining communication
1.2.2 Culture and language
1.2.3 Culture and verbal communication
1.2.4 Culture and nonverbal communication
1.2.5 Culture differences in communication
1.3 Intercultural Communication
1.3.1 Defining intercultural communication
1.3.2 Elements of intercultural communication
1.3.3 Forms of Intercultural Communication
1.3.4 Characteristics of intercultural communication
1.3.5intercultural communication effectiveness
Chapter 2 Intercultural Communication Competence
2.1 Defining intercultural communication competence
2.2 Components of communication competence
2.3 Effective and appropriate communication
2.3.1 Effectiveness
2.3.2 Appropriateness
2.4 Problems in intercultural communication
2.4.1 Culture shock
2.4.2 Stereotypes
2.4.3 Ethnocentrism
2.4.4 Prejudice
2.5 Approaches to improve intercultural communication competence
2.5.1 Develop intercultural sensitivity
2.5.2 Cultivate a nonjudgmental attitude
2.5.3 Improve intercultural communication skills
2.5.4 Build a third culture
Chapter 3 Cultural Elements in Academic Writing
3.1 Thinking Mode
3.1.1 Image Thinking vs. Abstract Thinking
3.1.2 Spiral Thinking vs. Linear Thinking
3.1.3 Synthetic Thinking vs. Analytical Thinking
3.2 Pattern of Discourse
3.2.1 Discourse Coherence
3.2.2 Textual Pattern
Chapter 4 Outline of Academic Writings
4.1 Defining Academic Writing
4.1.1 Academic writing is writing done by scholars for other scholars
4.1.2 Academic writing is devoted to topics and questions that are of interest to the academic community
4.1.3 Academic writing should present the re, ader with an informed argument
4.2 Types of Academic Writing
4.2.1 Different types of Lun Wen
4.2.2 Different kinds of academic writing
4.2.3 Different forms of essays
4.3 Structure of Academic Writing
4.3.1 Title page
4.3.2 Outline (optional)
4.3.3 Abstract
4.3.4 Acknowledgements (optional)
4.3.5 Table of Contents
4.3.6 Text of the paper
4.3.7 Notes (optional)
4.3.8 Works cited
4.3.9 Appendix (optional)
4.4 General Academic Writing
4.5 Formal Academic Writing
4.6 Social Science and Humanities Academic Writing
4.7 Natural Science Academic Writing
4.8 How to Write Diploma, Master or PhD Dissertation (Thesis)
Chapter 5 Academic Writing
5.1 Title, Author and Affiliation
5.1.1 Title
5.1.2 Author
5.1.3 Affiliation
Chapter 6 Academic Paper Publication
Chapter 7 Legal Issues in Academic Writings
Chapter 8 Preparing, Organizing and Attending an International Academic Conference
Chapter 9 Presentation at International Academic Conferences
Chapter 10 Experiencing an International Academic Conference
