
新起点大学基础英语教程(听说教程4 修订版)

新起点大学基础英语教程(听说教程4 修订版)

作者:杨治中,李霄翔 编





暂缺《新起点大学基础英语教程(听说教程4 修订版)》作者简介
Unit 1 Learn to Learn and Learn to Do学会学习,学会做事
Part One Warm—up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One The Advantages and Disadvantages of Autonomous Learning自主学习的优劣
Dialog Two Computer-Assisted Instruction in Language Teaching语言教学中的计算机辅助教学
Part Three Passages
Passage One Roles of Media in English Learning媒体在英语学习中的作用
Passage Two Four People’S Lifelong Education四位老人的终身学习
Unit 2 Campus Culture校园文化
Part One Warm—up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Going Abroad出国
Dialog Two Why Don’t We Join a Club Together?为什么我们不一起加人_家俱乐部呢?
Part Th ree Passages
Passage One Student Mobility in Europe欧洲学生的流动性
Passage Two Campus Mobile校园手机热
Unit 3 Myth:Origin of Culture神话:文化的起源
Part One Warm—uD Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One A Famous Book一部名著
Dialog Two Trojan Horse特洛伊木马
Part Three Passages
Passage One Pangu and the Creation of the World盘古开天辟地的传说
Passage Two Ocean Stories海洋的故事
Unit 4 Business Communication商务交流
Part One Warm—up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Shopping Online VS.Shopping in a.Store网上购物与传统购物
Dialog Two How to Pass fin Interview如何在面试中取胜
Part Th ree Passages
Passage One How to Write a Good Resume如何写好简历
Passage Two Instant Messaging即时通讯
Unit 5 An Unfinished War没有结束的战争
Part One Warm—up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Things Go Contrary to One’S Wishes事与愿违
Dialog Two Different Police Systems in the World各国警察系统
Part Th ree Passages
Passage One What Is Terrorism?什么是恐怖主义?
Passage Two.When war Is in the News战争新闻
Unit 6 Modern Life and Mental Health现代生活与心理健康
Part One Warm—up Activities
PartTwo Dialogs
Dialog One Inviting Someone to a Party邀请某人参加晚会
Dialog Two An Unlucky Day倒霉的一天
Part Three Passages
Passage One Color Therapy色彩疗法
Passage Two Human Psychological Needs人的心理需要
Unit 7 Travel and Heritage Protection旅游与遗产保护
Part One Warm—up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One City Development Threatens Rural Heritage城市建设危及乡村遗产
Dialog Two The Great、)l,all—a Pillar of China’S Tourist Industry长城——中国旅游业的龙头
Part Th ree Passages
Passage One Center to Protect World Heritage世界遗产保护中心
Passage Two Gardens花园
Unit 8 Interpersonal Communication人际交往
Part One Warm-up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Family家
Dialog Two On the Way to New York在去纽约的途中
Part Three Passages
Passage One In Good Faith真诚
Passage Two I’ll Call You我会给你打电话
Unit 9 Economic Development and Well—off Society经济发展与小康社会
Part One Warm—up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Bright Pictures for Well—off Society in China中国小康社会的美好前景,
Dialog Two APEC Backs Free Trade亚太经合组织支持自由贸易
Part Three Passages
Passage One Economic and Social Development经济和社会发展
Passage Two Index of Economic well一being经济安康的指数
Unit 10 Life Isn't Always What,It Used to Be生活在变
Part One Warm—up Activities
Part Two Dialogs
Dialog One Out ofa Job失业
Dialog Two Business Interaction贷款
Part Three Passages
Passage One New Work Environments新式工作环境
Passage Two CEOs in Hot Water CEO们风光不再
