


作者:吕景泉 编





  “Irtallation & Testing of Automatic Production Line”(Author:Lv Jingquan) corists of six parts.Chapter Zero is the project guidance,which mainly introduces guiding ideology and teaching design.Chapter One is the project start,which introduces national vocational skill competitior and typical Automatic Production Line(APL).Chapter Two is the project preparation,which compreherively explair knowledge points,technical points and skill points that APL requires.Chapter Three is the project acceptance,which mainly introduces irtallation and testing process of the five working statior with typical APL as a carrier.Chapter Four is the project decision,which mainly introduces equipment irtallation,gas circuit connection,electric circuit design and connection in typical APL.Chapter Five is the project challenging,which briefly introduces trend in development of APL and application of modem technology.The disk includes audio materials of Chapter Zero,Chapter One,Vocabulary and Teaching PPT as well.“Irtallation & Testing of Automatic Production Line” is available for a higher vocational education school curriculum textbook.It also can be used as the reference of the relevant engineer and techniciar.
Project Guidance——Teaching Design
Explanation One Guiding Ideology
Explanation Two Teaching Design
Project Start——Brief Introduction to Automatic
Production Line
Task One Getting to Know APL and its Application
Task Two Getting to Know YL-335 APL
Brief Summary
Project-Preparation——Application of APL Core
Task One Application of Seror in the APL
Subtask One Magnetic Switch and Its
Subtask Two Photoelectric Switch and Its
Subtask Three Brief Introduetion to Fiber Optic
Photoelectric Proximity Switch and
Its Application
Subtask Four Brief Introduction to Inductive
Proximity Switch and Its
Subtask Five Brief Introduction to Photoelectric
Encoder and Its Application
Task Two Control of Asynchronous Motor in the APL
Subtask One Use of the AC Asynchronous
Subtask Two Use of Univeral Frequency
Converter Driver
Task Three Application of Servo Motor and Driver in the APL
Subtask One Getting to Know AC Serve Motor
and Driver
Subtask Two Hardware Wiring of Servo Motor
and Driver
Task Four Application of Pneumatic Technology in the APL
Subtask One Getting to Know Pneumatic Pump
Subtask Two Getting to Know Pneumatic
Actuating Components
Subtask Three Getting to Know Pneumatic Control
Task Five Application of PLC in the APL
Subtask Getting to Know the Structure of S7-200
Task Six Application of Communicatior in the APL
Subtask Getting to Know PPI Communicatior
Task Seven Application of Human-Machine Interface and
Configuration in the APL
Subtask One Getting to Know TPCT062K Human
machine Interface and MCGS
Embedded Industrial Control
Configuration Software
Subtask Two Wiring of TPCT062K and PLC and
Engineering Configuration
Project Acceptance——Irtallation and Testing of
Units in the APL
Task One Irtallation and Testing of the Feeding Unit
Subtask Getting to Know the Feeding Unit
Task Two Irtallation and Testing of the Processing Unit
Subtask Getting to Know the Processing Unit
Task Three Irtallation and Testing of the Assembly Unit
Subtask Getting to Know the Assembly Unit,
Task Four Irtallation and Testing of the Sorting Unit
Subtask Getting to Know the Sorting Unit
Task Five Irtallation and Testing of the Delivery Unit
Subtask Getting to Know the Delivery Unit
Project Decision——Irtallation and Testing for the
Automatic Production Line
Task One Equipment Irtallation of YL-335B APL
Task Two Gas Circuit Connection in YL-335B APL
Task Three Electric Circuit Design and Connection in APE
Task Four Programming and Program Test
Task Five Testing and Fault Analysis in the APL
Project Challenging——Knowledge Development of
the Automatic Production Line
Task One PROFIBUS Technology
Subtask One Getting to Know PROFIBUS
Subtask Two Getting to Know the Basic
Function of PROFIBUS
Task Two Industrial Control Configuration
Subtask One Getting to Know Configuration
Subtask Two Getting to Know Properties of
MCGS Configuration Software
Task Three Industrial Robots
Subtask One Getting to Know Industrial
Subtask Two Getting to Know the Properties of
Industrial Robots
Task Four Prospects for Flexible Production Line
Subtask One What Is Flexible Production
Subtask Two Getting to Know Principle of FPL
Process Design
