
电子商务:中国视角(Electronic commerce A perspcctive from china)

电子商务:中国视角(Electronic commerce A perspcctive from china)

作者:杨坚争,蔡建平,费国平 等编





  This book is devoted to the situation of E-commerce development, theory and practice in China. As we enter the 21st century, we experience a significant change in our lives :the move to an Internet-based society. Electronic commerce (E-commerce), as one ofthe most important applications of Internet, plays an increasingly important role in theemerging market.
暂缺《电子商务:中国视角(Electronic commerce A perspcctive from china)》作者简介
Chapter 1 Introduction to E-commerce
1.1 E-commerce Development: Past, Present and Future
1.2 Concept and Classification of E-commerce
1.3 Basic Program Pattern of E-commerce
1.4 Legal Relationship of Participants in E-commerce
1.5 impact and Role of E-commerce in the Modern Economy
Chapter 2 Development Strategy of E-commerce
2.1 The Reason of Researching Development Strategy of E-commerce
2.2 The Environment of E-commerce Development
2.3 Government Development Strategy of E-commerce
2.4 E-commerce Strategy of Enterprise
2.5 The Development Strategy of Paperless Trading
Chapter 3 E-commerce Technology Foundation
3.1 The Conception and Composition of Internet
3 2 Common Internet Service
3 3 TCP/IP
3 4 Application and Management of Domain Name
Chapter 4 E-commerce Website Construction
4 1 The General Design
4 2 Software and Hardware for Website Design
4 3 Website content Construction
4.4 Investment Budget on Website
Chapter 5 Collection and Collation of internet Business Information
5 1 Basis of Network Business Information
5.2 Network Business Information Retrieval
5 3 Market Information Collection by Network
5 4 Questionnaire Surveyed by Internet
5 5 Using Network to Collect Information on New Product Development
5 6 Network Business Information Collation
Chapter 6 Internet Trading Behavior
6.1 Overview of Internet Trading Behavior
6 2 Purchasing Behavior of Internet Consumers
6 3 Online Trading Behavior
6 4 E-government Procurement
Chapter 7 E-marketing
7 1 Segmentation of E-marketing
7 2 Target Market Positioning
7.3 Branding Strategy of E-marketing
7 4 Pricing Strategy in E-marketing
7 5 Channel Strategy of E-marketing
7.6 E-marketing Service Strategy
7 7 Marketing Strategy of Mobile E-commerce
Chapter 8 Online Promotion
8 1 Concept, Classification and Functionality of Online Promotion
8.2 Implementation Procedure of Online Promotion
8.3 Online Advertising
8.4 Website Promotion
8 5 Licensed E-mail Promotion
8 6 Database Marketing
8 7 Latest Development of Internet Promotion
Chapter 9 E-conunerce Application-Specific Standards
9.1 EDI Standards
9.2 EbXML Standards
9.3 RosettaNet Standards
Chapter lO Electronic payment
10 1 The Traditional Mode of Payment
10 2 Electronic Payment
10.3 Two International Security ProtocoLs in Electronic Payment Systems
10.4 Electronic Banking
10.5 The Third Party Payment
10.6 To Strengthen Guidance, and Promote the Rapid Development of Electronic Payment in China
Chapter 11 E-commerce Logistics
11.1 Overview of E-commerce Logistics
11.2 E-commerce Logistics Model
11.3 E-commerce Logistics Technology
1t.4 The Intemet of Things
Chapter 12 Security Management in Network Transactions
12.1 Fundamental ways in Analyzing the Risks and Administration in Network Transactions
12 2 Client Authentication Technology
12.3 Preventing Intrusion by Hackers
12.4 The Safety Management System of the Network Trading
12.5 Legal Protection of E-commerce Transaction Security
