中国与埃及友好合作王林聪,朱泉钢With its unique geographical location, abundant human resources, multiple identities of Arab countries, African countries and Islamic countries, and pragmatic, pluralistic and balanced foreign policy, Egypt plays a pivotal role in Africa and the Middle East. The friendly relations between China and Egypt have a profound historical and realistic foundation. The two countries are both developing countries. They have similar experiences, share their destiny and support each other in international affairs, so their relationship is a model for South-South cooperation. In the new era, China and Egypt have established a comprehensive strategic partnership, and the joint construction of The Belt and Road has injected new momentum into the deep cooperation between China and Egypt. The Belt and Road Initiative and the Egypt Vision 2030 have been coordinated well, and the relationship between the two countries has risen steadily, which reflects in the following fields: high-quality policy communication, continuous development of facilities connection, smooth upgrade of trade relations, constant deepening of financial support, and closer ties of people-to-people exchanges. Under the background of the transformation of the international system and the uncertainty of the world, Sino-Egyptian cooperation is characterized by strategic, comprehensive, partnership, pioneering and exemplary. The strategic cooperation between the two countries is not only conducive to the development and stability of China and Egypt, but also conducive to peace and prosperity of Africa and the Middle East. Meanwhile, it is an important practice in building a human community with a shared future.
中非双边法制合作朱伟东Bilateral trade between China and Africa has developed rapidly in recent years.Since 2009, China has been Africa's largest trading partner for 10 consecutive years.ln his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of 2018 Beijing Summit of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), President Xi Jinping made it clear that the building of the Belt and Road Initiative should align with the development strategies of African countries and build a closer China-Africa community with a shared future. To this end,he proposed that China should work closely with African countries in the next 3 years and beyond to implement the Eight Major Initiatives. These cover the following 8 areas:industry promotion, infrastructure connectivity, trade facilitation, green develop-ment, capacity building, health, people-to-people exchanges and peace and security. The implementation of the Eight Major Initiatives will bring a rare historic opportunity for the development of China-Africa economic and trade relations. With the development of investment and trade between China and Africa and the further strengthening of cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and Africa, there are bound to be a large number of economic,trade and investment disputes,civil and commercial disputes and various criminal cases between China and Africa . It is proposed in the Initiatives adopted at previous FOCAC that China and Africa should negotiate and sign more bilateral treaties on investment and judicial assistance in the field of legislation,justice and law enforcement.But, with the rapid development of China-Africa economy, trade, investment and cultural exchanges, the current legal construction is still lagging behind and can't provide effective legal guarantee for bilateral exchanges and cooperation.
国际形势和中国外交蓝皮书中国国际问题研究院 著本书为中国国际问题研究院主编的年度系列出版物。中国国际问题研究院长期对国际形势进行密切跟踪和深入研究,对中国外交进行深度分析和透彻解读。《国际形势和中国外交蓝皮书(2020)》一书分为两大部分:上篇为2019年国际形势专题评述,包括“大国国情与外交”“主要地区形势”和“国际及地区问题”三章,共15篇文章;下篇为2019年中国外交评析,包括“中国外交布局”“中国与国家及地区关系”和“领域外交”三章,共19篇文章。
核不扩散规范玛利亚.罗斯特.鲁布利 著过多关注少数几个有核国家使我们忽视了一个重要问题:为什么那么多国家会选择核克制?更重要的是,我们能从这些核克制案例中获得什么启示。玛丽亚·罗斯特·鲁布利提出,一个国家的安全环境很重要,然而影响国家界定核武器价值的那些社会力量也不容小觑。鲁布利借助社会心理学框架探析了五个国家的核武器决策进程,它们分别为日本、埃及、利比亚、瑞典与德国。鲁布利的分析结论同样有助于解释其他大规模杀伤性武器,以及一般性的国家安全决策。
美国人眼中的中国人和日本人约翰·杜威 著,刘霞 译本书是约翰·杜威先后到日本和中国游历时的所见所闻实录。 作者对中日两国的国民根性和文化心态进行了对比研究,发现日本是一个摩登外表下有着“旧时之心”的国度,而中国虽然相对落后,却有着奋发向上的生命力。除此之外,约翰·杜威还在书中表露了自己对中国哲学的赞美,称中国的哲学思想是一种“令人惊叹的智慧结晶”。 在书中,约翰·杜威还详实地记录了上个世纪中国和日本的民间风貌,其中不乏一些有趣的历史细节。这些记录在今天看来都是宝贵的一手史料,同时也为读者了解美国人如何看待我们提供了全新的视角。
东亚地缘格局的新变迁与中国的复合型大战略构想郭锐,石源华,祁怀高 著《东亚地缘格局的新变迁与中国的复合型大战略构想/复旦大学中国周边外交研究丛书》重点讨论中国东亚复合型地缘战略的基本原则、总体设想、重点难点与具体举措。在中国运用外交方式参与东亚事务的过程中,践行中国东亚复合型地缘战略的基本原则,利用这一新地缘战略理论提高在东亚的制度话语权,将中国在东亚地区的战略与中国周边外交相结合,这些都直接影响到中国在东亚国家利益的维护、实现与增进。面对东亚地缘格局的新变迁,立足于中国的核心利益和战略诉求,从本地区持久和平和可持续发展的根本任务出发,作为“负责任大国”的中国其外交不仅要有所作为,还要大有作为。这也是新时期推动构建人类命运共同体和构建新型大国关系,展现中国特色大国外交的活力、魅力、实力和能力的应有之义。
政党外交工作的回忆与思考吴兴唐 著《政党外交工作的回忆与思考》一书作者根据其从事政党外交多年的实践经验,将以往公开发表的调研文章分专题汇集成册,主要是对政党外交的历史沿革、政党外交理论以及政党外交的创新发展的阐述和研究。本书内容不涉及重大选题备案。
北极地区治理与开发研究夏立平 等 著《北极地区治理与开发研究》是同济大学极地与海洋靠前问题研究中心主任夏立平教授及其团队5年研究成果的结晶。《北极地区治理与开发研究》共分7章,对中国参与北极地区治理与开发的安全环境、中国参与北极地区航运治理与开发、中国参与北极地区能源治理与开发、中国参与北极地区生态治理以及北极区域治理机制等进行了全面、系统和有说服力的分析。《北极地区治理与开发研究》为建构中国参与北极地区治理与开发的理论做出了努力和尝试。这些理论可以分为三个层次和三个维度。三个层次是指:优选视角的理论;区域视角的理论;多边或双边视角的理论。
中国与周边国家关系冯绍雷,潘兴明 著本书系上海市高校智库年度研究报告成果之一。本书集中聚焦中国周边国家的移民问题、能源问题、国家关系以及与中国的经济交往等议题,潘兴明、阎德学、王浩、王宪举、肖辉忠等学者借助于详实的各国历史档案,带来了扎实细致研究,对新时期中国发展所面临的国际格局形式变化以及相应的对策,提出了建言。
界定公海保护区的国际法概念邢望望 编海洋,地球上单一生态系统,却正遭受着人类活动的侵害。保护海洋,国际社会在行动,新的海洋保护区不断被设立,但全球海洋仍在持续退化。联合国正在主持制定新的国际文书,以加强对海洋生态环境的保护,实现海洋生物多样性的可持续利用。从国际法学的视角看公海保护区,缺少概念界定,充满争辩,《界定公海保护区的国际法概念》将带您纵览现有公海保护区实践与法律规范,深入剖析公海保护区的国际法概念。