作者:郑秉文 主编
Zheng Bingwen, Ph.D. in economics, Professor,serves as Sea''''etary of CPC Commit.t.ee, Director of the Institute of Latin American Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Director of The Center for Intemational SocialSecurity Studies at Chinese Academy of''''Social Sciences and enjoys speaal govemment subsidies; he is also a member of the Expert Consulting Committee of the Minisv of Human Resources and Social Security, a member of the China Social Insurance Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC474), and part-time professor of dozens of universities. Since 1985, he has pubLished more than 500 papers, arr.icles and internal reference documents, over 10 English papers and over 10 w.orks written and translated, totaling more than 8 million words. His major representative papers include the Welfare States in Economic Theory (Social Saences in China, 2003), the System Origins and Theoretical Basis of the "Nominal Account"System for Pension (Economic Study, 2003), What should China''''s Enterprise Annuity Go Forward-A Comment on the Measures for Pension Fund Management (Draft) (Chinese Joumal of Population Science, 2006), the Govemance Crisis and Way out of China''''s Enterprise Annuity-With Shanghai Sociai Security Case as an Example (Chinese Joumal ofPopulation Science, 2006), Current Tasks and Reform Orientation of China''''s Enterprise Annuity (Second series of the Insurance and Social Security, China Labor and Social Security Publishing House, 2007), the Analysis of Policy Faaors for the Slow Development of China''''s Enterprise Annuity-On Seleaion of "Partial TEE" Tax Preference Mode (Chinese Journal of Population Saence,2010), the Middle-Income Trap and China''''s Development Road-View from Angle of Intemational Experience and Lessons (Chinese Journal of Population Saence, 2011), etc.
Preface Li Yang
Main Report Regional Imbalances and Financial Sustainability ofChina's Peion Fund
Report Ⅰ Evaluation on Coverage of Urban-Rural Basic Peion Schemein 2011
Report Ⅱ Evaluation on Operation State of Urban & Rural BasicPeion Funds in 2011
Report Ⅲ Assessment of 2011 Enterprise Annuity Fund Market
Report Ⅳ Management of National Social Security Fund Investment in2011
Report Ⅴ The Parametric Analysis for the Deficit of Basic PeionFund of Urban Employee Some Provinces
Report Ⅵ The Reason and Solution for Geographic Gap of Basic PeionFund of Urban Employees
Report Ⅶ China Peion Development Index 2011
Report Ⅷ Expand the Investment Channels of Enterprise Annuity FundsFurther