


作者:马海良,(新西兰)劳伦斯·西蒙斯 著 孙有中,(新西兰)周学麟,李又文 编





  马海良,北京外国语大学英语学院教授,博士生导师,英美文学中心主任,《外国文学》杂志副主编,“中国外国文论与比较诗学研究会”副会长。主要研究方向为英国文学和西方文论,讲授西方文论、文学批评实践、英国散文、19世纪英国小说、小说理论、叙事学、英国社会与文化、文化研究等课程。主要出版物有《文化政治美学一伊格尔顿批评理论研究》《中国社会科学出版社,2004》、《新叙事学》(译著,北京大学出版社,2005),《花园里的机器》(合译,北京大学出版社,2011),发表《鲁迅的拜伦精神》(lmages of Westerners in Chinese and Japanese Literaturem Amsterdan:Rodopi Press,2000)、《鲍德里亚:理论的暴力,仿真的游戏》(《外国文学》2000年第2期》、《后结构主义》(《外国文学》2003年第6期)等论文。劳伦斯·西蒙斯,教授,曾任新西兰奥克兰大学意大利语系主任和电影、电视和媒体研究系主任。主要研究方向为现代传播学、文化研究,代表作有《向权力说真话》(Speaking Truth to the Power: Publiclntellectuals Rethink New Zealand,2007)、《弗洛伊德的意大利之旅》(Freud's ltalian Journey, 2006)、《形象说了算》(The lmage Has the Last Word: On Contemporary New Zealand Painting and Photography, 2002)。
Unit 1: City and Modernity
Text Ⅰ: Country and City
Text Ⅱ Things to Do with Shopping Centres
Unit 2: Commurucation and Signification
Text Ⅲ Encoding/Decoding
Text Ⅳ Ringing the Changes: the Cultural Meanings of the Telephone
Unit 3: Interpreting the Image
Text Ⅴ The Evil Demon of lmages
Text Ⅵ She'll Always Be Your Little Girl
Unit 4: Culture Industry
Text Ⅶ Culture Industry Reconsidered
Text Ⅷ The Elvis Spectacle and the Cultural Industries
Unit 5: Globalization and Consumer Culture
Text Ⅸ Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy
Text Ⅹ "Bwana Mickey" : Constructing Cultural Consumption at Tokyo Disneyland
Unit 6: Cultural Institution
Text Ⅺ The History and Theory of Cultural Policy
Text Ⅻ Are Museums Political?
Unit 7: Cultural Policies
Text ⅩⅢ Culture and Difference: Discourse and Policy
Text ⅩⅣ White Multiculturalism:a Manual for the Proper Use of Ethnics
Unit 8: Cyber Culture
Text ⅩⅤ Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminismin the Late Twentieth Century
Text ⅩⅥ yborg Babies and Cy-Dough-Plasm: Ideas about Self and
Life in the Culture of Simulation
Unit 9: Modernity and Mass
Text ⅩⅦ Mass and Masses
Text ⅩⅧ Mass Culture as Women: Modemism's Other
Unit 10: Defining Cultural Studies
Text ⅩⅨ Is Cultural Studies a Discipline? And Does It Make Any Political Difference?
Text ⅩⅩ Who Needs Cultural Research? Glossary
