


作者:吴麦仙,董淑琴 主编





  《高职高专十二五规划教材:综合英语教程BOOK1》是综合英语 教程系列教材中的一本,是根据高职非英语专业学生的英语学习特点,结合 高职学生的就业方向,以《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》(试行)为 依据而编写的。本书共分十个单元,主题涉及社会生活的各个方面,比如:大学生活、家庭、友谊、性格、娱乐、节日、健康、公共关系、计算机和文 化等;每个单元又分六个部分,安排的内容和设计的任务及练习除了高职学 生必须掌握的基本语法的学习和听、说、读、写、译等综合技能的培养外,还增加了短小有趣的趣味阅读和谚语,旨在更好地培养学生的英语学习兴趣,增强学生的学习积极性。本书配有相应的听力光盘,为教师的授课和学生 的自主学习创造了有力的条件。本书可供高职高专非英语专业学生使用,也可供成人高等教育及社会自学者使用。
Unit One College Life
Part One:Listening
Part Two:Speaking
Part Three:Reading
Before You Read
Text A What to Expect from College Life
Text B Why College
Part Four:Grammar英语时态(1)
Part Five:Practical Writing Letter of Congratulation(贺信)
Part Six:Trarlation Skills否定句的翻译
Reading for Pleasure Only Wrong by Two
Proverbs &:Sayings
Unit Two Friendship
Part One:Listening
Part Two:Speaking
Part Three:Reading
Before You Read
Text A True Friendship
Text B Friendship in Different Cultures
Part Four:Grammar英语时态(2)
Part Five:Practical Writing Invitation Letter and the Arwer Letter(邀请信及回信)
Part Six:Trarlation Skills翻译中的词性转换l
Reading for Pleasure Does the Dog Know the Proverb7
Proverbs &Sayings
Unit Three Holidays
Part One:Listening
Part Two:Speaking
Part Three:Reading
Before You Read
Text A Happy New Year
Text B Christmas Tradition
Part Four:Grammar英语时态(3)
Part Five:Practical Writing How to Write a Letter of Thanks(如何写感谢信)
Part Six:Trarlation Skills拆句法与合句法
Reading for Pleasure Whose Fault
Proverbs & Sayings
Unit Four Family
Part One:Listening
Part Two:Speaking
Part Three:Reading
Before You Read
Text A Father Dearest
Text B My Mother and I
Part Four:Grammar情态动词
Part Five:Practical Writing Letter of Introduction(介绍信)
Part Six:Trarlation Skills顺序法
Reading For Pleasure Eirtein and God
Proverbs & Sayings
Unit Five Peronality
Part One:Listening
Part Two:Speaking
Part Three:Reading
Before You Read
Text A Peronality Plus
Text B The Power of Peronality
Part Four:Grammar被动语态(1)
Part Five:Practical Writing Letter of Reservation(预订信)
Part Six:Trarlation skills换序法
Reading for Pleasure Valentines Day Cards
Proverbs & Sayings
Unit Six Health
Part One:Listening
Part Two:Speaking
Part Three:Reading
Before You Read
Text A The Truth about Fitness Myths
Text B Subhealthy State
Part Four:Grammar 被动语态(2)
PART Five:Practical Writing Letter of Certification(英文证明信)
Part Six:Trarlation Skills过去分词短语的翻译
Reading for Pleasure The Endless Debt
Proverbs & Sayings
Unit Seven Culture
Part One:Listening
Part Two:Speaking
Part Three:Reading
Before You Read
Text A Unhappy Customer ≠ Brand Terrorists.
Text B V for Victory
Part Four:Grammar 主语从句和宾语从句
Part Five:Practical Writing Notes(便条)
Part Six:Trarlation Skills倒置法
Reading for Pleasure I Think That I'm A China
Proverbs & Sayings
Unit Eight Entertainment
Part One:Listening
Part Two:Speaking
Part Three:Reading
Before You Read
Text A Why Are We Addicted to Soaps?
Text B Hollywood
Part Five:Practical Writing Letter of Corolation(慰问信)
Part Six:Trarlation Skills 分词短语的翻译
Reading for Pleasure To Borrow an Ox
Proverbs & Sayings
Unit Nine Computer
Part One:Listening
Part Two:Speaking
Part Three- Reading
Before You Read
Text A Trouble with the Computer Game
Text B The Safe-surfing Contract——My Agreement about Using the Internet
Part Four:Grammar被动语态 3
Part Five:Practical Writing How to Write an Inquiry Letter(如何写问询信)
Part Six:Trarlation Skills翻译中的词性转换 2
Reading for Pleasure What's Time to a Pig?
Proverbs & Sayings
Unit Ten Public Relatiorhip
Part One:Listening
Part Two:Speaking
Part Three:Reading
Before You Read
Text A An Effective Way of Dealing with Public Relatiorhip
Text B Build a Great Working Relatiorhip with Your Boss
Part Four:Grammar时间、地点、原因、条件和让步状语从句
Part Five:Practical Writing Letter of Complaint(投诉信)
Part Six:Trarlation Skills动名词短语的翻译
Reading for Pleasure Books Are Sure to Make One Sleep
Proverbs & Sayings
