


作者:珠海宜新软件科技有限公司 编





Section One Good Homes Are Hard to Find找房子
Picture Dictionary In an Apartment图解公寓
Dialogue 1 Choosing a Neighborhood选择居家环境
Dialogue 2 Apartment Hunting on Your Own找窝靠自己
Dialogue 3 Looking at an Expensive Apartment看一间昂贵的公寓
Dialogue 4 Looking at an Inexpensive Apartment看一间便宜的公寓
Dialogue 5 Calling a Realtor打电话找房屋中介
Dialogue 6 Finding the Right Apartment找到合适的公寓
Dialogue 7 Signing a Lease签租约
Dialogue 8 Calling a Moving Company打电话找搬家公司
Dialogue 9 Packing打包
Section Two Spring Cleaning 大扫除
Picture Dictionary Buying Cleaning Supplies购买清洁用品
Dialogue 1 What a Mess! 一团糟!
Dialogue 2 Getting Started开始动手
Dialogue 3 Working Hard or Hardfy Working!努力干活还是几乎没干什么!
Dialogue 4 Clean at Last!终于干净了!
Picture Dictionary In a Workshop在工作室
Dialogue 1 A DIY Project自己动手做东西
Dialogue 2 Following the Directions?遵照说明?
Dialogue 3 A New Bed新床
Dialogue 4 Getting the Job Done!完成工作!
Section Four What's Cooking?烹饪英语
Picture Dictionary In the Kitchen图解厨房
Dialogue 1 Getting Started着手准备
Dialogue 2 Preparing Soup and Salad准备汤和沙拉
Dialogue 3 Preparing Side Dishes准备配菜
Dialogue 4 Cooking Steak煎牛排
Dialogue 5 Watching over Food监控食物的烹煮
Dialogue 6 Preparing Desserts准备甜点
Dialogue 7 Serving端菜上桌
Section Five Nick and Lisa on the Phone电话英语
Picture Dictionary Telecommunications图解电信设备
Dialogue 1 Leaving a Message留言
Dialogue 2 Automated Answering Systems自动语音系统
Dialogue 3 Voice Mail语音信箱
Dialogue 4 An Answering Machine答录机
Section Six A Visit to a Doctor 看病记
Picture Dictionary In a Hospital图解医院
Dialogue 1 Talking about a Toothache讨论牙痛
Dialogue 2 Making an Appointment and Signing In预约挂号
Dialogue 3 Seeing a Dentist看牙医
Dialogue 4 Painful Possibilities痛的几种可能
Dialogue 5 The Injury受伤
Dialogue 6 Registering挂号
Dialogue 7 The Nurse's Questions护士的问题
Dialogue 8 The Doctor医生
Section Seven Getting a Cut美发沙龙
Picture Dictionary At the Beauty Salon美发沙龙
Dialogue 1 Hairstyles and Haircuts发型与剪发
Dialogue 2 Pictures of Hairstyles各式发型照
Dialogue 3 Talking about Hair讨论发型
Dialogue 4 Getting Your Hair Styled做发型
Section Eight Showing One's Love浪漫情人节
Picture Dictionary In a Luxury Restaurant在高级餐厅里
Dialogue 1 A Valentine's Day Gift情人节礼物
Dialogue 2 A Special Gift特别的礼物
Dialogue 3 A Crafty Plan巧思妙计
Dialogue 4 A Labor of Love为爱甘心奉献
Section Nine Thanksgiving 温馨感恩节
Picture Dictionary Thanksgiving Dinner感恩节晚餐
Dialogue 1 Thanksgiving Preparations感恩节准备工作
Dialogue 2 Decorations and Traditions布置与传统
Dialogue 3 Thanksgiving Dinner感恩节晚餐
Dialogue 4 A Four—day Weekend四天的周末(休假)
Section Ten The Season to Be Jolly欢乐圣诞节
Picture Dictionary Christmas at Home在家过圣诞
Dialogue 1 Decorating布置
Dialogue 2 Christmas Eve Dinner圣诞夜大餐
Dialogue 3 Santa Claus圣诞老人
Dialogue 4 Opening Presents拆礼物
Section Eleven All kinds of Directions纹路英语
Picture Dictionary On the Road图解马路
Dialogue 1 Location位置
Dialogue 2 Parts of Town市区
Dialogue3 Subway Directions地铁问路
Dialogue4 Street Directions街头问路
Answer Key解答页
