勇于自我革命是中国共产党区别于其他政党的显著标志。自我革命精神是这个百年大党永葆青春活力的强大支撑。中共十八大以来,中国共产党探索出一条长期执政条件下解决自身问题、跳出历史周期率的成功道路,构建起一套行之有效的权力监督制度和执纪执法体系。新时代党的建设总体布局,就是要全面推进党的政治建设、思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、纪律建设,把制度建设贯穿其中,深入推进反腐败斗争,巩固发展反腐败斗争压倒性胜利。Having the courage to reform itself is a hallmark that distinguishes the CPC from other political parties, and the spirit of self-reform provides the Party with an inexhaustible source of energy, helping the centennial Party to remain vigorous. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the Party has explored a successful path to solve its own problems and avoid political instabilities and upheavals under the conditions of long-term governance. It has built an effective system of power supervision and discipline enforcement and designed the overall Party-building layout that is to see the Party’s political building enhanced, its theory strengthened, its organizations consolidated, its conduct improved, and its discipline enforced, with institution betterment incorporated into every aspect of Party building. It has taken decisive measures against corruption and constantly consolidated its sweeping victory in the fight against corruption.