P6 Advanced Taxation Studytext P6 高级税务课本ACCA(UK 英国版)
作者:BPP Learning Media
BPP LearningMedia所著的《P6高级税务(英国版ACCA课本)》教你如何应用以前课程中学到的相关知识和技能,以评估主要税种对于个人和组织的财务决策施加的影响。我们的课本注重大纲中最重要的方面,包括:了解并理解英国税法体系;税务对于个人和公司财务管理的重要性;相关税种的影响;纳税筹划方法;与客户、皇家税务与海关总署和其他专业人士的沟通。课本经由考官审核,以合适的水平涵盖整个大纲内容。课本末尾用整章的篇幅探讨了纳税筹划和职业道德,这一章的目的是在你获取的知识和将知识应用到此类问题之间搭建桥梁。题库和答案库对于培养你的知识应用技巧来说也是至关重要的。P6的测验卷也包含在课本末尾处,你可以借此熟悉正式考试中的题型。
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IntroductionHelping you to pass - the ONLY P6 Study Text reviewed by theexaminer!Studying P6Part A Taxation of individuals1 Principles of income tax2 Peio and other tax efficient investment products3 Property and other investment income4 Employment income5 Employment income: additional aspects6 Trade profits7 Capital allowances8 Trading losses9 Partnehips and limited liability partnehips10 Oveeas aspects of income taxPart B Capital taxes11 Chargeable gai: an outline12 Shares and securities13 Chargeable gai: reliefs14 Chargeable gai: additional aspects15 Self assessment for individuals and partnehips16 An introduction to inheritance tax17 Inheritance tax: valuation, reliefs and the deathestate18 Inheritance tax: additional aspects19 Trusts and stamp dutiesPart C Taxation of companies20 Computing taxable total profits21 Chargeable gai for companies22 Computing corporation tax payable23 Administration, winding up, purchase of own shares24 Losses and deficits on non-trading loan relatiohips25 Close companies and investment companies26 Groups and coortia27 Oveeas aspects of corporate taxPart D Value added tax28 Value added tax 129 Value added tax 2Part E Tax planning and ethics30 Tax planning and ethicsPart F Peonal and corporate financial management31 Peonal and corporate financial managementExam question and awer bankTax tablesIndexReview form and free prize draw