作者:美国教育考试服务中心 编著
《新东方大愚英语学习丛书:GRE考试官方指南(第2版)》为ETS在中国独家授权版本,也是ETS为GRE考试编写的唯一一本官方指南的最新版。书中全面介绍了GRE考试的相关信息,给出考试综合策略以及笔考和机考的区别,分章节重点讲解分析性写作(Analytical Writing)、文字推理(Verbal Reasoning)和数量推理(Quantitative Reasoning)三项测试的主要内容、题型分类、模拟样题、答题策略、考查的知识点和计分体制等,还提供两套全真模拟测试题,并附有详细解析。本书所附CD-ROM也包含两套全真模拟测试题,通过仿真界面帮助考生体验真实的考场环境。《新东方大愚英语学习丛书:GRE考试官方指南(第2版)》提供了大量翔实的备考资料与权威指导,是GRE考生必备的权威辅导书。
How to Use This Book / CD PackageAbout the GRE ® revised General Test
1 Introduction
Structure and Content of the Test
Preparing for the Test
Test-taking Strategies for the Computer-based Test
Test-taking Strategies for the Paper-based Test
Understanding GRE Scoring
2 GRE ® Analytical Writing
Overview of the Analytical Writing Measure
Preparing for the Analytical Writing Measure
General Strategies
Analyze an Issue Task
Analyze an Argument Task
GRE Scoring Guide: Analyze an Issue
GRE Scoring Guide: Analyze an Argument
Score Level Descriptions3 GRE ® Verbal Reasoning
Overview of the Verbal Reasoning Measure
Verbal Reasoning Question Types4 GRE ® Verbal Reasoning
Practice QuestionsSET 1. Discrete Questions: Easy
SET 2. Reading Comprehension Questions: Easy
SET 3. Discrete Questions: Medium
SET 4. Reading Comprehension Questions: Medium
SET 5. Discrete Questions: Hard
SET 6. Reading Comprehension Questions: Hard
Answer Key
Answers and Explanations5 GRE ® Quantitative Reasoning
Overview of the Quantitative Reasoning Measure
Quantitative Reasoning Question Types
Using the Calculator
Mathematical Conventions for the Quantitative ReasoningMeasure
of the GRE revised General Test6 GRE ® Quantitative Reasoning
SET 1. Discrete Questions: Easy
SET 2. Discrete Questions: Medium
SET 3. Discrete Questions: Hard
SET 4. Data Interpretation Sets
Answer Key
Answers and Explanations7 GRE ® Math Review
1. Arithmetic
2. Algebra
3. Geometry
4. Data Analysis8 GRE ® Practice Test 1
Section 1: Analytical Writing
Section 2: Analytical Writing
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning
Evaluating Your Performance
Answer Key
Score Conversion Table
Analytical Writing Sample Responses and Reader Commentaries
Section 1: Analyze an Issue
Section 2: Analyze an Argument
Answers and Explanations
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning9 GRE ® Practice Test 2
Section 1: Analytical Writing
Section 2: Analytical Writing
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning
Evaluating Your Performance
Answer Key
Score Conversion Table
Analytical Writing Sample Responses and Reader Commentaries
Section 1: Analyze an Issue
Section 2: Analyze an Argument
Answers and Explanations
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning
1 Introduction
Structure and Content of the Test
Preparing for the Test
Test-taking Strategies for the Computer-based Test
Test-taking Strategies for the Paper-based Test
Understanding GRE Scoring
2 GRE ® Analytical Writing
Overview of the Analytical Writing Measure
Preparing for the Analytical Writing Measure
General Strategies
Analyze an Issue Task
Analyze an Argument Task
GRE Scoring Guide: Analyze an Issue
GRE Scoring Guide: Analyze an Argument
Score Level Descriptions3 GRE ® Verbal Reasoning
Overview of the Verbal Reasoning Measure
Verbal Reasoning Question Types4 GRE ® Verbal Reasoning
Practice QuestionsSET 1. Discrete Questions: Easy
SET 2. Reading Comprehension Questions: Easy
SET 3. Discrete Questions: Medium
SET 4. Reading Comprehension Questions: Medium
SET 5. Discrete Questions: Hard
SET 6. Reading Comprehension Questions: Hard
Answer Key
Answers and Explanations5 GRE ® Quantitative Reasoning
Overview of the Quantitative Reasoning Measure
Quantitative Reasoning Question Types
Using the Calculator
Mathematical Conventions for the Quantitative ReasoningMeasure
of the GRE revised General Test6 GRE ® Quantitative Reasoning
SET 1. Discrete Questions: Easy
SET 2. Discrete Questions: Medium
SET 3. Discrete Questions: Hard
SET 4. Data Interpretation Sets
Answer Key
Answers and Explanations7 GRE ® Math Review
1. Arithmetic
2. Algebra
3. Geometry
4. Data Analysis8 GRE ® Practice Test 1
Section 1: Analytical Writing
Section 2: Analytical Writing
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning
Evaluating Your Performance
Answer Key
Score Conversion Table
Analytical Writing Sample Responses and Reader Commentaries
Section 1: Analyze an Issue
Section 2: Analyze an Argument
Answers and Explanations
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning9 GRE ® Practice Test 2
Section 1: Analytical Writing
Section 2: Analytical Writing
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning
Evaluating Your Performance
Answer Key
Score Conversion Table
Analytical Writing Sample Responses and Reader Commentaries
Section 1: Analyze an Issue
Section 2: Analyze an Argument
Answers and Explanations
Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
Section 4: Verbal Reasoning
Section 5: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 6: Quantitative Reasoning