![中国古代经典名句英译 中国古代经典名句英译](https://img.dushu.com/2012/10/29/23254660815098.jpg_200.jpg)
作者:刘士聪,谷启楠 编译
品德修养Cultivating moral integrity
(一)树德修身Developing morality and molding character
(二)持义守正Upholding justice and maintaining honesty
(四)诚信求实Be trustworthy and realistic
(五)知止节欲Exercising restraint
(六)严己宽人Be strict with youelf and lenient with othe
(七)大公无私Be uelfish
(八)知耻从善Knowing what is shame and following what isgood
(九)勇敢顽强Be courageous and steadfast-
处世Knowing how to conduct oneself in human relatio
(一)谨慎Be prudent
(二)名利富贵Be indifferent to fame and fortune
(三)自强自立Be self-supporting
(四)独善其身Be self-edifying
(五)随遇而安Adapting youelf to circumstances
(六)淡泊Be nonchalant to worldly concer
(七)韬光养晦Keeping a low profile and biding your time
(八)隐居归田Enjoying a pastoral life
(九)待人Treating people the right way
识人Undetanding people in pepective
(一)知贤Distinguishing people by virtue and talent
(二)育人举贤Educating the people and recommending thevirtuous
(三)量才授任Designating assigmnent according to competence
(四)用众成事Making concerted efforts
(五)不求全责备No one is perfect
(六)不以尊卑长幼论人One should not be judged by age and status
(七)不以貌取人Looks can be deceptive
(八)人老智可用The aged has more wisdom
(九)用人信人Trust the peon employed
(十)才能品德特出者Outstanding people
(十一)成才须磨练Talent is cultivated through hardships
处境Situatio make the difference
世态人情Ways of the world
(一)贫富悬殊The poor and the rich
(二)世事沧桑Vicissitudes of life
纳言Be receptive to good advice
(一)博听Remaining open to different ideas
(二)不因人取言Making judicious judgments of one's words
(三)以实核言Judging one's words agait reality
(四)听直排谀Taking honest words and rejecting flatteringones
人伦交友Human relatio and friendships
思想感情Ideas and feelings
(二)壮志凌云Soaring ambitio
(三)思人Missing the dear ones
(五)别情Parting with emotio and returning with mixedfeelings
思想方法Way of thinking
(一)审时度势Taking stock of situatio
(二)自知之明Viewing oneself in pepective
教育与学习Education and study
(一)学习态度Attitude toward study
(二)教与学Teaching and learning
(三)从师Learning from the teacher
惜时Cherishing time
养生Preserving health
哲理Philosophical concepts
(二)凡事有规律Everything SHows its own coue of evolution
(三)相对与绝对Relative VSabsolute
(四)实践出真知True knowledge comes from practice
(五)权衡Weighing and measuring
(六)道不可言,真理不灭Tao and truth
(七)善始善终Beginning well and ending well
(八)果断成事,犹豫无功Be decisive
(九)功以谋就Thinking before acting
(十)举纲张目Taking the key and everything else falling intoplace
(十一)由表及里,由此及彼From exterior to interior, from one to theother
治国Governing the country
(一)民The people
(二)居安思危,谨慎为政Thinking of peril in peace and exercisingprudence in politics
(三)为政有术Art of government
(四)鉴古知今Learning from history
(五)忠于职守Doing your best to carry out your duties
文学艺术Literature and art
(一)文与行Writing and conduct
索引 Index
后记 Afterword
(一)树德修身Developing morality and molding character
(二)持义守正Upholding justice and maintaining honesty
(四)诚信求实Be trustworthy and realistic
(五)知止节欲Exercising restraint
(六)严己宽人Be strict with youelf and lenient with othe
(七)大公无私Be uelfish
(八)知耻从善Knowing what is shame and following what isgood
(九)勇敢顽强Be courageous and steadfast-
处世Knowing how to conduct oneself in human relatio
(一)谨慎Be prudent
(二)名利富贵Be indifferent to fame and fortune
(三)自强自立Be self-supporting
(四)独善其身Be self-edifying
(五)随遇而安Adapting youelf to circumstances
(六)淡泊Be nonchalant to worldly concer
(七)韬光养晦Keeping a low profile and biding your time
(八)隐居归田Enjoying a pastoral life
(九)待人Treating people the right way
识人Undetanding people in pepective
(一)知贤Distinguishing people by virtue and talent
(二)育人举贤Educating the people and recommending thevirtuous
(三)量才授任Designating assigmnent according to competence
(四)用众成事Making concerted efforts
(五)不求全责备No one is perfect
(六)不以尊卑长幼论人One should not be judged by age and status
(七)不以貌取人Looks can be deceptive
(八)人老智可用The aged has more wisdom
(九)用人信人Trust the peon employed
(十)才能品德特出者Outstanding people
(十一)成才须磨练Talent is cultivated through hardships
处境Situatio make the difference
世态人情Ways of the world
(一)贫富悬殊The poor and the rich
(二)世事沧桑Vicissitudes of life
纳言Be receptive to good advice
(一)博听Remaining open to different ideas
(二)不因人取言Making judicious judgments of one's words
(三)以实核言Judging one's words agait reality
(四)听直排谀Taking honest words and rejecting flatteringones
人伦交友Human relatio and friendships
思想感情Ideas and feelings
(二)壮志凌云Soaring ambitio
(三)思人Missing the dear ones
(五)别情Parting with emotio and returning with mixedfeelings
思想方法Way of thinking
(一)审时度势Taking stock of situatio
(二)自知之明Viewing oneself in pepective
教育与学习Education and study
(一)学习态度Attitude toward study
(二)教与学Teaching and learning
(三)从师Learning from the teacher
惜时Cherishing time
养生Preserving health
哲理Philosophical concepts
(二)凡事有规律Everything SHows its own coue of evolution
(三)相对与绝对Relative VSabsolute
(四)实践出真知True knowledge comes from practice
(五)权衡Weighing and measuring
(六)道不可言,真理不灭Tao and truth
(七)善始善终Beginning well and ending well
(八)果断成事,犹豫无功Be decisive
(九)功以谋就Thinking before acting
(十)举纲张目Taking the key and everything else falling intoplace
(十一)由表及里,由此及彼From exterior to interior, from one to theother
治国Governing the country
(一)民The people
(二)居安思危,谨慎为政Thinking of peril in peace and exercisingprudence in politics
(三)为政有术Art of government
(四)鉴古知今Learning from history
(五)忠于职守Doing your best to carry out your duties
文学艺术Literature and art
(一)文与行Writing and conduct
索引 Index
后记 Afterword