政治信仰与苏联剧变孟迎辉 著苏联剧变不仅是当代社会主义运动的重大事件,而且也是人类历史上的重大事件,它的影响和后果正在历史地表现出来。因此,苏联剧变原因和教训一直成为学术界探讨的热点。本文系统研究了苏联政治信仰的确立、巩固和扭曲、政治信仰危机的产生与发展到全面崩溃的历史过程,进而分析政治信仰的演变对苏联剧变的影响。
维护政治理性陈喜贵 著雷蒙·阿隆是20世纪法国著名的政治哲学家、社会学爱和政治评论家,一直是西方学术界研究的热点人物。本书从阿隆的或然决定论出发分析了他在历史哲学、政治学、社会学、国际关系等诸多领域的思想,揭示出阿隆的思想核心就是对政治理性的维护。他肯定, 人类既自由地创造着自己的历史,又是在世界给定的限度同俨思考和行动的。政治理性就是使每个人都具有理性,依据自己对历史有限性的认识,进行选择和行动,并承担行动的后果。
自由民主的理路江宜桦 著自由民主体制是一个值得不断诠释、反省、改进的社会制度。本书从政治思想的角度切入,分析西方自由民主体制的渊源、发展与困境。作者认为,当前西方自由主义过于强调个人主义、普遍主义与中立性论旨,已产生不少偏差,因此建议我们善用自由主义传统中的其他资源,发展一种比较社会化、特殊化、偷化的自由主义类型。在民主政治方面,作者同样认为代议制度有其局限,必须济之以参与民主与审议民主的精神。
自由主义者与社群主义者(英)斯威夫特 著,孙晓春 译本书是对政治理论中的一系列争论加以介绍,这些争论集结在有关自由主义的社群主义批评的标签下,1980年以后成为这一学科的核心,并且仍然以这种或那种方式丰富着某些当代理论。 本书章概要介绍了我们所认为的当代自由主义理论的典范表述,由罗尔斯在《正义论》清晰表述的公平正义理论,建立了一个贯穿全书的问题议程,然后,我们依次陈述了四个一般被认为是社群主义者的思想家对于自由主义的批评意见。
贝尔政治著作选(英)贝尔 著Pierre Bayle was one of the most important thinkers of the seventeeth century .His word was a major influence on the development of the ideas of,Hume,Montesquieu and Rousseau.Banned in France on first publication in 1697. Bavle`s Dictionnaire Historque et Critique became a bestseller and ran into several editions and nslations.Sally L.Jenkinson`s masterly new edition presents the reader with a coherent path through Bayle`s monumental word .This is the first volume in English to select political writings from Bayle`s word and to present is author as a specifcally thinder thinder.Sally L.Jenkinson will be welcomed by scholars and students of the history of ideas,political theory,cultural history and French studies.
葛兰西狱前著作选(意)葛兰西 著This collection of Cisco’s pre-prison writings, newly translated and including a number of pieces not previously available in English, covers the whole gamut of his journalistic activity,ranging from general cultural criticism to commentaries on local, national and international events. These early articles reveal the genesis of many of the themes of the Prison Notebooks, such as the function of ls, theimportance of cultural hegemony in holding societies together, and the role of the party in organizing a revolutionary consciousness. In particular, the collection highlights the specifically Italian political, cultural and social origins and much of Grass’s innovatory reworking of certain central concepts of Marxist thought. It will be of interest to abroad range of scholars and students concerned with thehistory of political, social and cultural thought in the entieth century.
平民政治的基本原理(美)芮恩施 著,罗家伦 译民国时期,是中国近代法学的奠基时期。该时期,不仅出版了一批有份量的专著,如王世杰、钱端升著《比较宪法》、胡长清著《中国民法总论》、黄右昌著《罗马法与现代》、杨鸿烈著《中国法律发达史》、程树德著《九朝律考》、瞿同祖著《中国法律与中国社会》等,也推出了约四百余种外国法学译著,如穗积陈重的《法律进化论》、孟罗•斯密的《欧陆法律发达史》等,它们是中.国近代法学遗产的重要组成部分。令人担忧的是,由于出版年代久远,这批译著日渐散失,即使少量保存下来,也因当时印刷水平低下、纸张质量粗劣等原因,破烂枯脆,很难为人所查阅。同时,这些作品一般也都作为馆藏书,只保存于全国少数几个大的图书馆,一般读者查阅出借也很困难。鉴于上述现状,中国政法大学出版社高瞻远瞩,关爱学术,策划并决定对民国时期(包括少量清末时期)的译著进行整理、筛选,以“中国近代法学译丛”的形式重新点校、勘校出版,以拯救民国时期法学遗产,满足学术界以及法律院校广大师生学习和研究的需要。本译丛主要整理点校、勘校出版民国时期国人翻译出版的外国经典法律名著。
博林布鲁克政治著作选(英)博林布鲁克(Bolingbroke,H.J.) 著Henry St John. later Viscounr Bolingbroke,was one of the most ctrative political thinkers in eighteenth-centuryBritain,and his writings influenced British American Founding Fathers and FrenchRevolutionaries.In this volume,modemised and fullyannotated texts of his most important political works,the Dissertation upon Parties,the letter‘On the Spiritof Patriotism’,and The Idea of a Patriot King,are boughttogether for the first time.Bolingbroke was the first major ghinker to face the longterm economic and plitical consequences of the Glorious Revolution,particularly the creation of the first modem system of party politics.In these works of the 1730s he attempted to forge an ideology of oposition to attack the Whig oligarchy of Sir Robert Walpole,using materials drawn from classical republicanism and neo-Stoicism as well as from contemporary Whig and Tory thought.His analyses of constitutional govemment and the party system are stioll relevant to the dilemmas to the common good and the necessity of a non-partisam executive.This volume is intended for undergraduate students and as such it contains a new introduction,a chronology of the main events in Bolingbroke‘s life and an invaluable guide to further reading. DAVAD ARMTAGE is Associate Profesor of History at Colunbia University.He co-ceited Milton and Republicanism with Amand Himy and Quentin Skinner.