斯宾塞政治著作选(英)斯宾塞 著Herbert Spencer(1820-1903)is regarded as one of the most influential social theorists of the Victorian period.This book places his famous argument for political individualism in his The Man versus the State alongside his early The Proper Sphere of Covenmment,out of which after due gestation emerged not only The Man versus the State but also Social Statics and his all-embracing theory of evolution.Both are valuable as unyielding statements of anti-state political theory and as sources of perceptiove comments on political events of the times An introduction sets them in their context and examines their main themes,The book will be of interest to both undergraduates and specialists in politics,political theory,social policy sociology and history.
寻找失落的文明刘斌 著本书作者是良渚古城发现者。书中详细记录了良渚古城的发现与认识过程,可使我们更好地认识良渚,解读良渚。考古行业以外的读者们也可以从本书中了解考古工作的艰辛和考古学家们为探索文明而孜孜以求的执着精神和保护、传承祖先遗留下来的珍贵文化遗产的情怀和责任感,也为考古行内人士开展大遗址考古工作提供借鉴。
亚里士多德选集颜一 编亚里士多德认为:“人天生是政治的动物”,他的政治观点与现今流行的政治观点有哪些出入呢?《亚里士多德选集 政治学卷》收入了亚里士多德的《政治学》和《雅典政制》,书中充满了这位大哲学家权威的政治见解和独特敏锐的论证,本卷增添了译者序言、注释和希英对照的索引,将更好地有助于读者加深对亚里士多德政治学说的理解和把握!
国际政治学理论梁守德,洪银娴 著本书是以权利、权力和利益为中心论述国际社会演变发展规律的理论性著作,具有现实性强、综合性强、理论性强的特点。它不同于西方国际政治学从发达国家的地位和利益出发强调权力政治,而是更为突出权利政治。它立足中国,面向当代世界实际,按照权利同权力间关系以及权力间关系的线索展开,努力凸显中国国家特色,探索创建中国学派的现实途径。本书内容丰富,论证充分,言之有理,持之有故,深入浅出,说服力强,可读性强,适用于高等学校专业课教材,也可作为有关科研人员参考用书和国家分务员读本。
大徉国和政治体系(英)哈林顿 著James Harrington s brief career as a political and historical theorist belongs to the last years of the Cromwellian Protectorate and the Restoration of 1660.This volume comprises the fnst and last of Harringtons writings,offering for the frrst time in intellectual history an explanation of the English Civil Wars as a revolution produced by the decay of the old political structure and its substitution by another through long-term social change.The Commomwealth of Oceana (1656)is a flctionalised presentation of English history up to the victory of the New Model Army,explaining the fall of the monarchy and proposing a republic to replace it.A System of Politics,written after the Restoration,is a scheme of history and political philosophy erected on the foundations of his previsous works.Professor Pocock s lucid introduction emphasises Harrington s place asa pivotal fgure in the history of English political thought,and presents him as among the last English political Platonists and the frst philosophical historians.This book will be of interest to students and scholars of the history of ideas,early modern history,and political theory,and contains a chronology of events in Harrington s life and a guide to further reading as aids to the reader.
环境公益诉讼目的论林煜 著暂缺简介...
党课微阅读本书编写组 编把握党章修订过程中的重大变化、关键表述以及党章历史发展中的重大事件,是党员深入理解党章应重点关注的问题。百年发展历程中,党章背后的故事不胜枚举。本书选取其中28个与党章相关的故事,通过这些鲜活的故事,帮助广大党员干部了解党章的历史及党章对中国革命、建设和改革的重要意义,从而进一步增强其自觉遵守党章的意识,使党章真正入脑入心。本书以学习笔记的形式呈现,可供党员在党小组会、支部大会、党课报告等会议中使用,方便携带、随学随记。
欲望与利益(美)艾伯特·奥·赫希曼 著,李新华,朱进东 译经济学诺贝尔奖得主阿马特亚·森指出”艾伯特·赫希曼是当代伟大的知识分子之一。其著作改变了人们对经济发展、社会形势、人的理解”、“《欲望与利益》不仅在知识方面作出了重大贡献,而且是赫希曙的一部力作。这部著作既关注当代的经济理论,也关注历史上的经济理论。该著拥有文泛的读者,而不只是拥有经济学工经济学 史领域的读者”。在本书中,赫希曼回顾了17和18世纪欧洲思潮,阐明了这一时期一个复杂的观念转变:长期以来,对物质利益的追求被谴责为一种贪婪的罪恶,然而现在却被赋予了新的角色,即可借以控制人类难以驾驭的破坏性的欲望。作者为我们提供了关于资本主义兴起的一咱全新解释,强调传统与现代的紧密承接。赫希曼的发现颇具讽刺意义:现在我们认为资本主义邪恶的特征,却是它初的追求目标——压抑欲望以追求“无害的”虽然也许是单调的商业利益。
政治学卷刘景华 编著暂缺简介...