


作者:(英)SimonGreenall,文秋芳 编





  《新标准大学英语:快速阅读4》分10个单元,每单元4篇文章。文章长度从第一级每篇700词左右过渡到第四级的1,200词左右。练习形式与大学英语四级考试快速阅读题型紧密结合,主要为多项选择题、判断对错题和信息填充题。 《新标准大学英语快速阅读4》每单元围绕同一主题展开,并与《新标准大学英语综合教程4》各单元主题相呼应,选篇不仅题材广泛、内容丰富、与时俱进,而且注重当今中国大学生的学习兴趣,着力凸现文章的趣味性、信息性、知识性和新颖性。所选文章内容主要涉及英语国家的语言文化、风土人情、科学技术、教育思想、社会热点等等。文章主要来源于近五年来出版的国内外书籍以及英语国家主要媒体的网站。
Unit 1 Nine to five
Passage 1 Five Insider Tips for Job-Seeking College Grads
Passage 2 Job Fairs
Passage 3 The Growing Job Crisis Needs Solutions Now
Passage 4 A Career Switcher Looks to Build a Better Resume
Unit 2 A good read
Passage 1 Reading: Luxury or Necessity?
Passage 2 Top Ten Gift Ideas for Book Lovers and Readers
Passage 3 Book Clubs for the Chattering Classes
Passage 4 Brains, Books and the Future of Print
Unit 3 Fashion statements
Passage 1 Fashion Everywhere!
Passage 2 All About Nail Art - It's Not Just About Painting Your Nails!
Passage 3 Fashion Modelling - It's Not Just About a Pretty Face!
Passage 4 The World of Tattoos
Unit 4 Money talks
Passage 1 My Family's No-Buy Experiment
Passage 2 Mind over Money
Passage 3 How to Save Money You Didn't Know You Had
Passage 4 The New Internet Start-up Boom: Get Rich Slow
Unit 5 Gender studies
Passage 1 The Male Minority
Passage 2 Changing Gender Roles Within the Workplace
Passage 3 What Women Want Now
Passage 4 Are Co-ed or Single-sex Lessons Best?
Unit 6 All in the past
Passage 1 Neanderthal
Passage 2 Mankind's Greatest Explorations and Adventures
Passage 3 The Ancient Olympics
Passage 4 Stonehenge
Unit 7 No place like home
Passage 1 Making New Memories of Home
Passage 2 How Smart Could I Make My Dumb Manhattan Apartment?
Passage 3 Living in a Share House
Passage 4 It Takes a Thief
Unit 8 Architecture: frozen music
Passage 1 Just Another Pretty Face?
Passage 2 Cambridge Public Library
Passage 3 Yale's Green Ark
Passage 4 Beijing National Stadium, "the Bird's Nest"
Unit 9 Words of wisdom
Passage 1 Schmooze and Win - "Small" TalkYour Way to Success
Passage 2 The Ten Most Popular Foreign Languages in the US
Passage 3 ESL Technologies: The Universal Language
Passage 4 Life Is a Sales Job
Unit 10 The human spirit
Passage 1 Can You Push Yourself Too Hard?
Passage 2 Fight for Survival
Passage 3 The Apollo Expeditions to the Moon
Passage 4 Climbing Mount Qomolangma
Answer Key
