


作者:欧阳俊林 编





Unit 1 Human CivilizatiOn
Passage 1 The City of the Future or the Future of the City
Passage 2 The Beauty of Britain
Passage 3 Language and Culture
Unit 2 Psychology and Mental Health
Passage 1 Don't Let Depression Ruin a Good Thing
Passage 2 Sleep:A Dynamic Activity
Passage 3 Understanding Adult Obesity
Unit 3 Life Experiences
Passage 1 Clyde Snow:The Detective'S Detective
Passage 2 What l Learned in the Shoe Store
Passage 3 The Secret Life of Arthur Wold
Unit 4 International Organizations
Passage 1 World Health Organization
Passage 2 The International Federation of Red Cross
Passage 3 Phi Beta Kappa
Unit 5 Health
Passage 1 Cut Your Medical Bills IN'94
Passage 2 Little·known Signs of a Stroke
Passage 3 Five Myths about Health Care'Spending
Unit 6 Life
Passage 1 Ozzie
Passage 2 My Miraculous Family
Passage 3 The Secret Language of Success
Unit 7 Information Technology
Passage 1 Net Weaver
Passage 2 The Second Intemet Revolution
Passage 3 The Coming E-Commerce Boom
Unit 8 Social Studies
Passage 1 Getting a Better Job in Changing Times
Passage 2 Chicago'S Drug-Busting“GOD SQUAD”
Passage 3 Why Don't We Have the Prisons We Need?
Unit 9 Social Problems
Passage 1 Schools That Make Dreams Come True
Passage 2 The Grass Isn't Greener,Just the Money
Passage 3 Some Problems of Technological Advancement
U_nit 10 Behavior and Mental Health
Passage 1 Polio’S Back.Why Now?
Passage 2 The Cruelest Cut
Passage 3 Bill O’Reilly:He Still Doesn't Get It
Unit 11 Science and Development
Passage 1 Is“Globalization”Helpful or Hurting?
Passage 2 The Whole-House Machine
Passage 3 Emerging Technology--Reinventing the E-Book
Unit 12 Economy and Culture
Unit 13 Biography
Unit 14 Family
Unit 15 Marriage
Key to Exercises
