


作者:崔美子 著





Unit One Greetings and Introduction
Section A Integrated Skills Development
Passage A Try to Find Out the Meaning of Your Name
Passage B Different Ways of Introducing and Greeting People
Section B Grammar
词类和句子(Parts of Speech and Sentence)
Section C Vocabulary Practice
Section D Applied Writing
Unit Two Making a Phone Call and an Appointment
Section A Integrated Skills Development
Passage A Making a Phone Call
Passage B Appointments
Section B Grammar
句子成分、句子种类、句子类型、句子基本结构(Elements,Classifications,Types,Basic Structures of Sentences)
Section C Vocabulary Practice
Section D Applied Writing
Unit Three Asking the Way
Section A Integrated Skills Development
Passage A Traffic Lights:Needed or Not?
Passage B I lost my way
Section B Grammar
构词法(Word Formation)
Section C Vocabulary Practice
Section D Applied Writing
Unit Four Invitation
Section A Integrated Skills Development
Passage A Good Manners
Passage B Thank—you cards
Section啦 Grammar
名词复数(Plural Form of Noun)
Section C Vocabulary Practice
Section D Applied WritingI
邀请函(Invitation Letter)
Unit Five Shopping
Section A Integrated Skills Development
Passage A How to buy a laptop?
Passage B Shopping
Section B Grammar
动词时态(Tenses of Verb)(1)
Section C Vocabulary Practice
Section D Applied Writing
回复函(Reply Letter)
Test One
Unit Six Sports
Section A Integrated Skills Development
Passage A Football
Passage B Sports for competition or for the love of the game
Section B Grammar
动词时态(Tenses of Verb)(2)
Section C Vocabulary Practice
Section D Applied Writing
求职信(Application Letter)
Unit Seven Table Manners
Section A Integrated Skills Development
Passage A American table manners
Passage B Pubs in Britain
Section B Grammar
动词时态(Tenses of Verb)(3)
Section C Vocabulary Practice
Section D Applied Writing
回复函(Reply Letter)
Unit Eight Weather
Section A Integrated Skills Development
Passage A Weather in Britain
Passage B Sandstorms in Gansu
Section B Grammar
形容词和副词的比较级和最高级(The Comparative
Degree and The Superlative Degree)
Section C Vocabulary Practice
Section D Applied Writing
祝贺信(Congratulatory Letter)
Unit Nine Travel
Section A Integrated Skills Development
Passage A Advertisements for Travel
Passage B Nepal
Section B Grammar
状语从句(Adverbial Clause)
Section C Vocabulary Practice
Section D Applied Writing
卡片(Gift/Greeting Card)
Unit Ten Holidays
Section A Integrated Skills Development
Passage A Christmas
Passage B Halloween
Section B Grammar
被动语态(Passive Voice)
Section C Vocabulary Practice
Section D Applied WritingI
Test Two
