


作者:束定芳,秦秀白 编





Unit One People
Text 1 Deep Blues and Sunny Yellows
Text 2 Bill Gates in His Boyhood
Text 3 The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse
Text 4 Mark Twain and the Muddy Mississippi
Text 5 Julia Roberts
Unit Two The Information Society
Text 1 INDEX
Text 2 Six Television Series
Text 3 Cape TorSi & Peninsula Region
Text 4 Television-Viewing Guide
Text 5 Ernail a Message at Your Peril
Unit Three Cuisine
Text 1 The Story of Sushi
Text 2 Drink Advertising
Text 3 The Sweet Taste of Summer
Text 4 Spanish Cuisine
Text 5 The Last Jar of Jelly
Unit Four Marriage
Text 1 American Wedding Customs and Superstitions.
Text 2 Creating a Prenuptial Agreement
Text 3 The Science of a Happy Marriage
Text 4 The Do's and Don'ts of Intercultural Marriages.
Text 5 Loving Muriel
Unit Five Culture
Text 1 Culture Shock
Text 2 A Tale of Disbelief and Misadventure
Text 3 British Pub Culture
Text 4 Tea Culture
Text 5 Arabs in America
Unit Six Travel
Text i Hotel Sofitel Safety Information for Guests
Text 2 Things to Expect in Australia
Text 3 Penthouse Hotels Ltd. Exclusive Offer from Penthouse Hotels Limited.
Text 4 Tips on Tipping
Text 5 USAWeather Forecast
Unit Seven Life
Text 1 Can There Be Anything Worse Than TV?
Text 2 Life in a Violin Case
Text 3 Generosity Is a Two-way Street
Text 4 Why Measure Life in Heartbeats?
Text 5 A Ball to Roll Around
Unit Eight Science and Technology
Text I Why Do We Yawn?
Text 2 Why Have We Got a Memory?
Text 3 Plastic Spaceships to Take Mankind to Mars?
Text 4 What Would Happen If the Earth Stopped Spinning?
Text 5 Weird Science
