


作者:胡群 编





第一部分 功能篇
Unit 1 问候Greetings
Unit 2 介绍Introductions
Unit 3 告别Farewells
Unit 4 感谢Thanks
Unit 5 道歉Apologies
Unit 6 邀请Invitation
Unit 7 请求允许Asking for permission
Unit 8 打电话Making telephone calls
Unit 9 提供帮助Offering help
Unit 10 就餐Having meals
Unit 11 祝愿和祝贺Expressing wishes and congratulations
Unit 12 购物Shopping
Unit 13 就医Seeing the doctor
Unit 14 喜欢和不喜欢Likes and dislikes
Unit 15 问路Asking the way
Unit 16 谈论天气Talking about weather
Unit 17 希望和愿望Hope and wish
Unit 18 同意和不同意Agreement and disagreement
Unit 19 表扬和鼓励Praie and encouragement
Unit 20 时间Time
Unit 21 特征Features
Unit 22 价格Price
Unit 23 语言交际困难Language difficulties in communication-
Unit 24 意愿和打算Intentions and plans
Unit 25 询问情况Asking information
Unit 25 劝告和建议Advice and suggestions
Unit 27 高兴Happiness
Unit 28 惊讶Surprise
Unit 29 提醒注意Reminding and warning
Unit 30 约会Appointment
第二部分 情景篇
Unit 31 在学校门口At the school gate
Unit 32 在教室里In the classroom
Unit 33 在英语课上At an English class
Unit 34 在体育课上At a PE class
Unit 35 在音乐课上At a music lesson
Unit 35 在操场上In the playground
Unit 37 在图书馆In the library
Unit 38 在办公室At the teachers office
Unit 39 在足球赛上At a football match
Unit 40 在英语俱乐部At the EngUsh club
Unit 41 在周末At the weekends
Unit 42 在野营中At a camping site
Unit 43 在动物园At the ZOO
Unit 44 在公园In the park
Unit 45 在农场On the farm
Unit 45 在快餐店At a snack bar
Unit 47 在玩具商店At a toy shop
Unit 48 在书店At the bookshop
Unit 49 在超市At the supermarket
Unit 50 在公交车上On the bus
Unit 51 在邮局At the post-office
Unit 52 在火车站At the railway station
Unit 53 在公交车站At the bus stop
Unit 54 在电影院At the cinema
Unit 55 在生日聚会At a birthday party
Unit 56 在新房子At a new house
Unit 57 在春节At the Spring Festival
Unit 58 在中秋节At the Mid-Autumn Festival-
Unit 59 在圣诞节At Chri~iacLas
Unit 60 在万圣节At the Halloween party
第三部分 结构篇
Unit 61 Im
Unit 62 Are you?
Unit 63 This is
Unit 64 Is this?
Unit 65 There is
Unit 66 I do...
Unit 67 Do you?
Unit 68 I am going to
Unit 69 Who is...?
Unit 70 Whats...?
Unit 71 What do/does?
Unit 72 How?
Unit 73 LetS
Unit 74 Shall we...?
Unit 75 rd like
Unit 76 Dont do
Unit 77 DO...
Unit 78 May I...?
Unit 79 Ive got
Unit 80 Whose...?
Unit 81 Like doing
Unit 82 They are doing
Unit 83 What shape...?
Unit 84 Why not...?
Umt 85 What lesson...?
Unit 85 I hope...
Unit 87 Was/Were...
Unit 88 Did
Unit 89 Be taller than...
Unit 90 Be as strong as...
