


作者:陈渊 著





Unit One Food and Drink Passage 1 British Pub Culture Passage 2 The Story of Ice Cream Passage 3 Lunch in Urban District Passage 4 Fast Food and TV Dinners Passage 5 Healthy Eating Exercises for Unit One Uint Two Sports Passage 1 The Essence of Sport Passage 2 Racing in the Water Passage 3 The Sexes in Sport Passage 4 A Message of Friendship and Peace Exercises for Unit Two Unit Three Animals and Plants Passage 1 The Non-flying Birds Passage 2 The Mosquito Passage 3 Foxes and Farmers Passage 4 Human Beings Responsibility for Environment Passage 5 Energy Changes Make Things Happen Exercises for Unit Three Unit Four Buying and Seling Passage 1 Supermarkets Passage 2 The Big Department Store Passage 3 Why Banks Are Useful? Passage 4 The Role of Advertising Exercises for Unit Four Uint Five Libraries and Museums Passage 1 About Museums Passage 2 Shanghai Science and Techno|ogy Museum Passage 3 Shanghai Library Passage 4 School Libraries Passage 5 Public Libraries in Britain Exercises for Unit Five Uint Six Language Passage 1 Languages Passage 2 The Language Arts Passage 3 Are You Afraid of Speaking in Public? Passage 4 Words and Word Origin Exercises for Unit Six Uint Seven Friend Friendship Passage 1 On Making Friends Passage 2 True Friendship Passage 3 A friend and a Trial Passage 4 Perplexity Passage 5 The Colour of Friendship Exercises for Unit Seven Uint Eight Exploring Nature Passage 1 The Discoverer of X-rays Passage 2 Newtons Discovery Passage 3 Cosmic Radiation Passage 4 An Efficient Method Exercises for Unit Eight Unit Nine Literature Passage 1 A Lonely Mother Passage 2 Not Poor, Just Broke Passage 3 Finding a Happy Man Passage 4 William Sydney Porter Passage 5 An American Foremost Playwright Exercises for Unit Nine Unit Ten Adventures and Disasters Passage 1 Some Strange Journeys Passage 2 A Tragic Accident Passage 3 The Earthquake Passage d The Spirit of Adventure Exercises for Unit Ten Reference Answers
