


作者:王春梅 编





Unit 1 Receiving Visitors(1)
Part A Daily ExpressionS
Part B Situational Conversation
Part C Passage An Interview
Part D Grammar五种基本句型
Part E Translation Skills翻译的方法
Part F Applied Writing英语书信(English Letter)
Unit 2 Receiving Visitors(2)
Part A Daily Expressions
Part B Situational Conversation
Part C Passage Receptionists
Part D Grammar基本句型转换(1)
Part E Translation Skills词义的选择与确定
Part F Applied Writing 邀请信(Invitation Letter)
Unit 3 0ffice Affairs(1)
Part A Key Sentences
Part B Situational Conversation
Part C Passage Office Automation
Part D Grammar 基本句型转换(2)
Part E Translation Skills 词义的引申与褒贬
Part F Applied Writing 简历(Resume)
Unit 4 Office Affairs(2)
Part A Key Sentences
Part B Situational Conversation
Part C Passage Bookings and Appointments
Part D Grammar名词的数与格
Part E Translation Skills增译法
Part F Applied Writing 邮件,传真(e—mail&Fax)
Unit 5 Word Processing
Part A Key Sentences
Part B Situational Conversation
Part C Passage Business Cards
Part D Grammar 一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时
Part E Translation Skills减译法
Part F Applied Writing 名片(Name Cards)
Unit 6 Buying Office Equipment
Part A Key Sentences
Part B Situational Conversation
Part C Passage Purchasing Business Supplies and Equipment on eBay
Part D Grammar 现在进行时、过去进行时和将来进行时
Part E Translation Skills概数的翻译
Part F Applied Writing 便条(Note)(1)
Unit 7 Recruiting Interview and Training
Part A Key Sentences
Part B Situational Conversation
Part C Passage Recruiting in the Internet Age
Part D Grammar现在完成时、过去完成时和将来完成时
Part E Translation Skills重复法
Part F Applied Writing 招聘广告(Recruitment Advertisements)
Unit 8 Arrange a Meeting(1)
Part A KeY Sentences
Part B Situational Conversation
Part C Passage HOW to Run an Effective Business Meeting
Part D Grammar主语与谓语倒装
Part E Translation Skills词序调整法
Part F Applied Writing通知、海报(Notice&Poster)
Unit 9 Arrange a Meeting(2)
Part A Key Sentences
Part B Situational Conversation
Part C Passage HOW to Take Minutes at a Business Meeting
Part D Grammar形容词与副词的比较级和最高级(1)
Part E Translation Skills倍数的翻译(1)
Part F Applied Writing 会议记录(Meeting Minutes)
Unit 10 Making a Telephone Call(1)
Part A Key Sentences
Part B Situational Conversation
Part C Passage How to Speak Effectively on the Telephone
for Business
Part D Grammar形容词与副词的比较级和最高级(2)
Part E Translation Skills倍数的翻译(2)
Part F Applied Writing 便条(Note)(2)
Unit 11 Making a Telephone Call(2)
Part A Key Sentences
Part B Situational conversation
Part C Passage Using Blogs to Attract Customers
Part D Grammar There be结构
Part E Translation Skills正说反译反说正译
Part F Applied Writing备忘录(Memos)
Unit 12 Establishing Business Relations
Part A Key Sentences
Part B Situational Conversation
Part C Passage HOW to Get into a Business
Part D Grammar被动语态
Part E Translation Skills语态变换
Part E Applied Writing 祝贺信(Letter of C0ngratulation)
