


作者:辜小兵,付颖颖 编





Part I Measuring Instruments and Usage
Lesson 1 The Use of Ammeters and Voltmeters
Section 1 Display
Section 2 Vohmeters
Section 3 Ammeters
Lesson 2 Using A Multimeter
Section 1 Choosing A Muhimeter
Section 2 Measuring Voltage and Current with A Multimeter
Section 3 Measuring Resistance with A Muhimeter
lesson 3 Signal Generator
Section 1 Introduction to Signal Generator
Section 2 Function Generator Specifications
Lesson 4 Oscilloscope
Section 1 The Use of Oscilloscope
Section 2 Using an Osilloscope
Section 3 Measuring A Simple Signal
Part II Electrician Basis
Lesson 1 The Basic Knowledge of Circuit
Section 1 Circuit and The Basic Physical Quantities
Section 2 Circuit Components
Section 3 The Law of Resistance and Ohm’S law
Section 4 Electric Work and Electric Pclwer
Lesson 2 DC Circuit
Section 1 Series and Parallel Connections
Section 2 Kirchhoffs Law and Its Application
Section 3 The Battery Connections
Section 4 Calculation of Potential and Bridge Circuit
Lesson 3 Magnetic Field
Section 1 Magnetic Effect of Electric Current and Its Physical Quantities
Section 2 Force Due to Magnetic Field on Current·Carrying Wire and Moving Charge
Lesson 4 Electromagnetic Induction
Section 1 The Phenomena of Electromagnetic Induction
Section 2 Lorenz Force LaW
Section 3 The Other Phenomena of Electromagnetic Induction
Lesson 5 Capacitor
Section 1 Capacitor and Capacitance
Section 2 The Series and Parallel of Capacitors
Section 3 The Charge and Discharge of Capacitors
Lesson 6 Sine AC and Three-phase AC Circuit
Section 1 Sine AC
Section 2 The Sine AC Circuit of Single Parameter
Section 3 The Series Resonant Circuit
Section 4 Three-phase AC Power Source
Part Ⅲ Electronic Technology Based
Lesson 1 Circuit Components and Symbols
Section 1 Output Devices
Section 2 Resistor,Capacitor,Diode,Transistor
Lesson 2 PN Junction and Diode
Section 1 PN Junction
Section 2 Diode and Its Characteristics
Section 3 Soldering and Testing Diodes
Lesson 3 Transistor
Section l Introduction to Tmnsistor
Section 2 Types of Transistor
Section 3 The Detection and Welding of Transistor
Lesson 4 Amnlifier
Section 1 Introduction to The Enlarge Circuit
Section 2 The Composition of Amplifier
Section 3 The Principles of Amplifier
Lesson 5 DC Amplifier&Integrated Operational Amplifier
Section 1 DC Amplifier
Section 2 The Integrated Operational Amplifier
Section 3 The Role of The Integrated Operational Amplifier
Lesson 6 logic
Section 1 Introduction to Logic Gate
Section 2 The Basic Logic Gate
Section 3 Representations of The Logic Circuit
Section 4 The Combination of Logic Gate
Section 5 Using of The Gate Circuits
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
