


作者:中国国际贸易学会商务专业培训考试办公室 编





Part One Listening and Speaking
Chapter One Reception(接待)
Unit 1 Meeting and Introduction(见面及介绍)
Unit 2 Receiving Guests(接待来宾)
Unit 3 Handling Complaints(处理投诉)
Unit 4 Leave Taking and Seeing Off(告别与送行)
Chapter Two Telephone Conversation(电话会话)
Unit 1 Making/Answering a Call(打/接听电话)
Unit 2 Making an Appointment(约见)
Unit 3 Booking Tickets(订票)
Unit 4 Reserving a Hotel Room/a Table at a Restaurant(订房/订餐)
Chapter Three Daily Communication(日常交流)
Unit 1 Asking for/Offering Help(请求/给予帮助)
Unit 2 Apologizing and Responding(道歉及应答)
Unit 3 Expressing Thanks and Responding(道谢及应答)
Unit 4 Asking for/Providing Information(问迅/提供信息)
Unit 5 Making Invitations and Responding(邀请及应答)
Chapter Four Daily Routines(日常事务)
Unit 1 Office Routine(办公室日常工作)
Unit 2 Meetings(会议)
Unit 3 File-keeping(档案管理)
Unit 4 Business Travel(商务旅行)
Part Two Writing
Chapter One Daily Writing(日常写作)
Unit 1 Certificate/Certification(证明)
Unit 2 Notice(便条)
Unit 3 Notice(通知/通告)
Unit 4 Advertisement(广告)
Unit 5 Memo(备忘录)
Unit 6 Minutes(会议记录)
Chapter Two Social Writing(社交写作)
Unit 1 Layout of English Letters(书信格式)
Unit 2 Letters of Invitation & Reply(邀请函及回复)
Unit 3 Invitation Card & Reply(请柬及回复)
Unit 4 Letters of Thanks(感谢信)
Unit 5 Letters of Congratulation(祝贺信)
Unit 6 Letters of Apology(道歉信)
Unit 7 Letters of Condolence(吊唁信)
Unit 8 Letters of Consolation(慰问信)
Unit 9 Letter of Introduction(介绍信)
Unit 10 Letter of Application(申请信)
Chapter Three Business Writing(商务写作)
Unit l Letters of Establishing Business Relations(建立贸易关系)
Unit 2 Letters of Quotations(报盘函)
Unit 3 Letters of Counter-offer(还盘函)
Unit 4 Letters of Order(订单)
Unit 5 Letters of Payment(支付函)
Unit 6 Letters of Shipment(装运函)
Unit 7 Letters of Insurance(保函)
Unit 8 Letters of Complaints and Claims(申诉及索赔函)
Part Three Translation.
Chapter One Contract for Sales(销售合同)
Chapter Two Contract for Employment(雇佣/聘用合同)
Chapter Three Contract for Agency(代理合同)
Chapter Four Contract for Leasing(租赁合同)
Chapter Five Processing and Assembly Contract(an工装配合同)
Part Four Reading
Cha.ater One Letter of Credit(信用证)
Cha.ater Two Bill of Lading(提单)
Cha.ater Three Invoice(发票)
Cha.ater Four Bill of Exchange(汇票)
Cha.ater Five Certificate of Origin(原产地证明)
Cha.ater Six Insurance Policy(保险单)
