







Part 1 日常生活 Daily Life
01 一天的开始:wake up,wash face
02 每日生活必会:make the bed,polish shoes
03 换衣服常用语:change into a dress
04 化妆进行式:shave,apply natural coloring
05 每日问答:What do you do every day?
06 每日描述:I normally get up at 7 o'clock
07 出门:take the lift/elevator,run downstairs
Part 2 办公室生活 Office Life
01 办公室常用语:How,s work?
02 公司结构:personnel manager
03 自我介绍时:I'm Smith. I'm the boss
04 介绍公司时;We have 1000 people
05 办公室打招呼时:How's work?Just so so
06 准备探讨工作开始语:May I take a look at it?
07 催促完工时间:I needed it yesterday
08 请人赶工时:Sorry for the rush
09 拒绝工作时:Sorry,I can't. Don't push me
10 我忙时:My hands are full!
11 说明职责时:Who is in charge of this job?
12 复印文件:I need 10 copies of this.
13 工作结束时会说:Let's call it a day.
14 办公室物品:stapler,post-it,time card
Part 3 打电话 Making a Telephone Call
01 电话用语:This is Mary speaking
02 电话各部分的名称:menu key,strap,caller ID
03 通话:private call,international call
04 移动电话: no service,charge
05 打电话时会说:Hello. It's Nick here
06 打电话遇到状况时会说:The line is busy
07 电话录音:This is Carol
08 手机状况:Sorry,the number you dialed has been powered off
09 接电话时会说:Good morning. Carol here
10 问对方姓名或找哪位时会说:Who's calling,please?
11 告知对方某人不在时会说:She's not in
12 本人无法接听电话时会说:Hold on,please
13 结束电话时会说:Well,thank you for calling
Part 4 城市生活 City Life
01 在街上:telephone booth,beauty salon
02 问路:Asking for directions
03 迷路时会说:I'm lost
04 问路时会说:How can I get to the Time Square?
05 说明场所时会说:It's over there
06 指明方向时会说:Follow the signs
07 不知道时会说:Sorry,I don't know
08 大楼内的说明:It's at the end of the hall A
09 提醒注意:There's a red flag in front of the office building
10 乘交通工具时会说:Does the number 2 bus go to the Main Street?
11 介绍交通工具会说:You can take the line 2,5 or 6
12 自驾车:Volvo,Cadillac,first gear,headlight
13 美发:At the barber's
14 发型师说的话:What style do you prefer?
15 客人常说的话:Not too short,just a good trim
16 看医生:Go to see the doctor
17 医生:I'll check your blood pressure and temperature
18 病人:I have no appetite. I feel faint
19 其他表达:Exhibition Center,Civic Center.
Part 5 购物 Shopping
01 常见的单词和短语:shopping list,shopping mall
02 售货服务用语:What size do you take?
03 咨询购物信息:Which floor is the footwear department?
04 购物用语:I had something casual in mind
05 其他常见词:the receipt,bargain sale
Part 6 Eating and Drinking
01 常见单词和短语:menu,serve the dish
02 迎接客人:This way,please
03 点菜推荐:What is today's special?
04 上菜与席间:Your steak,salad and red wine,sir
05 抱怨与称赞:Please accept our apology
06 结帐收银:I'd like to settle my bill,please
07 餐后送客:Thank you for dining with us
08 饮食词汇百宝箱:appetizer,side dish
09 饮料:fresh milk,coke,apple juice,coffee
10 酒:beer,cocktail,champagne
11 甜点:thick soup,seafood salad,pudding
12 味觉:spicy,sweet,salty,bitter,sour
Part 7 学生生活 Student's Life
01 常见短语:class schedule,take the roll-call
02 点名:I'm going to take the roll. Here!
03 上课:Is everything clear so far ?
04 提问:Is there any question ?
05 老师用语:Steve,how do you see it ?
06 学生用语:It doesn't make sense to me
07 教师指示用语:Open your book at page 21
08 作业:It's time to turn in the homework
09 考试:Pass the tests forward
10 纪律告诫:Quiet down,please
11 活动:Group into pairs and let's practice
12 学校用语:all-school assembly,parents'day
13 学习用品:notebook,calculator
14 学校类型:nursery school,boarding school
Part 8 度假休闲 Vacation
01 常见短语:on the beach,go hiking
02 机场常见:boarding pass,flight number
03 登机:Check in,please
04 机上服务:Fasten your seat belt,please
05 我在飞机上:I'm a little airsick
06 入境:May I have another Immigration Form ?
07 海关检查询问:Do you have anything to declare ?
08 货币兑换:What is the exchange rate today ?
09 订房入住:A double room with the sea view
10 前台服务:Would you like some help with your luggage ?
11 客房服务:How do I get an outside line ?
12 客房用品:a body lotion,a hair dryer
13 观光照相:Let's take a picture together
14 换零钱:May I have the change in coins ?
15 紧急情况SOS:Call the police!I was just robbed
16 旅行必带:passport,foreign currency
17 词汇加油站:play the piano,roller skating
Part 9 爱恨情仇 Love and Friendship
01 将爱情进行到底:fall in love at the first sight
02 美丽邂逅:Give me a date sometime,will you ?
03 主动邀约:Let's go out to see the new movie
04 爱情关系:You are my whole world
05 甜蜜的爱:I can't stop thinking of you
06 爱的烦恼:I don't want to get too involved
07 拒绝爱的种种:I like you,but it's not love
08 吵架:How could you do this to me ?
09 分手:We broke up. Let me go
10 和好:We got back together
11 恋爱旁观者:What do you see in her ?
12 求婚:You must marry me-I love you
13 男女关系种种:They are a sweet couple
14 结婚:I'm very happy to be your wife
15 婚姻:My wife kisses me only when she needs money
16 情境剧场:trophy wife,puppy love
17 其他表达:henpecked,a perfect match
18 亲人好友:close friends,cousin,nephew
19 人的一生:birth,youth,middle age,old age
Part 10 我自己 About Me
01 表达内心情绪常见字:Wow!Ouch!Gosh !
02 开心时:This is the happiest day of my life
03 悲伤沮丧时:I have no courage to live
04 生气时:That pissed me off
05 兴奋激动时:It's fantastic!I was deeply moved
06 担心害怕时:I'm at the edge of my seat
07 高度惊吓紧张时:I'm speechless
08 求职面试内心种种:I'm on pins and needles
09 其他表达:I'm jealous. I'm in a daze
10 心情加油站:grateful,worried,feel satisfied
11 我的身体:forehead,chest,shin
12 我的个性:gentle,patient,stingy
13 我的房间:neat,messy,clean up
14 我喜爱的书:science fiction,detective story
15 我喜爱的音乐:classical,techno
16 我的衣服:unique,comfortable to wear
17 我的物品:nail cutter,lunchbox
18 颜色:pink,milk white,lemon yellow
19 我的思想:acceptable,just,accurate
20 电影:intriguing,eye-popping,captivating
Part 11 家务活 Housework
01 家务:vacuum the carpet,wipe off the window
02 烹调:Cooking
03 处理食材:Defrost. Cut into wedges. Stir hard
04 蒸、煮:Simmer. Boil down to half
05 炒、烤、炸:Pan-fry. Roast until golden brown
06 调味:Season with salt and pepper
07 调味料:salad dressing,vinegar,spices
08 烹调失败:Burned. Overcooked
09 厨房用品图解:plastic wrap,cutting board
Part 12 寄宿家庭 Lodging in a Local House
01 常用语:You have a beautiful house
02 初到寄宿家庭:It's good to finally meet you
03 送礼:Here is a handbag for you
04 用餐时:I'm learning to use knife and fork
05 睡前与起床:What time do you often get up?
06 做家务事:Let me do the dishes
07 关心别人时:Let me help
08 使用电脑或电话:May I use the computer to check my e-mail?
09 看电视:Do you mind if I change channels?
10 与寄宿家庭兄弟姐妹相处:Want to play the game?
11 外出与回家时:Can you show me the library?
12 感谢招待时:Thank you. You've done so much for me
