


作者:李红 著





第一部分 情感表达Emotional Expressions
Im aboutto explode 怒发冲冠
I feel depressed 心情沮丧
Its mostunexpected 出乎意料
Im thrilled 激动万分
Meet trouble halfway 杞人忧天
Im on cloud nine 欣喜若狂
Alight atthe endofthetunnel 否极泰来
Cheer up 振作精神
You have my deepest sympathy 深表同情
I have a complaint to make 满腹抱怨
Keep your fingers crossed 祝你好运
Congratulations 衷心祝贺
Thats a real let-down 大失所望
What a yawner 厌烦至极
Be terrifled out of ones wits 胆战心惊
Youre greenwith envy 妒火中烧
Who cares 漠不关心
I doubt it 心存疑虑
Bide ones time 耐心等待
Im resigned to my fate 心有无奈
Beaten down to the ankles 精疲力竭
I fonly 但愿如此
I look forward to 满心期待
Be onpins andneedles 坐立不安
Basket case 陷于困境
Shilly-shally 犹豫不决
27.How embarrassing 尴尬境地
28.You are pushing the panic button 凉慌失措
29.How dare you say that to me 威胁恫吓
30.You have the ball at your feet 稳操胜券
31.No such luck 悲观无望
32.Id go for Chinese painting 各有所爱
33.I really regret it 悔不当初
34.Im in despair 陷入绝望
35.Im empty-minded 内心空虚
36.I am in deep happiness 幸福至极
37.I feel like 表达欲望
38.Have ones wish fulfilled 如愿以偿
39.Look down upon 嗤之以鼻
40.Thank goodness 谢天谢地
41.Those were the good old days 追忆往事
42.Sixth sense 第六感觉
43.He has burnt his boat 破釜沉舟
44.Distant pastures are always greener 好高骛远
45.Im ignored 遭受冷落
46.Disgusting 厌恶至极
47.Its perfect 称心如意
48.Not up to much 不称心意
49.I do admire you 维奉承
50.Im flattered 谦虚美德
51.Pride goes before a fall 骄者必败
52.Thanks a million 万分感谢
53.Its my pleasure 乐意效劳
54.Im sorry indeed 真诚致歉
55.Shes too picky 吹毛求疵
56.You should know better than 怪罪于人
57.Insulting 羞辱他人
第二部分 基本功能 Functional Expressions
58.Yes,no problem 能够胜任
59.Get off it 摆脱纠缠
60.The point Im making is 强调要点
61.Spread the rumor 传播闲话
62.Tit for tat 针锋相对
63.Hurry up 催促他人
64.Its still in my mind 萦绕脑海
65.Mistake kindness as ill intentions 误解好意
66.Put heads together 集思广益
67.You said it 言之有理
68.Thats it 完全正确
69.Youre all wet,actually 并非如此
70.I cant favor your plan 不敢苟同
71.Air opinion 发表意见
72.It must be 确信无比
73.You cannot bemore wrong 大错特错
74.I have an obligation 我有义务
75.Sounds true 看来可信
76.I plan to 制定计划
77.Just this once 仅此一次
78.Can you give me ahand 请求帮忙
79.Goby the books 照章办事
80.Warning 严厉警告
81.Its all your fault 错都在你
82.Put forward a suggestion 提出建议
83.Noway 绝无可能
84.More or less 或多或少
85.Keep ones word 言而有信
86.Dont you see the point 心领神会
87.Kind of looks that way 形势判断
88.Done 一言为定
89.Up Atree 处境艰难
90.As easy as pie 易如反掌
91.You are on a winning streak 出类拔萃
92.Treat sb.to bits 严厉批评
93.Ididnothingwrong 有口难辩
94.Let me explain 理由充分
95.By all means 当然可以
96.Everywhyhas awherefore 事出有因
97.Do good,get good 善有善报
98.Do me a favor 请求帮忙
99.Such as 举例说明
100.In a word 简而言之
101.Would you like to comment on 做出评价
102.Keep sb.in the darkness 蒙在鼓里
103.I swear to God 对天发誓
104.Dispute 争执不下
105.Trying oneS best 尽力而为
106.My brain doesnt work 脑子不济
107.Follow procedures 按照程序
108.Unity is strength 齐心协力
109.Be accomplished 大功告成
110.Comparisons 进行比较
111.Nine out often 十有八九
112.ItS exactly what 1 wanted 满足需求
113.As busy as bee 紧张忙碌
114.That isnt my cup oftea 毫无兴趣
115.Explanation 做出解释
116.LetSmakeup 言归于好
117.Concession 妥协让步
118.Hang in there 坚忍不拔
119.Would you mind clarifying that for me 澄清事实
120.I have news to announce 宣布消息
121.I beg your pardon 要求重复
122.I got lost 迷失方向
第三部分 人际交往 Interpersonal Communications
第四部分 是常生活 Everyday Life
第五部分 热门话题 Hot Topics
第六部分 工作学习 Work and Study
第七部分 娱乐消遣 Entertainment and Relaxation
